Request message for the Organization.CreateOrg rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | Required. Organization's email |
description | string | Required. Organization's description or company name |
password | string | Optional. User can decide to let the system generates the password. |
name | string | To be used for onboarding profile |
role | string |
usage | string |
intention | string |
isAuth0Signup | bool |
customerId | string | Optional. Customer Id from AWS marketplace |
locale | string | Optional. User locale. Default value is en if not supplied. |
auth0UserId | string | Optional. Auth0 user id for users registering using social login. |
Response message for the Organization.CreateOrg rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
org | blueapi.api.ripple.Org |
password | string |
Request message for the Organization.DeleteOrg rpc.
Request message for the Organization.GetOrg rpc.
Request message for the Organization.SendVerification rpc.
Request message for the Organization.UpdateMetadata rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the Organization.UpdatePassword rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
oldPassword | string |
newPassword | string |
Request message for the Organization.VerifyOrg rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
Organization service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
CreateOrg | CreateOrgRequest | CreateOrgResponse | Creates the organization account. |
SendVerification | SendVerificationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Sends (or resends) the verification email. Only valid for unverified organizations. The verification key will be valid for a day. |
VerifyOrg | VerifyOrgRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Verifies an organization using the key received from the verification email. The verification key is only valid for a day. |
GetOrg | GetOrgRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Org | Gets information about the caller's organization. |
UpdateMetadata | UpdateMetadataRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates organization metadata. See [] for the list of supported attributes. |
UpdatePassword | UpdatePasswordRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Updates the organization password. |
DeleteOrg | DeleteOrgRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes the organization. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
CreateOrg | POST | /org/v1 | * |
SendVerification | POST | /org/v1:sendVerification | |
VerifyOrg | POST | /org/v1:verify | |
GetOrg | GET | /org/v1 | |
UpdateMetadata | PUT | /org/v1/metadata | * |
UpdatePassword | PUT | /org/v1/passwd | * |
DeleteOrg | DELETE | /org/v1 |
Request message for the Iam.CreateApiClient rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. The descriptive name of the API client to create. |
Request message for the Iam.CreateGroupRootUser rpc
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | The email address of the user being created. |
password | string | The password of the user being created. A value will be generated if not is provided for this field |
groupId | string | The ID of the group to which the user will be added. This must either be a billing group ID or an access group ID. |
groupType | string | The type of group which is represented by the group ID. Valid values include "billing_group" or "access_group". |
inputType | string | This value determines whether the password should be auto-generated or if the plaintext value received with the request should be used. A value of "Auto" will result in an auto-generated password whereas a value of "Custom" will result in the password included with the request being used. |
plan | string | The plan associated with the root-user account. Valid values include "trial", "limited3" and "limited4". |
emailNotification | bool | Whether or not a notification should be sent to the provided email after the user has been created. |
meta | blueapi.api.FeatureFlags | A collection of feature flags and whether or not they should be enabled. For a full list of such flags, see |
Request message for the Iam.CreateIdentityProvider rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. The IdP name. |
type | string | Required. Value is `saml`. |
metadata | string | Required. The contents of the metadata file from your IdP. |
Request message for the Iam.CreateIpFilter rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | Required. The IP input to filter, either blacklist or whitelist. Should be in CIDR format (i.e. ``). |
type | string | Optional. Can be `whitelist` or `blacklist`. Defaults to `blacklist` if empty. |
rootUser | string | Optional. If `rootUser` is valid and `subUser` is empty, filter is for this rootuser. If both `rootUser` and `subUser` inputs are empty, filter is at global scope. |
subUser | string | Optional. If `subuser` is valid, filter is for this subuser; `rootUser` value is discarded. If both `rootUser` and `subUser` inputs are empty, filter is at global scope. |
Request message for the Iam.CreatePartnerToken rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Partner id or audience for the token. |
Request message for the Iam.CreateRole rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. The name of the role to create. Role names should have at least 6 characters in length and 32 characters maximum. It should also be alphanumeric. Hyphens and underscores are allowed in between. The regular expression used for validation is `^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$`. |
namespace | string | Required. The namespace where this role will belong. |
permissions | string | repeated | Required. The list of permissions to attach to this role. |
Request message for the Iam.CreateUser rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. Min: 4, max: 18, allowed characters: letters, numbers, `_` (underscore), `.` (period) and `-` (hyphen) characters. |
password | string | Required. Minimum of 8 characters. |
string | Optional. Email address of the subuser. |
nickName | string | Optional. Nickname or description. It is set to 'name' if empty. |
Request message for the Iam.CreateUserRoleMapping rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
subUser | string | Optional. The subuser to map the roles. Defaults to caller if not set. |
roles | MapRole | repeated | Required. The roles to map to the user. Limited to 5 items. |
Response message for the Iam.CreateUserRoleMapping rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
success | string | repeated |
failed | string | repeated |
filters | string | repeated |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteApiClient rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The client id to delete. |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteGroupRootUser rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteIdentityProvider rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The IdP id to delete. |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteIpFilter rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The IP filter id to delete. |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteRole rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
namespace | string | Required. The parent namespace. |
name | string | Required. The role name to delete. |
Request message for the Iam.DeleteUser rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The subuser name to delete. |
Request message for the Iam.GetUpdateFeatureFlags rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for the Iam.GetGroupRootUser rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for the Iam.GetSubUserMetadata rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The parent ID |
subId | string | Optional. The sub-user ID |
Request message for the Iam.GetUser rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | IP filter item id. Note that this name is transcient and is not fixed. However, you can use any of its permutations to endpoints that accept it, such as the `DELETE:/iam/v?/ipfilters/{id}` endpoint, without issues. |
scope | string | Can be `global`, `rootuser`, or `subuser`. |
target | string | The target of the filter. If global scope, this is usually empty. Rootuser name for rootuser scope, and subuser name for subuser scope. For subuser targets, format is `rootuser/subuser`. |
type | string | The type of IP filter. It could be `whitelist` or `blacklist`. |
value | string | The IP filter value. Should be in CIDR format. |
Request message for the Iam.ListApiClients rpc.
Request message for the Iam.ListGroupRootUsers rpc.
Request message for the Iam.ListIdentityProviders rpc.
Response message for the Iam.ListIdentityProviders rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ListIdentityProvidersResponse.IdentityProvider | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
saml | ListIdentityProvidersResponse.IdentityProvider.samlInfo |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
metadata | string |
Request message for the Iam.ListIpFilters rpc.
Request message for the Iam.ListPermissions rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
subUser | string | Optional. The subuser to query. If empty (default), query all available permissions. If set to a valid subuser, query that subuser's permissions, if allowed. You can also set this field to `me` to query your own permissions. |
Response message for the Iam.ListPermissions rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
permissions | blueapi.api.Permission | repeated |
Request message for the Iam.ListRoles rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
namespace | string | Optional. If not set, all roles will be returned. |
Response message for the Iam.ListRoles rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | blueapi.api.Role | repeated |
Request message for the Iam.ListUserRoleMappings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
subUser | string | Optional. The subuser to query. Defaults to caller if not set. |
Response message for the Iam.ListUserRoleMappings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userRoleMappings | blueapi.api.UserRoleMapping | repeated |
Request message for the Iam.ListUsers rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
name | string |
type | string |
status | string |
createdAt | string |
Request message for the Iam.MFAUsersInfoRequest rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | string | Optional. If non empty: list users by status. Otherwise will list all MFA users. |
Response message for the MFAUsersInfoResponse rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
users | MFAUser | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
namespace | string |
role | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string |
Request message for the Iam.RefreshPartnerToken rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Partner id or audience for the token. |
token | string | Required. The previous (old) token to be refreshed. |
Request message for the Iam.UpdateFeatureFlags rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
featureFlags | blueapi.api.FeatureFlags |
Request message for the Iam.UpdateRole rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
namespace | string | Required. The new namespace. |
name | string | Required. The role name to update. |
newName | string | Optional. If set, update the current name to this. |
permissions | string | repeated | Required. The list of permissions to attach to this role. |
Request message for the Iam.UpdateUserRoleMapping rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
subUser | string | Optional. The subuser to map the roles. Defaults to caller if not set. |
roles | MapRole | repeated | Required. The roles to map to the user. Limited to 5 items. Setting `role` to empty will remove the mapping. |
Response message for the Iam.UpdateUserRoleMapping rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
success | string | repeated |
failed | string | repeated |
filters | string | repeated |
Request for message Iam.ValidateVerificationCode rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
originalEncodedCode | string |
userInputEncodedCode | string |
Response for message Iam.ValidateVerificationCode rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
isPasswordUpdated | bool |
isResetPasswordLinkValid | bool |
errorMessage | string |
Request message for Iam.VerifyUserForResetPassword rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
user | string |
Response message for Iam.VerifyUserForResetPassword rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
doesUserExists | bool |
Request message for the Iam.WhoAmI rpc.
IAM service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
WhoAmI | WhoAmIRequest | .blueapi.api.User | Gets user information about the caller. This call includes all of the user metadata. See [] for the list of supported attributes. |
ListUsers | ListUsersRequest | .blueapi.api.User stream | Lists all subusers. |
GetUser | GetUserRequest | .blueapi.api.User | Gets subuser information. This call includes all of the subuser metadata. See [] for the list of supported attributes. If the `{name}` parameter is `me` or `-`, returns the caller information, which is equivalent to `WhoAmI()` or `GET:/iam/v*/whoami`. |
CreateUser | CreateUserRequest | .blueapi.api.User | Creates a subuser. |
DeleteUser | DeleteUserRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes a subuser. |
CreateGroupRootUser | CreateGroupRootUserRequest | .blueapi.api.GroupRootUser | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Creates a new root user for a billing group or access group. |
ListGroupRootUsers | ListGroupRootUsersRequest | .blueapi.api.GroupRootUser stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Retrieves all the existing group root users asscoiated with the organization. |
GetGroupRootUser | GetGroupRootRequest | .blueapi.api.GroupRootUser | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Retrieves a group root user. |
DeleteGroupRootUser | DeleteGroupRootUserRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes an existing group root user. |
GetFeatureFlags | GetFeatureFlagsRequest | .blueapi.api.FeatureFlags | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Retrieves the features available to a user on an Alphaus product. For a list of valid feature flags, see our documentation at |
UpdateFeatureFlags | UpdateFeatureFlagsRequest | .blueapi.api.FeatureFlags | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates the features available to a user on an Alphaus product. For a list of valid feature flags, see our documentation at |
ListApiClients | ListApiClientsRequest | .blueapi.api.ApiClient stream | Lists all API clients belonging to the caller. |
CreateApiClient | CreateApiClientRequest | .blueapi.api.ApiClient | Creates an API client for the caller. |
DeleteApiClient | DeleteApiClientRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes an API client belonging to the caller. |
ListPermissions | ListPermissionsRequest | ListPermissionsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists all permissions based on the input's scope. For reference, supported permissions can be found on []. |
ListRoles | ListRolesRequest | ListRolesResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists all available roles. |
CreateRole | CreateRoleRequest | .blueapi.api.Role | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Creates a role. If your `permissions` list contains an `Admin` entry, all other entries will be discarded except `Admin`. Roles are root user-level. That means all roles created by the root user, or any subuser that has permissions to create roles, are available to all subusers. |
UpdateRole | UpdateRoleRequest | .blueapi.api.Role | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates a role. If role name is different, rename mapped role name. |
DeleteRole | DeleteRoleRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes a role. Deleting a role will also remove all mappings. |
ListUserRoleMappings | ListUserRoleMappingsRequest | ListUserRoleMappingsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists roles attached to the caller or the input. |
CreateUserRoleMapping | CreateUserRoleMappingRequest | CreateUserRoleMappingResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Maps roles to a subuser. You can only map (or attach) up to 5 roles to a user per namespace. There is no limit for filtering rules per user. |
UpdateUserRoleMapping | UpdateUserRoleMappingRequest | UpdateUserRoleMappingResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates user-to-role mappings. You can only map (or attach) up to 5 roles to a user per namespace. There is no limit for filtering rules per user. |
ListIdentityProviders | ListIdentityProvidersRequest | ListIdentityProvidersResponse | Lists all SSO Identity Providers (IdP). |
CreateIdentityProvider | CreateIdentityProviderRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Registers an SSO Identity Provider (IdP). |
DeleteIdentityProvider | DeleteIdentityProviderRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes an SSO Identity Provider (IdP). |
ListIpFilters | ListIpFiltersRequest | IpFilter stream | Lists all IP filters. At the moment, this API is only available to root users. |
CreateIpFilter | CreateIpFilterRequest | IpFilter | Creates an IP filter item for IP blacklisting or whitelisting. At the moment, this API is only available to root users. |
DeleteIpFilter | DeleteIpFilterRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes an IP filter item. At the moment, this API is only available to root users. |
CreatePartnerToken | CreatePartnerTokenRequest | PartnerToken | BETA: Creates a partner token for custom integrations. Available only to Ripple and Cover users. |
RefreshPartnerToken | RefreshPartnerTokenRequest | PartnerToken | BETA: Refreshes an expired partner token. Only partners are expected to call this API. |
VerifyUserForResetPassword | VerifyUserForResetPasswordRequest | VerifyUserForResetPasswordResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Verify User Input For Reset Password |
GetSubUserMetadata | GetSubUserRequest | .blueapi.api.SubUser | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get Sub User Metadata for login user's organization based on user identity |
ValidateResetPasswordLinkAndChangePassword | ValidateResetPasswordLinkAndChangePasswordRequest | ValidateResetPasswordLinkAndChangePasswordResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Validate reset password link and proceed to update password |
GetMFAUsers | MFAUsersInfoRequest | MFAUsersInfoResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: List MFA users info for login user's organization based on status. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
WhoAmI | GET | /iam/v1/whoami | |
ListUsers | GET | /iam/v1/users | |
GetUser | GET | /iam/v1/users/{id} | |
CreateUser | POST | /iam/v1/users | * |
DeleteUser | DELETE | /iam/v1/users/{id} | |
CreateGroupRootUser | POST | /iam/v1/grouprootusers | * |
ListGroupRootUsers | GET | /iam/v1/grouprootusers | |
GetGroupRootUser | GET | /iam/v1/grouprootusers/{id} | |
DeleteGroupRootUser | DELETE | /iam/v1/grouprootusers/{id} | |
GetFeatureFlags | GET | /iam/v1/grouprootusers/{id}/features | |
UpdateFeatureFlags | PUT | /iam/v1/grouprootusers/{id}/features | * |
ListApiClients | GET | /iam/v1/apiclients | |
CreateApiClient | POST | /iam/v1/apiclients | * |
DeleteApiClient | DELETE | /iam/v1/apiclients/{id} | |
ListPermissions | GET | /iam/v1/permissions | |
ListRoles | GET | /iam/v1/roles | |
CreateRole | POST | /iam/v1/roles | * |
UpdateRole | PUT | /iam/v1/roles/{namespace}/{name} | * |
DeleteRole | DELETE | /iam/v1/roles/{namespace}/{name} | |
ListUserRoleMappings | GET | /iam/v1/userroles | |
CreateUserRoleMapping | POST | /iam/v1/userroles | * |
UpdateUserRoleMapping | PUT | /iam/v1/userroles | * |
ListIdentityProviders | GET | /iam/v1/idps | |
CreateIdentityProvider | POST | /iam/v1/idps | * |
DeleteIdentityProvider | DELETE | /iam/v1/idps/{id} | |
ListIpFilters | GET | /iam/v1/ipfilters | |
CreateIpFilter | POST | /iam/v1/ipfilters | * |
DeleteIpFilter | DELETE | /iam/v1/ipfilters/{id} | |
CreatePartnerToken | POST | /iam/v1/partners/{id}/token | * |
RefreshPartnerToken | POST | /iam/v1/partners/{id}/token:refresh | * |
VerifyUserForResetPassword | POST | /iam/v1/{user}/password:verify | |
GetSubUserMetadata | GET | /iam/v1/metadata/{id} | |
ValidateResetPasswordLinkAndChangePassword | POST | /iam/v1/password:reset | * |
GetMFAUsers | GET | /iam/v1/mfausers |
Response message for the Admin.CreateCloudWatchMetricsStream rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | The queried target account. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. |
stackId | string | The id of the CloudFormation stack deployed in the target account. |
stackRegion | string | The region where the stack is deployed. |
templateUrl | string | The latest template used to deploy the stack. |
status | string | This can be `latest`, `outdated`, or some error information. |
lastUpdated | string | The last updated timestamp, RFC3339 UTC. |
Request message for the Admin.CreateCloudWatchMetricsStream rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to validate. |
Request message for the Admin.CreateDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to validate. |
Request message for the Admin.CreateDefaultNotificationChannel rpc.
Request message for the Admin.CreateNotificationChannel rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. Name of the notification channel. |
type | string | Required. Valid values: `email`, `slack`, `msteams`. |
blueapi.api.EmailChannel | Required if type = `email`. |
slack | blueapi.api.SlackChannel | Required if type = `slack`. |
msteams | blueapi.api.MSTeamsChannel | Required if type = `msteams`. |
product | string | Optional. For Octo use only: `octo`. |
Request message for the Admin.CreateNotificationTypeChannels rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
notificationType | string | Required Valid values: `InvoiceCalculationStarted`, `InvoiceCalculationFinished`, `CurUpdatedAfterInvoice`. `AccountBudgetAlert`. |
channels | string | repeated | Required |
enabled | bool | Required |
account | NotificationAccount | Optional. only available Wave(Pro). |
Request message for Admin.CreateProformaCur rpc
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payerId | string | Required. |
billingInternalId | string | Required. |
reportName | string | Required. |
s3BucketName | string | Optional. Default value: `alphaus-proforma-cur-export` |
s3Prefix | string | Optional. Default value: `pre` |
s3Region | string | Optional. Default value: `us-east-1` |
Response message for the Admin.GetDefaultCostAccess, Admin.CreateDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | The queried target account. |
roleArn | string | The role ARN that provides the cross-account access permissions. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. |
stackId | string | The id of the CloudFormation stack deployed in the target account. |
stackRegion | string | The region where the stack is deployed. |
templateUrl | string | The latest template used to deploy the stack. |
status | string | This can be `latest`, `outdated`, or some error information. |
lastUpdated | string | The last updated timestamp, RFC3339 UTC. |
Request message for the Admin.DeleteDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to delete. |
Request message for the Admin.DeleteNotificationChannel rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. ID of the notification channel to delete. |
Request message for the Admin.DeleteNotification rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required |
notificationType | string | Required Valid values: `InvoiceCalculationStarted`, `InvoiceCalculationFinished`, `CurUpdatedAfterInvoice`. `AccountBudgetAlert`. |
Request message for the ExportAuditLogs rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
format | string | Required. At the moment, `CSV`,`JSON` is supported. |
startTime | string | Required. The UTC date to start data from. If not set, the first day of the current year will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
endTime | string | Required. The UTC date to end data from. If not set, the first day of the current year will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
For rpc UpdateWaveFeature
Field | Type | Label | Description |
featureId | string |
isEnabled | bool |
Request message for the Admin.GetAccountGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Response message for the Admin.GetAccountGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acctGroup | blueapi.api.AccountGroup |
Request message for the Admin.GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrl rpc.
Response message for the Admin.GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrl rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
launchUrl | string | The CloudFormation launch url. Open it in your browser. |
templateUrl | string | The latest CloudFormation template. The version is included in the filename. |
stackName | string | The default stack name used. Can be modified. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. Do not change. |
Request message for the Admin.GetDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to query. |
Request message for the Admin.GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrl rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Optional. Valid values are `default`, `s3only`, and `apionly`. Defaults to `default` if empty. `default` - Template for setting up both CUR export and read-only access to cost information. If selected, you need to deploy this template to `us-east-1` region as CloudFormation only supports the `AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition` in that region at the moment. The target S3 bucket will also be created in that region. If you prefer your S3 bucket to be located in a different region, you can use the template from this API by setting the type to `s3only`. After your S3 bucket is ready, call this API again (type is `default`) and set the `CurS3BucketOption` parameter to `USE_EXISTING`, then set your bucket name and region accordingly. This is the default for Ripple, unless specified otherwise. `apionly` - Template for setting up ready-only access to cost information. Handy if you already have exported your CUR to Alphaus through other means (i.e. manual setup). This template is the same as the `default` type but without the CUR export definitions. Although not required, we recommend you to deploy this template to allow us to query your cost-related information such as Reserved Instances, Saving Plans, etc. through the AWS API. At the moment, we only rely on CUR data which is a best-effort basis and sometimes not accurate. This is the default for Wave(Pro), unless specified otherwise. `s3only` - A helper template for creating an S3 bucket to be used for CUR export. `default-2.0`- For default cur 2.0 templates. `s3only-2.0` - For s3only cur 2.0 templates. All templates are publicly available from the reponse link (`templateUrl`) if you want to audit the included permissions. |
Response message for the Admin.GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrl rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
launchUrl | string | The CloudFormation launch url. Open it in your browser. |
templateUrl | string | The latest CloudFormation template. The version is included in the filename. |
stackName | string | The default stack name used. Can be modified. |
principal | string | The AWS account that will receive the access. Do not change. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. Do not change. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mspId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
defaultMeta | string | repeated |
Request message for the Admin.GetNotificationChannel rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. |
Request message for the Admin.GetNotificationTypeChannels rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required |
notificationType | string | Required Valid values: `InvoiceCalculationStarted`, `InvoiceCalculationFinished`, `CurUpdatedAfterInvoice`. `AccountBudgetAlert`. |
Request message for the Admin.GetNotificationSettings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lang | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
settings | WaveFeature | repeated |
Request message for the Admin.ListAccountGroups rpc.
Response message for the Admin.ListAccountGroups rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountGroups | blueapi.api.AccountGroup | repeated |
Request message for the Admin.ListDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Request message for the Admin.ListNotificationChannels rpc.
Response message for the Admin.ListNotificationChannels rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channels | blueapi.api.NotificationChannel | repeated |
Request message for the Admin.ListNotifications rpc.
Response message for the Admin.ListNotifications rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
notifications | blueapi.api.Notification | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. |
accountId | string | Required. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
payerId | string |
billingInternalId | string |
reportName | string |
bucketName | string |
prefix | string |
timeCreated | string |
Request message for the Admin.SaveNotificationSettings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enabled | bool | Required. Enable or disable notifications globally. |
defaultChannel | string | Optional. If non-empty, set this notification channel id as the default channel. |
Request message for the Admin.UpdateDefaultCostAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to update. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mspId | string |
defaultMeta | string | repeated |
Request message for the Admin.UpdateNotificationChannel rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. ID of the notification channel to update. |
name | string | Required. Name of the notification channel. |
type | string | Required. Valid values: `email`, `slack`, `msteams`. |
blueapi.api.EmailChannel | Required if type = `email`. |
slack | blueapi.api.SlackChannel | Required if type = `slack`. |
msteams | blueapi.api.MSTeamsChannel | Required if type = `msteams`. |
product | string | Optional. For Octo use only: `octo`. |
Request message for the Admin.UpdateNotificationTypeChannels rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required |
channels | string | repeated | Required |
enabled | bool | Required |
notificationType | string | Required Valid values: `InvoiceCalculationStarted`, `InvoiceCalculationFinished`, `CurUpdatedAfterInvoice`. `AccountBudgetAlert`. |
account | NotificationAccount | Optional. only available Wave(Pro). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lang | string |
featureSetting | FeatureSetting | repeated |
for wave features settings data maping
Field | Type | Label | Description |
label | string |
featureId | string |
isEnabled | bool |
tickStrategy | string |
condition | string |
flag | string |
children | WaveFeature | repeated |
Admin service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListAccountGroups | ListAccountGroupsRequest | ListAccountGroupsResponse stream | Lists all account groups. |
GetAccountGroup | GetAccountGroupRequest | GetAccountGroupResponse | Gets an account group. |
GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrl | GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrlRequest | GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrlResponse | Gets a CloudFormation launch URL for enabling the default cross-account access to your account's cost information based on type. See comments on the type for more information on what each template does. |
ListDefaultCostAccess | ListDefaultCostAccessRequest | DefaultCostAccess stream | Lists the default cross-account access role(s) attached to accounts under caller. |
GetDefaultCostAccess | GetDefaultCostAccessRequest | DefaultCostAccess | Gets the current default cross-account role attached to the input target. |
CreateDefaultCostAccess | CreateDefaultCostAccessRequest | DefaultCostAccess | Starts validation of a default cross-account access stack deployment. If successful, the IAM role created from the CloudFormation stack will be registered to the target. |
UpdateDefaultCostAccess | UpdateDefaultCostAccessRequest | .protos.Operation | Starts an update to an existing default cross-account access CloudFormation stack for template changes, if any. Only call this API if the status of your default cross-account access is 'outdated'. |
DeleteDefaultCostAccess | DeleteDefaultCostAccessRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the current default cross-account access role attached to this target account. This does not delete the CloudFormation deployment in your account. |
GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrl | GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrlRequest | GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrlResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets a CloudFormation launch URL for enabling CloudWatch metrics streaming on a target account. |
CreateCloudWatchMetricsStream | CreateCloudWatchMetricsStreamRequest | CloudWatchMetricsStream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Starts validation of a CloudWatch Metrics streaming stack deployment. |
CreateProformaCur | CreateProformaCurRequest | ProformaCur | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Configure AWS Proforma Cost and Usage Report. |
GetNotificationSettings | GetNotificationSettingsRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationSettings | Get notification settings for login user's organization or group. |
SaveNotificationSettings | SaveNotificationSettingsRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationSettings | Creates or updates notification settings for login user's organization or group. |
ListNotificationChannels | ListNotificationChannelsRequest | ListNotificationChannelsResponse | Lists all notification channels for login user's organization or group. |
GetNotificationChannel | GetNotificationChannelRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationChannel | Gets notification channel for login user's organization or group. |
CreateNotificationChannel | CreateNotificationChannelRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationChannel | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Creates notification settings for login user's organization or group. |
CreateDefaultNotificationChannel | CreateDefaultNotificationChannelRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationChannel | Creates a default notification channel of type email based on the caller's primary email address. |
UpdateNotificationChannel | UpdateNotificationChannelRequest | .blueapi.api.NotificationChannel | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates notification settings for login user's organization or group. |
DeleteNotificationChannel | DeleteNotificationChannelRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes notification settings for login user's organization or group. |
ListNotifications | ListNotificationsRequest | ListNotificationsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: List all notification for login user's organization. |
GetNotification | GetNotificationRequest | .blueapi.api.Notification | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get notifications for login user's organization. |
CreateNotification | CreateNotificationRequest | .blueapi.api.Notification | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Creates notification for login user's organization. |
UpdateNotification | UpdateNotificationRequest | .blueapi.api.Notification | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates notification for login user's organization. |
DeleteNotification | DeleteNotificationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes notification for login user's organization. |
ExportAuditLogs | ExportAuditLogsRequest | .blueapi.api.AuditExport | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Exports audit logs for login user's organization. |
GetWaveFeatures | GetWaveFeaturesRequest | GetWaveFeaturesResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get settings value for wave features management per organization |
UpdateWaveFeatureSetting | UpdateWaveFeatureSettingRequest | GetWaveFeaturesResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates the wave feature management default value per organization |
GetMSPDefaultMeta | GetMSPDefaultMetaRequest | GetMSPDefaultMetaResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Fetch the default meta saved per organization |
UpdateMSPDefaultMeta | UpdateMSPDefaultMetaRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Set the default meta saved per organization |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
ListAccountGroups | GET | /admin/v1/acctgroups | |
GetAccountGroup | GET | /admin/v1/acctgroups/{id} | |
GetDefaultCostAccessTemplateUrl | GET | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca | |
ListDefaultCostAccess | POST | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca/all:read | |
GetDefaultCostAccess | GET | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca/{target} | |
CreateDefaultCostAccess | POST | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca | * |
UpdateDefaultCostAccess | PUT | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca/{target} | |
DeleteDefaultCostAccess | DELETE | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/dca/{target} | |
GetCloudWatchMetricsStreamTemplateUrl | GET | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/cwms | |
CreateCloudWatchMetricsStream | POST | /admin/v1/aws/xacct/cwms | * |
CreateProformaCur | POST | /admin/v1/aws/reports/proforma | * |
GetNotificationSettings | GET | /admin/v1/notification/settings | |
SaveNotificationSettings | POST | /admin/v1/notification/settings | * |
ListNotificationChannels | GET | /admin/v1/notification/channels | |
GetNotificationChannel | GET | /admin/v1/notification/channels/{id} | |
CreateNotificationChannel | POST | /admin/v1/notification/channels | * |
CreateDefaultNotificationChannel | POST | /admin/v1/notification/default | * |
UpdateNotificationChannel | PUT | /admin/v1/notification/channels/{id} | * |
DeleteNotificationChannel | DELETE | /admin/v1/notification/channels/{id} | |
ListNotifications | GET | /admin/v1/notifications | |
GetNotification | GET | /admin/v1/notifications/{id} | |
CreateNotification | POST | /admin/v1/notifications | * |
UpdateNotification | PUT | /admin/v1/notifications/{id} | * |
DeleteNotification | DELETE | /admin/v1/notifications/{id} | |
ExportAuditLogs | POST | /admin/v1/auditlogs:export | * |
GetWaveFeatures | GET | /admin/v1/wavefeatures | |
UpdateWaveFeatureSetting | PUT | /admin/v1/wavefeatures | * |
GetMSPDefaultMeta | GET | /admin/v1/defaultmeta/{mspId} | |
UpdateMSPDefaultMeta | PUT | /admin/v1/defaultmeta | * |
Request message for the BudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Budget alert Id. |
vendor | string | Vnedor. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
accounts | blueapi.api.Account | repeated | Lsit of accountId. |
notification | blueapi.api.BudgetAlertNotificationDetail | Notification setting for budget alert. |
daily | blueapi.api.DailyBudgetAlert | Daily setting for budget alert. |
dailyRate | blueapi.api.DailyRateIncreaseBudgetAlert | Daily rate increase setting for budget alert. |
monthly | blueapi.api.MonthlyBudgetAlert | Monthly setting for budget alert. |
Request message for the Cost.CalculateCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
groupId | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of billing internal ids. If empty, calculate for all billing groups. At the moment, for AWS, this is only valid for account type billing groups, not tag billing groups. If a tag billing group is provided, it is discarded and the calculation is done for the whole organization. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to calculate. If empty, it defaults to the previous month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
awsOptions | CalculateCostsRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
force | bool | Optional. If set to true, discard existing calculation operation(s), if any, and make this as the active/latest one. By default, if there is an ongoing operation during the call, the request will fail. |
accountsOnly | bool | Optional. If set to true, only calculate for account-type billing groups. If both `accountsOnly` and `tagsOnly` are set to true, `accountsOnly` will prevail. |
tagsOnly | bool | Optional. If set to true, only calculate for tags-type billing groups. Discarded when the organization doesn't have any tag-based billing groups configured. If both `accountsOnly` and `tagsOnly` are set to true, `accountsOnly` will prevail. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The schedule id. |
schedule | string | The desired schedule in UTC, using the [cron]( format. |
scheduleMacro | string | The macro that augments `schedule`. |
targetMonth | string | The target month for the calculation. Empty means previous month (default). |
nextRun | string | The schedule for the next run in UTC. |
notificationChannel | string | The channel id to use for notifications. |
force | bool | If set to true, force calculations to proceed regardless of run status. |
dryRun | bool | If set to true, skips the actual calculations. |
status | string | The current state of this schedule. Normally set to "OK", or empty if no issues. Otherwise, will contain an error string. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
createTime | string |
updateTime | string |
awsOptions | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions |
azureOptions | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions |
AWS-specific options definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string | Optional. The account to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of accounts is also valid. |
groupId | string | Optional. The group to which the modifier is applied. Accepts billing internal ids. A comma-separated list of billing internal ids is also valid. |
payerId | string | Optional. The payer id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of payer ids is also valid. |
qualifiers | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions.Qualifier | repeated | Optional. Conditional qualifiers to further filter the modifier targets. Multiple qualifiers use the logical `or` operator; `qualifiers[0] || qualifiers[1] || qualifiers[n]`. |
modifier | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions.Modifier |
after | string | Optional. Specifies the modifier id in which this modifier will be applied after. For example, if you have another modifier `mod1` and you create a new modifier with `after` set to `mod1`, the calculator will apply `mod1` first, then this modifier. If `after` is not set, the application sequence for multiple overlapping modifiers will be by update timestamp, newest to oldest. |
createNewRow | bool | Optional. Default to false. If set to true, the modifier will create a new row in the table with similar data that satisfies the qualifier the only differences is it contains the amount to be subtracted or to be added. If set to false, the modifier will update the cost directly. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
formula | string | Required. Our modifier formula. The final result should be a number. Integers are converted to floating points. Supported operators are `*`, `/`, `+`, `-`, and `%`. You can use parenthesis `()` to control precedence. Additional supported operators include `==`, `!=`, `!`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, and the ternary operator `? :`, or `cond ? expr1 : expr2`. Examples: `1 + 2 * 3` = 7 `(1 + 2) * 3` = 9 `7.8 % 5` = 2.8 `true ? 1.1 : 2.2` = 1.1 `1 > 2 ? 1.1 : 2.2` = 2.2 You can use the `cost` variable to reference the original lineitem cost. For example, if you want to add $10 to the cost, you can use the formula: `cost + 10`. For trueunblended-type billing groups, `cost` refers to the calculated trueunblended cost. The `usage` variable refers to the usage amount of a lineitem. For example, if you want to use a different rate of $1.5, you can use the formula: `usage * 1.5`. The `unblendedcost` variable refers to the lineitem's unblended cost as indicated in the CUR. Note that the `unblendedcost` variable is different than the `cost` variable, although there are cases where the two are equal. The `ondemandrate` variable refers to the lineitem's public ondemand rate as indicated in the CUR. You can check out this [guide]( for more examples. |
descriptionModifier | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions.Modifier.DescriptionModifier | Optional. A simple description modifier. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
prefix | string | Optional. Add a prefix to the description. |
suffix | string | Optional. Add a suffix to the description. |
replace | string | Optional. Replace the description with the input. |
replaceMatch | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions.Modifier.DescriptionModifier.ReplaceMatchEntry | repeated | Optional. Replace matching occurences with the input. The key part is the regular expression matcher based on, while the value is the replacement. The order of replacement is not guaranteed. You can use the `{{ondemandrate}}` variable in the replacement value part to reference the public ondemand rate indicated in the CUR. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
A map of "key:value" attribute filters. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you like your modifiers to apply to `productCode:AmazonEC2`, set to `{"productCode":"eq:AmazonEC2"}` or `{"productCode":"AmazonEC2"}`. You can also use a regular expression like `{"productCode":"re:AmazonEC2|AmazonRDS"}`, which means apply to all AmazonEC2 or AmazonRDS lineitems. Or reverse regexp, such as `{"productCode":"!re:^AmazonEC2$"}`, which means apply to all items except `AmazonEC2`. Valid keys are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `description`, and `resourceId`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
and | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions.Qualifier.AndEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Azure-specific options definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Optional. The group to which the modifier is applied. Accepts billing internal ids. A comma-separated list of billing internal ids is also valid. |
payerId | string | Optional. The payer id (a.k.a Azure billing id) to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of payer ids is also valid. |
customerId | string | Optional. The Azure customer id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of customers is also valid. |
subscriptionId | string | Optional. The Azure subscription id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of subscriptions is also valid. |
entitlementId | string | Optional. The Azure entitlement id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of entitlements is also valid. |
qualifiers | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions.Qualifier | repeated | Optional. Conditional qualifiers to further filter the modifier targets. Multiple qualifiers use the logical `or` operator; `qualifiers[0] || qualifiers[1] || qualifiers[n]`. |
modifier | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions.Modifier |
after | string | Optional. Specifies the modifier id in which this modifier will be applied after. For example, if you have another modifier `mod1` and you create a new modifier with `after` set to `mod1`, the calculator will apply `mod1` first, then this modifier. If `after` is not set, the application sequence for multiple overlapping modifiers will be by update timestamp, newest to oldest. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
formula | string | Required. Our modifier formula. The final result should be a number. Integers are converted to floating points. Supported operators are `*`, `/`, `+`, `-`, and `%`. You can use parenthesis `()` to control precedence. Additional supported operators include `==`, `!=`, `!`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, and the ternary operator `? :`, or `cond ? expr1 : expr2`. Examples: `1 + 2 * 3` = 7 `(1 + 2) * 3` = 9 `7.8 % 5` = 2.8 `true ? 1.1 : 2.2` = 1.1 `1 > 2 ? 1.1 : 2.2` = 2.2 You can use the `cost` variable to reference the original lineitem cost. For example, if you want to add $10 to the cost, you can use the formula: `cost + 10`. For trueunblended-type billing groups, `cost` refers to the calculated trueunblended cost. The `quantity` variable refers to the billable quantity amount of a lineitem. For example, if you want to use a different rate of $1.5, you can use the formula: `quantity * 1.5`. The `unitPrice` variable refers to the lineitem's effective unit price as indicated in the Azure invoice. You can check out this [guide]( for more examples. |
descriptionModifier | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions.Modifier.DescriptionModifier | Optional. A simple description modifier. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
prefix | string | Optional. Add a prefix to the description. |
suffix | string | Optional. Add a suffix to the description. |
replace | string | Optional. Replace the description with the input. |
A map of "key:value" attribute filters. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you like your modifiers to apply to `productId:CFQ7TTC0LFLX` (Microsoft 365 E3), set to `{"productId":"eq:CFQ7TTC0LFLX"}` or `{"productId":"CFQ7TTC0LFLX"}`. You can also use a regular expression like `{"productId":"re:CFQ7TTC0LFLX|DZH318Z0BQ4L"}`, which means apply to all `Microsoft 365 E3` or `Virtual Machines Ev3 Series` lineitems. Or reverse regexp, such as `{"productId":"!re:^CFQ7TTC0LFLX$"}`, which means apply to all items except `Microsoft 365 E3`. Valid keys are `productId`, `productName`, `skuId`, `skuName`, `description`, `category` and `domainName`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
and | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions.Qualifier.AndEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
accountIds | string | repeated | Required. A comma-separated list of account ids. For example, you set to ["accountId1","accountId2","accountId3"]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
exists | CheckAccountsResponse.ExistsEntry | repeated | Map of accountIds to boolean values indicating if the account exists. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
category | string |
data | string | repeated |
Response message for the Cost.ReadCostAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | |
azure | |
Response message wrapper for cloud costs.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | |
gcp | blueapi.api.gcp.Cost |
azure | |
Request message for CreateAccountBudgetAlerts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. Account Id |
budgetAlert | blueapi.api.wave.BudgetAlert | Required. Budget alert setting. |
Request message for CreateAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
level | string | Required. 'account' or 'acctgroup' |
id | string | Required. Account or AccountGroup Id |
data | blueapi.api.Budget |
Response message for CreateAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetId | string | Budget Id |
Request message for the Cost.CreateAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The account id to register. |
name | string | Optional. If empty, set to the value of `id`. |
parent | string | Optional. The parent `billingInternalId` of the billing group to which this account will belong to. |
awsOptions | CreateAccountRequestAwsOptions | Required for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
gcpOptions | CreateAccountRequestGcpOptions | Required for the `gcp` vendor. GCP-specific options. |
AWS-specific options for registering an account.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
managementAccountId | string | Optional. The management account id (formerly known as master, or payer) to which an account belongs to, initially. If the account is moved to another management account, the system is able to detect it and set this value accordingly. |
GCP-specific options for registering an account.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
managementAccountId | string | Optional. |
managementBillingId | string | Optional. |
Request message for the CreateBudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
accounts | string | repeated | Required. Lsit of accountId. For example, you set to ["accountId1","accountId2","accountId3"]. |
notification | blueapi.api.BudgetAlertNotification | Required. |
daily | blueapi.api.DailyBudgetAlert | Optional. |
dailyRate | blueapi.api.DailyRateIncreaseBudgetAlert | Optional. |
monthly | blueapi.api.MonthlyBudgetAlert | Optional. |
Request message for the Cost.CreateCalculationsSchedule rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
schedule | string | Required. The desired schedule in UTC, using the unix-cron string format `* * * * *` which is a set of five fields in a line using the order: `minute hour day-of-the-month month day-of-the-week`. * `minute` values can be `0-59` * `hour` values can be `0-23` * `day-of-the-month` values can be `1-31` * `month` values can be `1-12`, or `JAN-DEC` * `day-of-the-week` values can be `0-6`, or `SUN-SAT`, or `7` for Sunday Special characters: * A field can contain an asterisk (*), which always stands for "first-last". * Ranges are two numbers separated with a hyphen (-) and the specified range is inclusive. * Following a range with `/NUMBER` specifies skips of the number's value through the range. For example, both `0-23/2` and `*/2` can be used in the `hour` field to specify execution every two hours. * A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated by commas (,). For example, `1,2,5,6` in the `month` field specifies an execution on the first, second, fifth, and sixth days of the month. |
scheduleMacro | string | Optional. Non-standard macro(s) that augment(s) `schedule`'s behavior. The only supported value for now is `@endofmonth`. `@endofmonth` - If set, the backend scheduler will only use the `minute` and `hour` part of `schedule`'s value and set the days to 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st but the runner will do the filtering for the actual end of the trigger month. Note that this is different than setting `schedule` to, say, `0 0 28-31 * *`. |
targetMonth | string | Optional. The desired month to calculate. If not set, defaults to previous month. The only supported value for now is `@current`. `@current` - If set, calculate for the month the schedule is triggered (or current month). |
notificationChannel | string | Optional. The channel id to use for notifications. At the moment, only email-type notification channels are supported. If not set, your default channel will be used. And if non-existent, an email-type notification channel will be created using your primary email address. |
force | bool | Optional. Not used at the moment. |
dryRun | bool | Optional. If set to true, skips the actual calculations. Useful as test, or reminder. |
Request message for the Cost.CreateCalculatorCostModifier rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
awsOptions | CalculatorCostModifierAwsOptions | Required if `{vendor}` is `aws`. AWS-specific options. |
azureOptions | CalculatorCostModifierAzureOptions | Required if `{vendor}` is `azure`. Azure-specific options. |
Response message for the Cost.CreateCalculatorCostModifier rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | CalculatorCostModifier | repeated |
azure | CalculatorCostModifier | repeated |
Request message for the CreateCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
filterName | string | Required. Filter Name. Specify characters between 1 ~ 100 |
groupId | string | Required. If set, reads the usage-based cost details of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. For AWS Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. Overriden when `accountId` is set to anything other than `*`. Set this and `accountId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. Optional for AWS Wave(Pro). |
accountId | string | Required. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. For AWS, setting this will override `groupId`. Set this and `groupId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. |
awsOptions | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions | Required. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Response message for the CreateCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id. |
Request message for the Cost.CreatePayerAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
awsOptions | CreatePayerAccountRequestAwsOptions | Required for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
See [] for more information.
See [] for more information. Requirements include: Additional report details = 'Include Resource IDS' enabled, Prefix = non-empty (recommendation only), Time granularity = 'Hourly', File format = 'text/csv'.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The id of the management account. |
name | string | Optional. The name, or description of the management account. This is set to `id` when not specified. |
bucketName | string | Required. S3 Bucket name. |
prefix | string | Optional. Prefix. |
reportName | string | Required. Report name. |
roleArn | string | Required. Role ARN for Alphaus to assume for access. |
Request message for DeleteAccountBudgetAlerts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. Account Id |
Request message for DeleteAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
budgetId | string | Required. Budget Id |
Request message for the Cost.DeleteAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The account id to delete. |
Request message for the DeleteBudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. budget alert id |
Request message for the Cost.DeleteCalculationsSchedule rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The id to delete. Can be set to either `-` or `*`, which means all. |
Request message for the Cost.DeleteCalculatorCostModifier rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` and `azure` are supported. |
id | string | Required. The id of the modifier to delete. |
Request message for the DeleteCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id to delete. |
Request message for the Cost.DeletePayerAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The id of the account. |
Request message for the ExportCostFiltersFile rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id. |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20200101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmd`. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`, then set `groupByColumns` to `none`. |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, and `resourceId`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and region data, you can set this field to `productCode,region`. Your input sequence doesn't matter (although the sequence above is recommended) as the actual sequence is already fixed in the return data (see the definition in, which is generic to specific, top to bottom. Invalid values are discarded. Excluded columns will be empty. |
includeTags | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include resource tags. |
Response message for the ExportCostFiltersFile rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string | Required. URL of exported file. |
Request message for GetAccountBudgetAlerts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. Account Id |
Request message for GetAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
level | string | Required. 'account' or 'acctgroup' |
id | string | Required. Account or AccountGroup Id |
year | string | Optional. Default is current year. Format: `yyyy`. |
Response message for GetAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | blueapi.api.Budget |
Request message for the Cost.GetAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws` and `gcp` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The account id to retrieve. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. |
Request message for GetBreakevenPoint
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
type | string | Required. For AWS, "ri" or "sp". |
arn | string | Required. RI/SP Arn. |
Response message for GetBreakevenPoint
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
awsCostBreakeven | |
Request message for the GetBudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. budget alert id |
Request message for the Cost.GetCalculatorConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Response message for the Cost.GetCalculatorConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | |
Request message for the Cost.GetCostAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
month | string | Required. Format: `yyyy-mm`. |
groupId | string | Optional. If set, reads the cost attributes of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
accountId | string | Optional. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. If set, overrides `groupId` |
category | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of dimensions to query. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, `resourceId` and `tags`. Sequence doesn't matter. An empty value implies all attributes will be returned. |
Response message for the Cost.GetCostAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
items | CostAttribute | repeated | The cost attributes. |
Request message for GetCostReduction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
reductionDisplay | string | Required. Valid values: 'all', 'reservation', 'savingsplan' |
includeDetails | bool | Optional. If set to "true", details of the RI or SP list is returned. Default: false. |
fromDate | string | Optional. The start date of the displayed data. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
toDate | string | Optional. The end date of the displayed data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
payerId | string | Optional. Payer Id. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. Billing group Id. |
groupId | string | Optional. Account group Id. |
costGroupId | string | Optional. Cost Group Id used in octo. |
accounts | string | repeated | Optional. List of Account Ids. |
services | string | repeated | Optional. List of services. |
Response message for GetCostReduction
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
awsCostReductions | |
Request message for GetCoverageOndemand
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
period | string | Required. Available values: day, hour |
fromDate | string | Optional. The start date of the displayed data. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
toDate | string | Optional. The end date of the displayed data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
payerId | string | Optional. Payer Id. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. Billing group Id. |
groupId | string | Optional. Account group Id. |
costGroupId | string | Optional. Cost Group Id, currently used in octo |
accounts | string | repeated | Optional. List of Account Ids. |
services | string | repeated | Optional. List of services. |
Response message for GetCoverageOndemand
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
ondemandData | blueapi.api.OndemandData | repeated |
Request message for GetCoverageOptions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
period | string | Required. Available values: day, hour. |
fromDate | string | Optional. The start date of the displayed data. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
toDate | string | Optional. The end date of the displayed data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
payerId | string | Optional. Payer Id. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. Billing group Id. |
groupId | string | Optional. Account group Id. |
costGroupId | string | Optional. Cost Group Id |
accounts | string | repeated | Optional. List of Account Ids. |
services | string | repeated | Optional. List of services. |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Response message for GetCoverageOptions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
optionsData | blueapi.api.OptionsData | repeated |
Request message for GetForecasts per billing group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. Company Id of Billing Group to retrieve. Default value is user's Company Id |
frequency | string | Optional. Forecast frequency. Valid values are `daily` and `monthly`. Default value is `daily`. |
level | string | Optional. Forecast granularity. Valid values are `account`, `category` and `product`. Default value is `account`. |
fromDate | string | Optional. Start date to get cost forecast. If from_date is less than current date, historical costs are included. If from_date is greater than current date, only forecasted costs are returned. Format: `yyyy-mm-dd`. |
toDate | string | Optional. End date to get cost forecast. Currently, we only support 90 days forecasting from the first day of current month. Format: `yyyy-mm-dd`. |
Response message for GetForecasts per billing group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | blueapi.api.BillingGroupForecast |
Request message for GetMonthOnMonthCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
level | string | Required. 'account' or 'acctgroup' |
id | string | Required. Account or AccountGroup Id |
date | string | Optional. Default is current month. Format: `yyyymm`. |
Response message for GetMonthOnMonthCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
data | blueapi.api.MonthOnMonthCostForecast | repeated |
timestamp | string |
Request message for GetMonthToDateCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
level | string | Required. 'account' or 'acctgroup' |
id | string | Required. Account or AccountGroup Id |
date | string | Optional. Default is current month. Format: `yyyymm`. |
Response message for GetMonthToDateCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
budget | double |
data | blueapi.api.MonthToDateCostForecast | repeated |
timestamp | string |
Request message for GetMonthlyCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
level | string | Required. 'account' or 'acctgroup' |
id | string | Required. Account or AccountGroup Id |
fromDate | string | Optional. Start month to get cost forecast. Format: `yyyymm`. |
toDate | string | Optional. Last month to get cost forecast. Format: `yyyymm`. |
Response message for GetMonthlyCostForecast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
data | blueapi.api.MonthlyCostForecast | repeated |
timestamp | string |
Request message for the Cost.GetPayerAccountImportHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The account id to query. Could be `*`, which implies all payers. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
Response message for the Cost.GetPayerAccountImportHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The queried account id. |
month | string | The queried UTC month. |
timestamps | string | repeated | List of timestamps in RFC3339 format with the `T` separator. Example: `2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z` |
Request message for the Cost.GetPayerAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The id of the account to get. |
Request message for Cost.GetPayerProformaReports rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The account id to query. |
Response message for Cost.GetPayerProformaReports rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reports | ProformaReports | repeated |
Request message for GetRecommendations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
accounts | string | repeated | Required. List of Account Ids. |
costGroupId | string | Required. For OCTO only. |
awsOptions | GetRecommendationsRequestAwsOptions | Required if vendor = 'aws' |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
recommendationType | string | Required. Valid values: 'reservation', 'rightsizing', 'scheduling'. Only 'reservation' is supported for now. |
type | string | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Valid values: 'combined', 'individual' Default: 'combined' |
riServices | string | repeated | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. List of Services ["AmazonEC2", "AmazonRDS", "AmazonElastiCache", "AmazonES", "AmazonRedshift"]. Default: Empty list. |
spServices | string | repeated | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. List of Services ["AmazonECS", "AmazonEKS", "AWSLambda"]. Default: Empty list. |
purchaseEC2SavingsPlan | bool | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. If set to "true", recommends EC2 Instance Savings Plan that will cover usage not covered by RI. Default: false. |
ec2SpProductFamily | string | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Valid values: 'EC2Instance', 'Compute'. Default: 'EC2Instance'. |
term | string | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Valid values: '1yr', '3yr'. Default: '1yr'. |
offeringClass | string | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Valid values: 'standard', 'convertible'. Default: 'standard'. |
paymentOption | string | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Valid values: 'allUpfront', 'partialUpfront', 'noUpfront'. Default: 'allUpfront'. |
coveragePercentage | double | For recommendationType = 'reservation'. Optional. Percentage of the usage (in NormalizedUnits) to be covered by Reserved Instance or Savings Plan. Default: 100. |
Request message for GetRecommendations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
awsRecommendations | |
Request message for GetUtilization
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
orgId | string | Required. Organization Id. |
type | string | Required. For AWS, "ri" or "sp". |
fromDate | string | Optional. The start date of the displayed data. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
toDate | string | Optional. The end date of the displayed data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. |
payerId | string | Optional. Payer Id. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. Billing group Id. |
groupId | string | Optional. Account group Id. |
costGroupId | string | Optional. Cost Group Id used in octo. |
Response message for GetUtilization
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
utilizationData | blueapi.api.UtilizationData | repeated |
Request message for the Cost.ImportCurFiles rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to import. If empty, it defaults to the current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
filter | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of management accounts to import. If empty, all CURs associated with all your management accounts will be imported. |
Request message for the Cost.ListAccounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws` and `gcp` is supported. |
groupId | string | Optional. The billing group internal id. Only valid for Ripple users. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. |
AWS-specific response message for the Cost.ListCalculationsHistory rpc. Should be compatible with the Operations API.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
operations | protos.Operation | repeated |
Request message for the Cost.ListCalculationsHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
asOf | string | Optional. List operations on and after this date. Format is yyyymmdd. For example, if you want to list all operations starting from June 01, 2021, set to `20210601`. If not set, defaults to the first day of the current UTC month. |
excludeDone | bool | Optional. If true, exclude all operations that are marked as done. Include by default. |
Response message for the Cost.ListCalculationsHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | ListCalculationsHistoryAwsResponse |
Request message for the Cost.ListCalculationsSchedules rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Response message for the Cost.ListCalculationsSchedules rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
schedules | CalculationsSchedule | repeated |
Request message for the Cost.ListCalculatorCostModifiers rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` and `azure` are supported. |
Request message for the Cost.ListCalculatorRunningAccounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. Defaults to current month if empty. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
Response message for the Cost.ListCalculatorRunningAccounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | ListCalculatorRunningAccountsResponse.AwsRunningAccount | AWS-specific entry. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string | The queried month. Format is yyyy-mm. |
account | string | The AWS account that is actively processing. |
date | string | The target date the account is processing for. |
started | string | The timestamp when the calculation has started. |
Response message for the ListCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id. |
filterName | string | Required. Filter Name. |
vendor | string | Required. Vendor. |
groupId | string | Optional. If set, reads the usage-based cost details of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. For AWS Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. Overriden when `accountId` is set to anything other than `*`. Set this and `accountId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. Optional for AWS Wave(Pro). |
accountId | string | Optional. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. For AWS, setting this will override `groupId`. Set this and `groupId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. |
awsOptions | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Request message for the ListCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Response message for the ListCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costFilters | ListCostFilters | repeated |
Request message for the Cost.ListPayerAccounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Request message for the Cost.ListTags rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
groupId | string | Optional. The billing group internal id. Only valid for Ripple users. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | payer account id |
billingInternalId | string | billing group internal id |
billingGroupName | string | billing group name |
bucketName | string | s3 bucket name |
prefix | string | s3 report prefix |
reportName | string | report name |
roleArn | string | role arn |
Request message for the ReadAccountOriginalResources rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`.`gcp`,`azure` is supported. |
Request message for the Cost.ReadAdjustments rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` or `azure` is supported. |
groupId | string | Optional. At the moment, only billing internal ids are supported. If set, reads the non-usage-based adjustment details of this group. Valid only if `accountId` is not set. If both `groupId` and `accountId` are not set, reads the adjustment details of the whole organization. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied (or discarded) for Wave(Pro) users. |
accountId | string | Optional. If set, reads the non-usaged-based adjustment details of this account. Also invalidates the `groupId` value even if set. If both `groupId` and `accountId` are not set, reads the adjustment details of the whole organization. |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
awsOptions | ReadAdjustmentsRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
Request message for the ReadBudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. |
Request message for the Cost.ReadCostAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
groupId | string | Optional. If set, reads the cost attributes of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. For AWS Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. Overriden when `accountId` is set to anything other than `*`. Set this and `accountId` to `*` to read the cost attributes of the whole organization. Optional for AWS Wave(Pro). |
accountId | string | Optional. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. For AWS, setting this will override `groupId`. Set this and `groupId` to `*` to read the cost attributes of the whole organization. |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20200101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
awsOptions | ReadCostAttributesRequest.AwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
azureOptions | ReadCostAttributesRequest.AzureOptions |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dimensions | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of dimensions to query. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, `resourceId`, `tags`, and `costCategories`. Sequence doesn't matter. An empty value implies all attributes will be returned. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
customerId | string | Optional. The Azure customer id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of customers is also valid. |
subscriptionId | string | Optional. The Azure subscription id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of subscriptions is also valid. |
entitlementId | string | Optional. The Azure entitlement id to which the modifier is applied. A comma-separated list of entitlements is also valid. |
Request message for the Cost.ReadCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Supported vendors are `aws`,`azure` and `gcp`. |
groupId | string | Optional. If set, reads the usage-based cost details of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. For AWS Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. Overriden when `accountId` is set to anything other than `*`. Set this and `accountId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. Optional for AWS Wave(Pro). |
accountId | string | Optional. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. For AWS, setting this will override `groupId`. Set this and `groupId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20200101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
awsOptions | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
gcpOptions | ReadCostsRequestGcpOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `gcp` vendor. GCP-specific options. |
azureOptions | ReadCostsRequestAzureOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `azure` vendor. Azure-specific options. |
AWS-specific options for ReadCostsRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, and `resourceId`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and region data, you can set this field to `productCode,region`. Your input sequence doesn't matter (although the sequence above is recommended) as the actual sequence is already fixed in the return data (see the definition in, which is generic to specific, top to bottom. Invalid values are discarded. Excluded columns will be empty. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`, then set `groupByColumns` to `none`. You can also use `groupByColumns` while setting this to true. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input accounts into one. |
groupByTagKey | string | Optional. Required if groupByColumn is set to tag. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestAwsOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions.TagFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set or if `groupByMonth` is true. |
includeTags | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include resource tags. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. `IncludeTags` is set to `false` if `groupByColumns` includes `tags` and `GroupByTagKey` has a value |
includeCostCategories | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include resource cost category information. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
forceLatest | bool | Optional. If set to true, always get the up-to-date calculation results. This data isn't necessarily in-sync with your invoice data as AWS could still have updated your CUR files even after you created your invoices. By default, returned data are those that are always in-sync with your invoices. This field is discarded for Wave(Pro) users. You will always get the latest data that is in-sync with your invoices. |
noCache | bool | If true, force API to not use cached data. |
includeAdjustments | bool | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Optional. If set to true, include adjustment entries in the output. Adjustments include fees, discounts, credits, etc. The output here is the same as the ReadAdjustments API. |
A map of "key:value" tag filters. The key indicates the tag key while the value is the filter tag value which can be prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you want to query lineitems with the tag `project:MY_PROJECT`, set to `{"project":"MY_PROJECT"}`. You can also use regular expressions for tag values, such as `{"name":"re:[A-Za-z0-9]*"}`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions.TagFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
A map of "key:value" column filters. Dependent on `groupByColumns` and/or `groupByMonth`. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you like to filter `productCode` to return only `AmazonEC2`, set to `{"productCode":"eq:AmazonEC2"}` or `{"productCode":"AmazonEC2"}`. You can also use a regular expression like `{"productCode":"re:AmazonEC2|AmazonRDS"}`, which means return all AmazonEC2 or AmazonRDS lineitems. Or reverse regexp, such as `{"productCode":"!re:^AmazonEC2$"}`, which means return all items except `AmazonEC2`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptionsFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Azure-specific options for ReadCostsRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `serviceName`, `productName`, `region`, `chargeType`, `description`, `billableQuantity`, `effectiveUnitPrice`, `timeInterval`, `billingType`, `alternateId` and `domainName`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and region data, you can set this field to `serviceName,region`. Your input sequence doesn't matter (although the sequence above is recommended) as the actual sequence is already fixed in the return data (see the definition in, which is generic to specific, top to bottom. Invalid values are discarded. Excluded columns will be empty. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`. You can also use `groupByColumns` while setting this to true. |
noCache | bool | If true, force API to not use cached data. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
GCP-specific options for ReadCostsRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `service`, `sku`, `region`, `zone`, and `usageUnit`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`, then set `groupByColumns` to `none`. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input accounts into one. Valid only if `groupByMonth` is true. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestGcpOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestGcpOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
includeInvoiceMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include invoice month. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. The last usage occurrence of invoice month based on endTime is set to endTime. For example, (Assumption: Last usage start time 2022-02-01 01:00:00 UTC) If you set to "endTime:20210131", automatically set to "endTime:20220101". Ignored if the batch calculation for invoice month has not been completed. |
includeCredits | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include credits{"creditsType","creditsName"}. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. |
rounding | bool | Optional. If set to true, round the cost data to a rounded format. It will be rounded off in the unit specified by `groupByColumns`. |
noCache | bool | If true, force API to not use cached data. |
A map of "key:value" column filters. Dependent on `groupByColumns` and/or `groupByMonth`. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you like to filter `service` to return only `Compute Engine`, set to `{"service":"eq:Compute Engine"}` or `{"service":"Compute Engine"}`. You can also use a regular expression like `{"service":"re:Compute Engine|Cloud Storage"}`, which means return all Compute Engine or Cloud Storage lineitems. Or reverse regexp, such as `{"service":"!re:^Cloud Engine$"}`, which means return all items except `Cloud Engine`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ReadCostsRequestGcpOptionsFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the ReadInvoiceCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20240101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
Request message for the ReadInvoiceGroupCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20240101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
limit | int32 | Optional. Number of acquisitions. default:100. |
Request message for the ReadInvoiceIds rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, July 2024 will be `202407`. |
Response message for the ReadInvoiceIds rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The invoice id |
Request message for the ReadInvoiceOverviews rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
startTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. The oldest supported date is `20240101`. |
endTime | string | Optional. The UTC date to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
Request message for the Cost.ReadNonTagCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
billingInternalId | string | Required. The billing internal id to stream. |
startTime | string | Optional. Timestamp to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
endTime | string | Optional. Timestamp to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
groupByMonths | bool | Optional. Group services and costs by months in the range of `startTime` and `endTime`. If not set, daily data will be returned. |
Request message for the Cost.ReadTagCosts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
billingInternalId | string | Required. The billing internal id to stream. |
startTime | string | Optional. Timestamp to start streaming data from. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
endTime | string | Optional. Timestamp to end the streaming data. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
groupByMonths | bool | Optional. Group services and costs by months in the range of `startTime` and `endTime`. If not set, daily data will be returned. |
awsOptions | ReadTagCostsRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tagId | string | Optional. If set, only return data for this tagId. |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, and `resourceId`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and region data, you can set this field to `productCode,region`. Your input sequence doesn't matter (although the sequence above is recommended) as the actual sequence is already fixed in the return data (see the definition in, which is generic to specific, top to bottom. Invalid values are discarded. Excluded columns will be empty. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`, then set `groupByColumns` to `none`. You can also use `groupByColumns` while setting this to true. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestAwsOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadTagCostsRequestAwsOptions.TagFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set or if `groupByMonth` is true. |
includeTags | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include resource tags. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. |
includeCostCategories | bool | Optional. If set to true, stream will include resource cost category information. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set to `none`. |
toCurrency | string | Optional. Set to US dollars (USD) by default (AWS CUR's default currency). You can set it to the desired three-letter currency symbol (i.e. JPY, EUR, GBP), in which case, it will use the latest exchange rates provided by If you prefer a custom exchange rate, you can append the rate to the currency's three-letter symbol. For example, `JPY:110.622` for the Japanese Yen. Note that the exchange rate should be against the US dollar (USD). |
forceLatest | bool | Optional. If set to true, always get the up-to-date calculation results. This data isn't necessarily in-sync with your invoice data as AWS could still have updated your CUR files even after you created your invoices. By default, returned data are those that are always in-sync with your invoices. This field is discarded for Wave(Pro) users. You will always get the latest data that is in-sync with your invoices. |
noCache | bool | If true, force API to not use cached data. |
tagIds | string | repeated | Optional. If set, only return data list tags. |
A map of "key:value" tag filters. The key indicates the tag key while the value is the filter tag value which can be prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you want to query lineitems with the tag `project:MY_PROJECT`, set to `{"project":"MY_PROJECT"}`. You can also use regular expressions for tag values, such as `{"name":"re:[A-Za-z0-9]*"}`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ReadTagCostsRequestAwsOptions.TagFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the RegisterPayerAccountRequest rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The Payer/Management account Id. |
name | string | Optional. Preferred account name, defaults to id if not provided. |
curType | string | Optional. Valid values are `legacy` and `2.0` for now. Defaults to `legacy` if not provided. Only applicable if vendor is set to `aws`. Do not provide if `gcp` or `azure`. |
Request message for UpdateAccountBudgetAlerts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. Account Id |
budgetAlert | blueapi.api.wave.BudgetAlert | Required. Budget alert setting. Set only the setting value to be changed. For example, If you want to change only daily value, set `{"budget":[{"id":"daily","value":100,"enabled":true}}` as a parameter The same goes for notification. If you want to change only email value, set `{"notification":[{"id":"email","destination":"","enabled":true}}` as a parameter |
Request message for UpdateAccountBudget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
budgetId | string | Required. Budget Id |
data | blueapi.api.Budget |
Request message for the Cost.UpdateAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. |
id | string | Required. |
name | string | Optional. |
Request message for the UpdateBudgetAlerts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. budget alert id |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
accounts | string | repeated | Required. Lsit of accountId. For example, you set to ["accountId1","accountId2","accountId3"]. |
notification | blueapi.api.BudgetAlertNotification | Required. |
daily | blueapi.api.DailyBudgetAlert | Optional. |
dailyRate | blueapi.api.DailyRateIncreaseBudgetAlert | Optional. |
monthly | blueapi.api.MonthlyBudgetAlert | Optional. |
Request message for the UpdateCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id. |
filterName | string | Required. Filter Name. Specify characters between 1 ~ 100 |
groupId | string | Required. If set, reads the usage-based cost details of this group. Only valid for Ripple users. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. For AWS Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. Overriden when `accountId` is set to anything other than `*`. Set this and `accountId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. Optional for AWS Wave(Pro). |
accountId | string | Required. You can set it to a single account or a comma-separated list of accounts. For AWS, setting this will override `groupId`. Set this and `groupId` to `*` to read the usage-based cost details of the whole organization. |
awsOptions | ReadCostsRequestAwsOptions | Required. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
Response message for the UpdateCostFilters rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
filterId | string | Required. Filter Id. |
Service for reading aggregated costs for your cloud costs and usages.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListPayerAccounts | ListPayerAccountsRequest | .blueapi.api.Account stream | Lists vendor payer accounts. For AWS, these are management accounts (formerly known as master or payer accounts); for Azure, these are subscriptions, for GCP, these are projects. |
GetPayerAccount | GetPayerAccountRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Payer | Gets a vendor payer account. This API includes all of the account's metadata. See ([] for the list of supported attributes. For AWS, this means a management account (formerly known as master or payer account); for Azure, this means a subscription, for GCP, this means a project. |
GetPayerAccountImportHistory | GetPayerAccountImportHistoryRequest | GetPayerAccountImportHistoryResponse stream | Gets a payer account's import history. Import history is a list of timestamps our system tracks when the account's data are imported to our system, which in turn, triggers processing. At the moment, this only supports AWS (CUR files). You can also set `{id}` to `*` to return all payers' information under the organization. |
GetPayerProformaReports | GetPayerProformaReportsRequest | GetPayerProformaReportsResponse | Gets a payer account's proforma reports. Applicable for AWS payer accounts only. |
CreatePayerAccount | CreatePayerAccountRequest | .blueapi.api.Account | DEPRECATED: Registers a vendor payer account. This is now deprecated for AWS payer accounts. To register an AWS payer account, check out the 'CreateDefaultCostAccess' API. |
RegisterPayerAccount | RegisterPayerAccountRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRES: Registers a vendor payer account with their basics details such as accountId and accountName. |
DeletePayerAccount | DeletePayerAccountRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes a vendor payer account. |
ListAccounts | ListAccountsRequest | .blueapi.api.Account stream | Lists all vendor accounts. |
GetAccount | GetAccountRequest | .blueapi.api.Account | Gets a vendor account. This API includes all of the account's metadata. See for the list of supported attributes. |
CreateAccount | CreateAccountRequest | .blueapi.api.Account | Registers a vendor account. |
UpdateAccount | UpdateAccountRequest | .blueapi.api.Account | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates a vendor account. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteAccount | DeleteAccountRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes a vendor account. |
ReadAccountOriginalResources | ReadAccountOriginalResourcesRequest | .blueapi.api.AccountOriginalResource stream | Reads all vendor account-original-resources. Account that have not been used for one month will no longer be retrieved. |
ListTags | ListTagsRequest | .blueapi.api.CostTag stream | Lists all vendor tags. |
ListCalculatorRunningAccounts | ListCalculatorRunningAccountsRequest | ListCalculatorRunningAccountsResponse stream | Lists the vendor calculator's queued accounts for calculation. If result is non-empty, it means calculation is still in progress for the returned accounts. Only available in Ripple. |
GetCalculatorConfig | GetCalculatorConfigRequest | GetCalculatorConfigResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets the vendor cost calculator's current configuration. |
ListCalculatorCostModifiers | ListCalculatorCostModifiersRequest | CalculatorCostModifier stream | Lists the cost calculator's cost modifiers. At the moment, the supported {vendor} is 'aws'. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateCalculatorCostModifier | CreateCalculatorCostModifierRequest | CreateCalculatorCostModifierResponse | Creates a cost modifier. A cost modifier allows you to modify the cost per lineitem. At the moment, the supported `{vendor}` is `aws` and only applies to items not affected by trueunblended calculations. Items not covered include some usages under `AmazonEC2`, `AmazonRDS`, `AmazonElastiCache`, `AmazonES`, and `AmazonRedShift`, that are covered by their respective RIs and/or SPs. Non-usage items such as discounts, refunds, fees, etc. are also not covered. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteCalculatorCostModifier | DeleteCalculatorCostModifierRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes a cost modifier. At the moment, the supported {vendor} is 'aws'. Only available in Ripple. |
ImportCurFiles | ImportCurFilesRequest | .protos.Operation | Initiates an ondemand import of all registered CUR files. See for more information. |
CalculateCosts | CalculateCostsRequest | .protos.Operation | Triggers monthly calculations for costs and invoices at either organization or billing group level. For the AWS calculator, aggregation is done at daily and monthly level. Also, all occurrences of the character `|` (pipe) in the CUR descriptions and tag key/values are replaced with the `/` (forward-slash) character. This is due to the `|` character having a special designation in the data processing workflows. |
ListCalculationsHistory | ListCalculationsHistoryRequest | ListCalculationsHistoryResponse | Lists vendor costs calculations history and statuses. |
ListCalculationsSchedules | ListCalculationsSchedulesRequest | ListCalculationsSchedulesResponse | Lists the schedules of your monthly calculations. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateCalculationsSchedule | CreateCalculationsScheduleRequest | CalculationsSchedule | Creates a schedule to trigger your monthly calculations. At the moment, only one schedule is allowed per account. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteCalculationsSchedule | DeleteCalculationsScheduleRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the schedule of your monthly calculations. Only available in Ripple. |
ListCostFilters | ListCostFiltersRequest | ListCostFiltersResponse | Lists the usage-based cost filter condition. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
CreateCostFilters | CreateCostFiltersRequest | CreateCostFiltersResponse | Creates the usage-based cost filter condition. You can consider cost filters as predefined/prefiltered queries using the `v1/{vendor}/costs:read` or `ReadCosts` API. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
UpdateCostFilters | UpdateCostFiltersRequest | UpdateCostFiltersResponse | Updates the usage-based cost filter condition. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
DeleteCostFilters | DeleteCostFiltersRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the usage-based cost filter condition. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
ExportCostFiltersFile | ExportCostFiltersFileRequest | ExportCostFiltersFileResponse | Exports the usage-based cost filter condition. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
ReadCostAttributes | ReadCostAttributesRequest | CostAttributeItem stream | Reads the available cost attributes of an organization (Ripple) or billing group (Wave). Similar to the `ReadCosts` API but without the aggregated usages and costs. At the moment, the supported `{vendor}` is `aws`. If datetime range parameters are not set, month-to-date (current month) will be returned. |
GetCostAttributes | GetCostAttributesRequest | GetCostAttributesResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Reads the available cost attributes of an organization (Ripple) or billing group (Wave). |
ReadCosts | ReadCostsRequest | CostItem stream | Reads the usage-based cost details of an organization (Ripple) or billing group (Wave). You can refer to this [guide]( for more examples on how to use this API. Although the guide uses `bluectl`, the parameters are the same. |
ReadAdjustments | ReadAdjustmentsRequest | CostItem stream | Reads the non-usage-based details of an organization (Ripple) or billing group (Wave[Pro]). This API covers non-usage-based adjustments, such as Fees, Credits, Discounts, Tax, Upfront Fees, etc. At the moment, the supported `{vendor}` is `aws` or `azure`. If datetime range parameters are not set, month-to-date (current month) will be returned. |
ReadTagCosts | ReadTagCostsRequest | CostItem stream | Reads the usage-based tag costs of a billing group. At the moment, the supported `{vendor}` is `aws`. If datetime range parameters are not set, month-to-date (current month) will be returned. |
ReadNonTagCosts | ReadNonTagCostsRequest | CostItem stream | Reads the usage-based non tag costs of a billing group. At the moment, the supported `{vendor}` is `aws`. If datetime range parameters are not set, month-to-date (current month) will be returned. |
GetForecasts | GetForecastsRequest | GetForecastsResponse | Fetches cost forecasts for the specified billing group. Includes historical cost (up to previous month) and forecasted cost (up to three months for now). |
GetMonthlyCostForecast | GetMonthlyCostForecastRequest | GetMonthlyCostForecastResponse | Fetches monthly accumulated costs vs forecasted cost vs budget for the id. |
GetMonthOnMonthCostForecast | GetMonthOnMonthCostForecastRequest | GetMonthOnMonthCostForecastResponse | Fetches previous month cost vs current month forecast vs current accumulated cost per category for id. |
GetMonthToDateCostForecast | GetMonthToDateCostForecastRequest | GetMonthToDateCostForecastResponse | Fetches current month daily forecast vs current accumulated daily cost for id. |
GetAccountBudget | GetAccountBudgetRequest | GetAccountBudgetResponse | Fetches monthly budget for the account/acctgroup id. |
CreateAccountBudget | CreateAccountBudgetRequest | CreateAccountBudgetResponse | Creates monthly budget for the account/acctgroup id. |
UpdateAccountBudget | UpdateAccountBudgetRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Updates monthly budget for the account/acctgroup id. |
DeleteAccountBudget | DeleteAccountBudgetRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Removes monthly budget for the account/acctgroup id from database. |
GetAccountBudgetAlerts | GetAccountBudgetAlertsRequest | .blueapi.api.wave.BudgetAlert | Get the budget alerts for the account id. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
CreateAccountBudgetAlerts | CreateAccountBudgetAlertsRequest | .blueapi.api.wave.BudgetAlert | Create the budget alerts for the account id. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
UpdateAccountBudgetAlerts | UpdateAccountBudgetAlertsRequest | .blueapi.api.wave.BudgetAlert | Update the budget alerts for the account id. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
DeleteAccountBudgetAlerts | DeleteAccountBudgetAlertsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete the budget alerts for the account id. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
ReadBudgetAlerts | ReadBudgetAlertsRequest | BudgetAlerts stream | ReadBudgetAlerts Reads the budget alerts. Only available in Wave(Pro). [ERRORS] - Unimplemented: - not implemented - InvalidArgument: - parse error |
GetBudgetAlerts | GetBudgetAlertsRequest | BudgetAlerts | GetBudgetAlerts Gets the budget alerts. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
CreateBudgetAlerts | CreateBudgetAlertsRequest | BudgetAlerts | CreateBudgetAlerts Create the budget alerts. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
UpdateBudgetAlerts | UpdateBudgetAlertsRequest | BudgetAlerts | UpdateBudgetAlerts Updates the budget alerts. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
DeleteBudgetAlerts | DeleteBudgetAlertsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | DeleteBudgetAlerts Deletes the budget alerts. Only available in Wave(Pro). |
GetRecommendations | GetRecommendationsRequest | GetRecommendationsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get cost opmtimization recommendations for an organization (or MSP). |
GetCostReduction | GetCostReductionRequest | GetCostReductionResponse | Get cost reduction details for an organization (or MSP). |
GetUtilization | GetUtilizationRequest | GetUtilizationResponse | Get the utilization details for an organization (or MSP). |
GetCoverageOptions | GetCoverageOptionsRequest | GetCoverageOptionsResponse | Get coverage options details for an organization (or MSP). |
GetCoverageOndemand | GetCoverageOndemandRequest | GetCoverageOndemandResponse | Get ondemand cost details for an organization (or MSP). |
GetBreakevenPoint | GetBreakevenPointRequest | GetBreakevenPointResponse | Get the breakeven point details for the RI or SP. |
CheckAccountsBelongToMsp | CheckAccountsRequest | CheckAccountsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Check inputed accountIds belong to current MSP or not |
ReadInvoiceIds | ReadInvoiceIdsRequest | ReadInvoiceIdsResponse stream | Read the invoice ids. Only available in Ripple. |
ReadInvoiceOverViews | ReadInvoiceOverviewsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.OverViewSection stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Read the invoice overviews. Only available in Ripple. |
ReadInvoiceCosts | ReadInvoiceCostsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.TotalSection stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Read the invoice costs. Only available in Ripple. |
ReadInvoiceGroupCosts | ReadInvoiceGroupCostsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.BillingGroupSection stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Read the invoice group costs. Only available in Ripple. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
ListPayerAccounts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/payers | |
GetPayerAccount | GET | /v1/{vendor}/payers/{id} | |
GetPayerAccountImportHistory | GET | /v1/{vendor}/payers/{id}/importhistory | |
GetPayerProformaReports | GET | /v1/{vendor}/payers/{id}/proforma | |
CreatePayerAccount | POST | /v1/{vendor}/payers | * |
RegisterPayerAccount | POST | /v1/{vendor}/payers/basicdetails | * |
DeletePayerAccount | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/payers/{id} | |
ListAccounts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/accounts | |
ListAccounts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/groups/{groupId} | |
GetAccount | GET | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/{id} | |
CreateAccount | POST | /v1/{vendor}/accounts | * |
UpdateAccount | PUT | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/{id} | * |
DeleteAccount | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/{id} | |
ReadAccountOriginalResources | POST | /v1/{vendor}/aors:read | * |
ListTags | GET | /v1/{vendor}/tags | |
ListTags | GET | /v1/{vendor}/tags/groups/{groupId} | |
ListCalculatorRunningAccounts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/calculator/running:read | * |
GetCalculatorConfig | GET | /v1/{vendor}/calculator/config | |
ListCalculatorCostModifiers | GET | /v1/{vendor}/calculator/config/costmods | |
CreateCalculatorCostModifier | POST | /v1/{vendor}/calculator/config/costmods | * |
DeleteCalculatorCostModifier | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/calculator/config/costmods/{id} | |
ImportCurFiles | POST | /v1/aws/cur:import | * |
CalculateCosts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/costs:calculate | * |
ListCalculationsHistory | GET | /v1/{vendor}/calculations/history | |
ListCalculationsSchedules | GET | /v1/{vendor}/calculations/schedules | |
CreateCalculationsSchedule | POST | /v1/{vendor}/calculations/schedules | * |
DeleteCalculationsSchedule | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/calculations/schedules/{id} | |
ListCostFilters | GET | /v1/{vendor}/costfilters | |
CreateCostFilters | POST | /v1/{vendor}/costfilters | * |
UpdateCostFilters | PUT | /v1/{vendor}/costfilters/{filterId} | * |
DeleteCostFilters | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/costfilters/{filterId} | |
ExportCostFiltersFile | POST | /v1/{vendor}/costfilters/{filterId}:export | * |
ReadCostAttributes | POST | /v1/{vendor}/costattrs:read | * |
GetCostAttributes | GET | /v1/{vendor}/costattrs | |
ReadCosts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/costs:read | * |
ReadAdjustments | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustments:read | * |
ReadTagCosts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/tagcosts:read | * |
ReadNonTagCosts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/nontagcosts:read | * |
GetForecasts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/forecasts | |
GetMonthlyCostForecast | GET | /v1/{vendor}/forecasts/monthly/{level}/{id} | |
GetMonthOnMonthCostForecast | GET | /v1/{vendor}/forecasts/month-on-month/{level}/{id} | |
GetMonthToDateCostForecast | GET | /v1/{vendor}/forecasts/month-to-date/{level}/{id} | |
GetAccountBudget | GET | /v1/{vendor}/budget/{level}/{id} | |
CreateAccountBudget | POST | /v1/{vendor}/budget/{level}/{id} | * |
UpdateAccountBudget | PUT | /v1/{vendor}/budget/{budgetId} | * |
DeleteAccountBudget | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/budget/{budgetId} | |
GetAccountBudgetAlerts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/alerts/{id} | |
CreateAccountBudgetAlerts | POST | /v1/{vendor}/alerts/{id} | * |
UpdateAccountBudgetAlerts | PUT | /v1/{vendor}/alerts/{id} | * |
DeleteAccountBudgetAlerts | DELETE | /v1/{vendor}/alerts/{id} | |
ReadBudgetAlerts | POST | /v1/alerts:read | * |
GetBudgetAlerts | GET | /v1/alerts/{id} | |
CreateBudgetAlerts | POST | /v1/alerts | * |
UpdateBudgetAlerts | PUT | /v1/alerts/{id} | * |
DeleteBudgetAlerts | DELETE | /v1/alerts/{id} | |
GetRecommendations | POST | /v1/{vendor}/recommendations/{orgId}:read | * |
GetCostReduction | POST | /v1/{vendor}/reduction/{orgId}:read | * |
GetUtilization | GET | /v1/{vendor}/utilization/{orgId} | |
GetCoverageOptions | POST | /v1/{vendor}/coverage/options/{orgId}:read | * |
GetCoverageOndemand | POST | /v1/{vendor}/coverage/ondemand/{orgId}:read | * |
GetBreakevenPoint | GET | /v1/{vendor}/bep/{orgId} | |
CheckAccountsBelongToMsp | POST | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/customers/accounts:check | * |
ReadInvoiceIds | POST | /v1/{vendor}/invoiceids:read | * |
ReadInvoiceOverViews | POST | /v1/invoiceoverviews:read | * |
ReadInvoiceCosts | POST | /v1/invoicecosts:read | * |
ReadInvoiceGroupCosts | POST | /v1/invoicegroupcosts:read | * |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string |
accountName | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arn | string |
name | string |
creationTime | string |
description | string |
primaryAccountId | string |
size | string |
status | string |
Defines the fields associated with a Wave access group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accessGroupId | string | The ID of the access group. |
accessGroupName | string | The name of the access group. |
accessGroupDescription | string | A description of the access group. |
billingGroups | BillingGroup | repeated | A list of billing groups contained in the access group. |
Streaming response message for the AccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id. |
account | string | Account id. |
serviceDiscounts | blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts | service discount infomation. |
Account options definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | RegisterAccounts | AWS register accounts |
gcp | RegisterAccounts | GCP register accounts |
azure | RegisterAccounts | Azure register accounts |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id. |
accountId | string | Account id. |
New message for account details
Field | Type | Label | Description |
customerId | string | Required. account id of the customer |
accountId | string | Required. Payer account id |
name | string | Required. Descriptive name |
note | string | Optional. Addition description or notes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. BillingGroupInternalId |
vendor | string | Required. (aws, azure, gcp) |
accounts | AccountToAdd | repeated | Required. List of accounts to be added to the billing group |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. BillingGroupInternalId |
idToKey | AddBillingGroupCustomFieldRequest.IdToKeyEntry | repeated | map of customField id to it's key (description) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. Billing group internal Id |
vendor | string | Required. Vendor (aws, azure, gcp) |
settings | TagSetting | repeated | Tag settings for different customer accounts |
nonTagSetting | NonTagSetting | Non-tag settings for the billing group |
Request message for the Billing.AllocateAdjustmentEntry rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. AdjustmentEntry ID. |
Request message for the Billing.ApplyAdjustmentEntry rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
setting | ApplyAdjustmentEntryRequest.ApplySetting | Required. ApplySetting. root setting. |
entries | ApplyAdjustmentEntryRequest.AdjustmentEntry | repeated | Required. List of AdjustmentEntry. |
AdjustmentEntry. target IDs
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. adjustment entry ID. |
setting | ApplyAdjustmentEntryRequest.ApplySetting | Optional. ApplySetting. If this setting is configured, it will take precedence. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string | Optional. apply to month. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
taxFree | bool | Optional. tax free setting. |
exchangeRate | double | Optional. exchange rate. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. apply to billing internal ID. When you specify billing internal ID, the invoicing will be applied to the target Billing Group. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Streaming response message for the Billing.ListAwsDailyRunHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string |
billingGroupId | string |
month | string |
accounts | AwsDailyRunHistory.Account | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string |
history | AwsDailyRunHistory.Account.History | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | string | Calculation timestamp in UTC, RFC3339. |
trigger | string | Calculation trigger. Either `invoice` or `cur`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
useProFormaCur | bool |
payerId | string | Must not be empty if useProFormaCur is true. |
Optional. Azure-specific options
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resourceGroup | bool | Whether to use resource groups |
applyPcEarnedCredit | bool | Whether to apply partner-earned credit |
applyCampaignPricing | bool | Whether to apply campaign pricing |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingGroupName | string |
billingGroupId | string |
companyName | string |
addressee | string | optional |
country | string |
postalCode | string |
city | string |
phoneNumber | string | optional |
addressLine1 | string | optional |
addressLine2 | string | optional |
state | string | optional |
prefecture | string | optional |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string | The billing group's internal id. |
billingGroupId | string | The billing group id. |
billingGroupName | string | The billing group name. |
companyName | string | The company’s name. |
type | string | For aws only: `default` or `imported` |
billingGroupInfo | blueapi.api.ripple.BillingGroupInfo | The billing group info |
accountOptions | AccountOptions | The account options. |
accounts | blueapi.api.Account | repeated | List of all accounts |
tags | blueapi.api.CostTag | repeated | List of all tags |
invoiceSettings | BillingGroupInvoiceSettings | The invoice settings for this billing group. |
additionalItems | BillingGroupAdditionalItems | List of all additionalItems |
awsOptions | AwsOptions | AWS-specific options |
Additional items for a billing group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | blueapi.api.AdditionalItems | repeated | AWS additional items |
azure | blueapi.api.AdditionalItems | repeated | Azure additional items |
gcp | blueapi.api.AdditionalItems | repeated | GCP additional items |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string |
customField | CustomField |
Invoice settings for a billing group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | BillingGroupVendoredInvoiceSetting | AWS invoice settings |
azure | BillingGroupVendoredInvoiceSetting | Azure invoice settings |
gcp | BillingGroupVendoredInvoiceSetting | GCP invoice settings |
Invoice settings that are vendor-specific for each billing group.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
calcType | string |
discountRate | double |
substitutionFee | string |
substitutionFix | double |
substitutionRate | double |
supportFee | string |
supportRate | double |
supportFix | double |
taxRate | double |
currency | string |
discountTargetUsage | string |
substitutionFeeTargetUsage | string |
discountCalcLogic | string |
substitutionFeeCalcTarget | string |
substitutionFeeCalcType | string |
supportAmountTarget | string |
supportFeeCalcTarget | string |
Request message for the CreateAccessGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. access group name. We recommend the name length of 1~60 characters. |
description | string | Required. access group description. We recommend the description length of 0~150 characters. |
billingGroups | string | repeated | Required. Billing group to be included in the access group. You can only include billing groups with the same calculation type and currency type. Specify the billingInternalIds. For example: [`billingInternalId1`,`billingInternalId2`,`billingInternalId3`] |
Request message for the CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
accounts | AccountServiceDiscounts | repeated | Required. |
Response message for the CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accounts | AccountServiceDiscounts | repeated |
Request message for the Billing.CreateAdjustmentConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
config | blueapi.api.ConfigFilters | repeated | Required. A list of filtering options. See [api.ConfigFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
accounts | blueapi.api.ManagementAccount | repeated | Optional. |
Request message for the CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
id | string | Required. Service discount id. |
Response message for the CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id. |
Request message for the CreateBillingGroupMerged rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingGroupId | string | Required. The billing group's id. |
billingGroupName | string | Required. The billing group's name. |
companyName | string | Required. Company's name |
billingTitle | string | Optional. The title of the billing |
phoneNumber | string | Optional. Company's phone number |
postalCode | string | Optional. Company's postal code |
address | string | Optional. Company's address |
personal | string | Optional. Addressee |
remarks | string | Optional. Any remarks about the billing group |
projectId | string | Optional. Project code |
language | string | Optional. Invoice language |
displayCost | string | Optional. Calculation type, true unblended or unblended |
exchangeRateType | string | Optional. Exchange rate type, payer or billing group |
accountOptions | AccountOptions | Optional. Account options. |
invoices | CreateBillingGroupRequestInvoice | Invoice settings |
awsOptions | AwsOptions | Optional. AWS-specific options |
city | string | Optional. Company's city |
prefecture | string | Optional. Company's prefecture |
country | string | Optional. Company's country |
invoiceTemplateId | string | Optional. Invoice template ID to associate with the billing group |
tagSettings | TagSetting | repeated | Optional. Tag settings for the billing group |
nonTagSetting | NonTagSetting | Optional. Non-tag setting for the billing group |
vendorAccounts | VendorAccounts | repeated |
customFields | CreateBillingGroupMergedRequest.CustomFieldsEntry | repeated | Optional. Custom fields to add to the billing group |
azureOptions | AzureOptions |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the Billing.CreateBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingGroupId | string | Required. The billing group's id. |
billingGroupName | string | Required. The billing group's name. |
companyName | string | Required. Company’s name |
billingTitle | string | Optional. The title of the billing |
phoneNumber | string | Optional. Company’s phone number |
postalCode | string | Optional. Company’s postal code |
address | string | Optional. Company’s address |
personal | string | Optional. Addressee |
remarks | string | Optional. Any remarks about the billing group |
projectId | string | Optional. Project code |
language | string | Optional. Invoice language |
displayCost | string | Optional. Calculation type, true unblended or unblended |
exchangeRateType | string | Optional. Exchange rate type, payer or billing group |
accountOptions | AccountOptions | Optional. Account options. |
invoices | CreateBillingGroupRequestInvoice | Invoice settings |
awsOptions | AwsOptions | Optional. AWS-specific options |
city | string | Optional. Company's city |
prefecture | string | Optional. Company's prefecture |
country | string | Optional. Company's country |
Vendor invoice setttings
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aws | CreateBillingGroupRequestInvoiceVendor | AWS invoice settings |
azure | CreateBillingGroupRequestInvoiceVendor | Azure invoice settings |
gcp | CreateBillingGroupRequestInvoiceVendor | GCP invoice settings |
Specific settings per vendor
Field | Type | Label | Description |
calcType | string |
discountRate | double |
substitutionFee | string |
substitutionFix | double |
substitutionRate | double |
supportFee | string |
supportRate | double |
supportFix | double |
taxRate | double |
currency | string |
discountTargetUsage | string |
substitutionFeeTargetUsage | string |
discountCalcLogic | string |
substitutionFeeCalcTarget | string |
substitutionFeeCalcType | string |
supportAmountTarget | string |
supportFeeCalcTarget | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
description | string |
Request message for the Billing.CreateCustomizedBillingService rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. [] |
description | string | Optional. [blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService.description] |
config | blueapi.api.ripple.MethodConfig | Required. [blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService.MethodConfig] |
BillingGroup FreeFormat: Also known as miscellaneous
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
vendor | string |
items | FreeFormItem | repeated |
Request message for the CreateInvoice rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Month to get invoice. Format: `yyyymm`. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
allGroups | bool | Optional. You can set all billing groups. If this parameter is not set, The list set to `groups` is used. |
groups | string | repeated | Optional. You can set it to a list of billing internal group id |
Request message for the Billing.CreateInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. [] |
description | string | Optional. [blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts.description] |
setting | blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscountsSetting | Required. [blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts.InvoiceServiceDiscountsSetting] |
Request message for the CreateReseller rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. You can set billing internal id or access group id. |
string | Required. |
password | string | Required. We recommend a password length of 8~32 characters. If you send 0 characters, a password will be generated automatically. |
notification | bool | Required. If valid, you will be notified via email address. |
waveConfig | blueapi.api.ripple.ResellerConfig | repeated | Optional. Feature Config. If not set config value, use default config |
aquaConfig | blueapi.api.ripple.ResellerConfig | repeated | Optional. Feature Config. If not set config value, use default config |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the custom field, automatically generated and immutable. |
key | string | Descriptive name of the custom field |
description | string | Detailed description of the custom field |
Request message for the DeleteAccessGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. access group id. |
Request message for the DeleteAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
Request message for the Billing.DeleteAdjustmentConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. Billing group internal Id |
customFieldId | string | Required. The id of customfield from get customfield |
Request message for the DeleteBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for the Billing.DeleteCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. billing internal id in billing group. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
Request message for the Billing.DeleteCustomizedBillingService rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
vendor | string |
Request message for the Billing.DeleteInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
Request message for the DeleteReseller rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. reseller id. |
Request message for the ExportAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
format | string | Required. At the moment, `CSV` is supported. |
language | string | Optional. At the moment, `ja`,`en` is supported. Usually the language of the user information is used, but it may be a different language due to cahce. In that case, you can use this option to change the language of CSV. |
directLink | bool | Returns a directLink if set to true |
Request message for the ExportBillingGroupCsv rpc.
port from m/ripple/exportcsv/billing-group
Field | Type | Label | Description |
language | string | Usually the language of the user information is used, but it may be a different language due to cahce. In that case, you can use this option to change the language of CSV. |
Response message for the ExportBillingGroupCsv rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
downloadLink | string | csv direct download link expires in 10 minutes |
Request message for the ExportBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
format | string | Required. At the moment, `CSV` is supported. |
language | string | Optional. At the moment, `ja`,`en` is supported. Usually the language of the user information is used, but it may be a different language due to cahce. In that case, you can use this option to change the language of CSV. |
directLink | bool | Returns a directLink if set to true |
Request message for the ExportCostFiltersFile rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Month to get invoice. Format: `yyyymm`. |
groupId | string | Optional. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group or a comma-separated list of groups. ex) `group1,group2`. if want to set all group, set `*`. Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
Response message for the ExportInvoiceFile rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string | Required. URL of exported file. csv columns set `group vendor resourceId resourceName type serviceName currency cost` |
port from m/ripple/exportcsv/billing-group-setting
Field | Type | Label | Description |
language | string | Usually the language of the user information is used, but it may be a different language due to cahce. In that case, you can use this option to change the language of CSV. |
Response message for the ExportBillingGroupCsv rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
downloadLink | string | csv direct download link expires in 10 minutes |
Request message for the ExportServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
format | string | Required. At the moment, `CSV` is supported. |
language | string | Optional. At the moment, `ja`,`en` is supported. Usually the language of the user information is used, but it may be a different language due to cahce. In that case, you can use this option to change the language of CSV. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
label | string |
unitCost | int64 |
total | int64 |
quantity | uint32 |
enabled | bool |
Request message for the Billing.GetAccessGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accessGroupId | string |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Response message for the Billing.GetAccessGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accessGroup | AccessGroup |
Request message for the Billing.GetAdjustmentConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
Request message for the Billing.GetAdjustmentEntryRequest rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
id | string | Required. The adjustment entry id. [] |
Request message for the GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The billing internal id. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws` is supported. |
Response message for the GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The billing internal id. |
vendor | string | At the moment, `aws` is supported. |
enabled | bool | The enabled indicates whether the account support plan is enabled or disabled. |
setting | blueapi.api.ripple.v1.BillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | repeated | The support plan setting. [blueapi.api.ripple.v1.BillingGroupAccountSupportPlan]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id |
Request message for the Billing.GetBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Response message for the Billing.GetBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingGroup | BillingGroup |
Request message for the GetBillingSetting rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Response message for the GetBillingSetting rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
yearMonth | blueapi.api.ripple.YearMonth | repeated | List of available yearmonth. |
roundingMethod | blueapi.api.ripple.Rounding | Rounding method. |
exportRoundingMethod | blueapi.api.ripple.Rounding | Rounding method for Export CSV. |
invoiceLayout | blueapi.api.ripple.InvoiceLayout | Invoice layout. |
invoiceDueDate | blueapi.api.ripple.DueDate | Invoice due date. |
supportCurrency | string | repeated | List of available currency. |
Request message for the Billing.GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. billing internal id in billing group. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
Response message for the Billing.GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup rpc.
If there is no account information, it indicates that it is applied to BillingGroup.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
vendor | string | Required. vendor that applied to the CustomizedBillingService config. |
chargingTarget | blueapi.api.ripple.ChargingTarget | Required. [blueapi.api.ripple.ChargingTarget] |
accounts | blueapi.api.Account | repeated | Optional. accounts that applied to the CustomizedBillingService config. |
Request message for the Billing.GetCustomizedBillingService rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | set empty to get all the freeformat of the MSP |
isAssociated | bool | this setting is ignored if groupId is not empty set true to return only the free format associated to a BG |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
vendor | string |
freeFormat | FreeFormItem | repeated |
Request message for the Cost.GetInvoiceRequest rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Month to get invoice. Format: `yyyymm`. |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
Request message for the GetInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. []. |
fieldMask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Request message for the GetInvoiceStatus rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. invoice generate request id. |
Request message for the GetReseller rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. reseller id. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
groupId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
type | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
price | float |
Response message to be used for ListInvoiceTemplateResponse
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string |
billingGroupId | string |
billingGroupName | string |
Streaming response message for the InvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id. |
name | string | Service discount name. |
description | string | Service discount description. |
created | string | create timestamp. |
updated | string | update timestamp. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
invoiceNo | string |
discountRate | float |
discountTargetUsage | string | e.g., cloudpaywithfee, ... |
discountCalcLogic | string | e.g., usageamount, ... |
taxRate | float |
supportFee | string | e.g., percent, fix, aws_developer, aws_business, aws_enterprise |
supportRate | float |
supportFeeCalcTarget | string | e.g., nondiscount, ... |
supportFix | float |
substitutionFee | string | e.g., percent, fix, automatic, usagetable |
substitutionRate | float |
substitutionFix | float |
substitutionFeeCalcTarget | string | e.g., nondiscount, ... |
substitutionFeeTargetUsage | string | e.g., cloudpayonly, cloudpaywithfee |
substitutionFeeCalcType | string | e.g., allsum, account |
currency | string | Currency used for the invoice (e.g., "jpy", "inr") |
exchangeRate | float | Exchange rate from USD to the invoice currency Example: If the invoice currency is "jpy" and 1 USD = 150 jpy, exchangeRate = 150 |
memo | string |
calcType | string | e.g., account, tag |
additionalItems | InvoiceAdditionalItems | repeated |
request message for ListAbcBillingGroupAccounts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payerId | string | Required. Payer Id. |
billingGroupArn | string | Required. BillingGroup Id. |
request message for ListAbcBillingGroups
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Payer Id. |
Request message for the ListAccessGroups rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Request message for the ListAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
Request message for the Billing.ListAccountResources rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. |
Request message for the Billing.ListAwsCalculationHistory rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string | Optional. If empty, defaults to current UTC month. Format: yyyymm. |
groupId | string | Optional. If not empty, query for this group. At the moment, only `billingInternalId`s are supported. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | billing group InternalID leave empty to get all group id custom field |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
billingGroupCustomFields | BillingGroupCustomField | repeated |
Request message for the Billing.ListBillingGroups rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
vendors | string | Optional. Filter vendor accounts included in BillingGroup. Format: vendors=vendor1,vendor2,vendor3. For example, When Aws and Gcp to be filtered vendors=aws,gcp If you want to get all vendors, not set parameter. |
calcType | string | Optional. Filter by calcType. Format: calType=account Valid values: account, tag |
displayCost | string | Optional. Filter by displayCost. Format: displayCost=unblended_cost valid values: unblended_cost, true_unblended_cost |
bgType | string | Optional. For aws only, filter will be ignored for other vendors. Valid values: default, imported |
Request message for the ListExchangeRates rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. vendor. |
month | string | Required. month. Format: `yyyymm`. |
Response message for the ListExchangeRates rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string | The Month. |
common | blueapi.api.ripple.CommonExchangeRate | The common exchange rate. |
billingGroup | blueapi.api.ripple.BillingGroupExchangeRate | repeated | The billing group exchange rate. |
payer | blueapi.api.ripple.VendorPayerExchangeRate | The payer exchange rate. |
Request message for the ListInvoice rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | YYYYMM format (e.g 202412, 202501) |
vendor | string | OPTIONAL: vendor (aws, azure, gcp) |
Response message for the ListInvoice rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string | The billing internal id. |
billingGroupId | string | The billing group id. |
billingGroupName | string | The billing group name. Used as invoice name on ripple v2 |
companyName | string |
invoiceStatus | string | Created || Not Created |
finalizationStatus | string | In progress || Done |
waveStatus | string | Published || Not published |
vendor | string | aws, azure, gcp |
currency | string | The currency of the invoice (usd, jpy, ...) |
billingAmountAws | string | Formated in $8,000.12 |
billingAmountAzure | string |
billingAmountGcp | string |
billingAmountTotal | string |
urlId | string |
invoiceSettingsAws | InvoiceSettings | returns null if no settings is saved for the month |
invoiceSettingsAzure | InvoiceSettings |
invoiceSettingsGcp | InvoiceSettings |
Request message for the ListInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Request message for the ListInvoiceStatus rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Month to get invoice status. Format: `yyyymm`. |
Request message for ListInvoiceTemplate rpc.
Response message for ListInvoiceTemplate rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
name | string |
description | string |
created | string |
updated | string |
numberOfConnected | int32 |
connectedBillingGroup | InvoiceConnectedBillingGroups | repeated |
invoices | BillingGroupInvoiceSettings |
Request message for the ListResellers rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Request message for the Billing.ListUsageCostsDrift rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
billingInternalId | string | Optional. If empty, returns all billing groups. |
month | string | Optional. If empty, defaults to current UTC month. Format: yyyymm. |
Individual non-tag group setting for UpdateNonTagGroupToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The non-tag group ID |
type | string | Required. The type of setting (percentage or fixed) |
amount | double | Required. The amount value for either percentage or fixed amount |
Non-tag settings for a billing group for AddTagsToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include | bool | Whether non-tag settings are included |
type | string | Type of non-tag setting ("percentage" or "fixed") |
amount | double | Amount value (percentage or fixed amount) |
Request message for the Billing.ReadAdjustmentEntries rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sppDiscount | bool |
edpDiscount | bool |
Request message for the Billing.ReadCustomizedBillingServices rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Request message for the Billing.ReadInvoiceAdjustments rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
accountId | string | Required. |
month | string | Optional. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
feeType | string | Optional. If empty, defaults to all fee type. At the moment, only `Fee`,`Refund`,`Credit`,`SppDiscount`,`EdpDiscount`,`BundledDiscount` is supported. |
Request message for the ReadServiceDiscountsServices rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
Request message for the Billing.ReadUntaggedGroups rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
field_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Optional. Get only the value that set fieldMask. see more info: |
Register Accounts definition
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enabled | bool | Optional. If enabled, any additional accounts will be automatically enrolled into the billing group. If disabled, register the account manually. For GCP, Register projectId under the specific Sub billing account. For AWS, Register accountId under the specific payer account into the billing group |
accountId | string | Optional. AccountId to be used for registration into the billing group. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
accounts | AccountServiceDiscounts | repeated | Required. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payerId | string |
customerId | string |
registered | bool |
Request message for the Billing.RestoreAdjustmentEntry rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
entries | string | repeated | Required. List of AdjustmentEntry IDs. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Invoice month. Format: `yyyymm`. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
allGroups | bool | Optional. You can set all billing groups. If true the setting would be apply to all group. |
groups | string | repeated | Optional. groups to apply the invoices setting this is ignored if allGroups is true. |
invoiceSetting | InvoiceSettings | Required. Invoice setting. |
Response message for tag invoice setting operation for AddTagsToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | string | Status of the operation |
error | string | Optional error message if operation failed |
Request message for the Billing.SetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. billing internal id in billing group. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws`,`azure`,`gcp` is supported. |
setting | SetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroupRequest.CustomizedBillingServiceBillingSetting | repeated | Required. customized billing service setting. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
chargingTarget | blueapi.api.ripple.ChargingTarget | Required. [blueapi.api.ripple.ChargingTarget] |
accounts | string | repeated | Optional. if chargingTarget is BILLINGGROUP, `accounts` is set emptty. Specify the accountIds. For example: [`accountId1`,`accountId2`,`accountId3`] |
Request message for the Billing.SplitAdjustmentEntry rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
id | string | Required. AdjustmentEntry ID. |
startMonth | string | Required. The UTC month to query. If empty, defaults to current month. Format is `yyyymm`. For example, June 2021 will be `202106`. |
Individual tag definition for AddTagsToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | Tag key |
value | string | Tag value |
assign | int32 | Assignment percentage (only used for non-tag assignments) |
Response for tag request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
customerId | string |
accountId | string |
customerName | string |
tags | Tags | repeated |
Settings for a specific customer account for AddTagsToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
customerId | string | Customer ID |
tags | Tag | repeated | Tags associated with this customer |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
values | string | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string |
customerId | string |
tagKeys | string | repeated |
Request message for the UpdateAccessGroup rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. access group id. |
name | string | Optional. access group name. Set only the name to be changed. We recommend the name length of 1~60 characters. |
description | string | Optional. access group description. Set only the description to be changed. We recommend the description length of 0~150 characters. |
billingGroups | string | repeated | Optional. Billing group to be included in the access group. You can only include billing groups with the same calculation type and currency type. Set only the billingGroups to be changed. Specify the billingInternalIds. For example: [`billingInternalId1`,`billingInternalId2`,`billingInternalId3`] |
Request message for the UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
accounts | AccountServiceDiscounts | repeated | Required. |
Response message for the UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accounts | AccountServiceDiscounts | repeated |
Request message for the Billing.UpdateAdjustmentConfig rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, only `aws` is supported. |
config | blueapi.api.ConfigFilters | repeated | Optional. |
accounts | blueapi.api.ManagementAccount | repeated | Optional. |
Request message for the UpdateBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The billing internal id. |
vendor | string | Required. At the moment, `aws` is supported. |
enabled | bool | Optional. The enabled indicates whether the account support plan is enabled or disabled. |
setting | blueapi.api.ripple.v1.BillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | repeated | Optional. The support plan setting. [blueapi.api.ripple.v1.BillingGroupAccountSupportPlan]. |
updateMask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Required. If the `enabled` is set, only the `enabled` will be updated. If you want to update all values, please set both `enabled` and `setting`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
basicInformation | BasicInformation |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
idToKey | UpdateBillingGroupCustomFieldsRequest.IdToKeyEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupId | string | Required. For Ripple, only billing internal ids are supported at the moment. You can set it to a single group Implied as the parent billing group for Wave(Pro) users. |
id | string | Required. Service discount id. |
Response message for the UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Service discount id. |
Request a message to update/create a billing group's invoice template
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The billing internal ID |
invoiceTemplateId | string | Required. The invoice template ID to associate with the billing group |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
key | string |
description | string |
Request message for the Billing.UpdateCustomizedBillingService rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
customizedBillingService | blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService | Required. The updated customized billing service object. |
updateMask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Required. Indicates which fields in the provided CustomizedBillingService to update. Must be specified and non-empty. |
Request message for the UpdateInvoicePreviews rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Required. Month to get invoice. Format: `yyyymm`. |
allGroups | bool | Optional. You can set all billing groups. If this parameter is not set, The list set to `groups` is used. |
groups | string | repeated | Optional. You can set it to a list of billing internal group id |
enabled | bool | Required. You can set display or hiding. If true, Hiding Invoice. If false, Display Invoice. |
Request message for the Billing.UpdateInvoiceServiceDiscounts rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. [] |
invoiceServiceDiscounts | blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts | Required. The updated invoice service discounts object. |
updateMask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Required. Indicates which fields in the provided InvoiceServiceDiscounts to update. Must be specified and non-empty. |
Request message for updating non-tag group settings for a billing group for UpdateNonTagGroupToBillingGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The billing group's internal id |
vendor | string | Required. The vendor (aws, azure, etc) |
settings | NonTagGroupSetting | repeated | Required. The settings to update |
Request message for the UpdateReseller rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. reseller id. |
string | Optional. |
password | string | Optional. We recommend a password length of 8~32 characters. If you send 0 characters, a password will be generated automatically. |
waveConfig | blueapi.api.ripple.ResellerConfig | repeated | Optional. wave feature config Set only the config to be changed. For example, If you want to change only dashboardGraph, set `{"waveConfig": [{"key": "dashboardGraph","value": true}]}` as a parameter |
aquaConfig | blueapi.api.ripple.ResellerConfig | repeated | Optional. aqua feature config Set only the config to be changed. For example, If you want to change only aqRiManagement, set `{"waveConfig": [{"key": "aqRiManagement","value": true}]}` as a parameter |
notification | bool | Optional. If valid when email or password is updated, you will be notified via email address. If only waveConfig or aquaConfig is changed, it is ignored. |
updateMask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | Required. |
BillingGroup tags adding setting
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
groupId | string |
items | TagsAddingSetting | repeated |
Streaming response message for the Billing.ListUsageCostsDrift rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingInternalId | string |
billingGroupId | string |
account | string |
snapshot | double | The total costs saved in your invoice. |
current | double | The current total costs. |
diff | double |
Optional. Vendor accounts to add to the billing group
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. (aws, azure, gcp) |
accounts | AccountToAdd | repeated | Required. List of accounts to be added to the billing group |
Billing service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListBillingGroups | ListBillingGroupsRequest | BillingGroup stream | Lists all billing groups. |
CreateBillingGroup | CreateBillingGroupRequest | BillingGroup | Registers a billing group. |
CreateBillingGroupMerged | CreateBillingGroupMergedRequest | BillingGroup | Registers a billing group with Merged Endpoints. Only available in Ripple. WORK IN PROGRESS |
DeleteBillinGroup | DeleteBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete a billing group. |
AddAccountToBillingGroup | AddAccountToBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Add a vendor account to a billing group. |
GetBillingGroup | GetBillingGroupRequest | GetBillingGroupResponse | Gets a billing group. |
GetAccessGroup | GetAccessGroupRequest | GetAccessGroupResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets an access group. |
ListAwsDailyRunHistory | ListAwsDailyRunHistoryRequest | AwsDailyRunHistory stream | Reads the daily calculation history of all accounts in your billing groups. Only available in Ripple. |
ListUsageCostsDrift | ListUsageCostsDriftRequest | UsageCostsDrift stream | Returns a list of accounts that have been updated after invoice along with the differences in costs, if any. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateInvoice | CreateInvoiceRequest | .blueapi.api.InvoiceMessage | Creates an invoice. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateInvoiceWithSettings | SaveInvoiceSettingsRequest | .blueapi.api.InvoiceMessage | Creates an invoice and add settings. Only available in Ripple. |
SaveInvoiceSettings | SaveInvoiceSettingsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Save invoice settings for the month |
GetInvoiceStatus | GetInvoiceStatusRequest | .blueapi.api.InvoiceMessage | Gets an invoice. Only available in Ripple. |
ListInvoiceStatus | ListInvoiceStatusRequest | .blueapi.api.InvoiceMessage stream | Reads an invoice status. Only available in Ripple. |
GetInvoice | GetInvoiceRequest | .blueapi.api.Invoice | Gets an invoice. |
ListInvoice | ListInvoiceRequest | ListInvoiceResponse stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Reads list of the invoice. |
UpdateInvoicePreviews | UpdateInvoicePreviewsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Updates an invoice preview. Only available in Ripple. |
ExportInvoiceFile | ExportInvoiceFileRequest | ExportInvoiceFileResponse | Exports an invoice. |
ListInvoiceTemplate | ListInvoiceTemplateRequest | ListInvoiceTemplateResponse stream | Lists Invoice Template. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceTemplate | UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceTemplateRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Creates/Updates a billing group's invoice template. Only available in Ripple. |
ReadServiceDiscountsServices | ReadServiceDiscountsServicesRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.Service stream | Reads the service relate to the service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateInvoiceServiceDiscounts | CreateInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts | Creates the invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateInvoiceServiceDiscounts | UpdateInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts | Updates the invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DeleteInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
ListInvoiceServiceDiscounts | ListInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | InvoiceServiceDiscounts stream | Reads the invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
GetInvoiceServiceDiscounts | GetInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.InvoiceServiceDiscounts | Gets the invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
ExportServiceDiscounts | ExportServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.ServiceDiscountsExport | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Exports service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Registers the billing group invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates the billing group invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DeleteBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes the billing group invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
ListAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | ListAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | AccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts stream | Reads the account invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsResponse | Registers the account invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsResponse | Updates the account invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
RemoveAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | RemoveAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Removes the account invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DeleteAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the account invoice service discounts. Only available in Ripple. |
ExportAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | ExportAccountInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.AccountServiceDiscountsExport | Exports service discounts for account in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
ExportBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | ExportBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.GroupServiceDiscountsExport | Exports service discounts for billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
GetBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | GetBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsRequest | GetBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscountsResponse | Returns the service discount associated with the billing group id |
CreateReseller | CreateResellerRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Reseller | Registers the reseller account. Only available in Ripple. |
ListResellers | ListResellersRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Reseller stream | ListResellers **Lists all the reseller accounts.** > **Only available in Ripple.** |
GetReseller | GetResellerRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Reseller | Gets the reseller account. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateReseller | UpdateResellerRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.Reseller | Updates the reseller account. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteReseller | DeleteResellerRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the reseller account. Only available in Ripple. |
GetBillingSetting | GetBillingSettingRequest | GetBillingSettingResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets all billing settings. |
ListExchangeRates | ListExchangeRatesRequest | ListExchangeRatesResponse | ListExchangeRates Lists all exchange rate. > Only available in Ripple. |
ListAccessGroups | ListAccessGroupsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.AccessGroup stream | Lists access group. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateAccessGroup | CreateAccessGroupRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.AccessGroup | Registers the access group. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateAccessGroup | UpdateAccessGroupRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.AccessGroup | Updates the access group. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteAccessGroup | DeleteAccessGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the access group. Only available in Ripple. |
ListAbcBillingGroups | ListAbcBillingGroupsRequest | AbcBillingGroup stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets all Billing Groups in AWS Billing Conductor(ABC) for specific payer id. |
ListAbcBillingGroupAccounts | ListAbcBillingGroupAccountsRequest | AbcAccount stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets all accounts associated to AWS Billing Conductor(ABC) Billing group |
ReadInvoiceAdjustments | ReadInvoiceAdjustmentsRequest | .blueapi.api.wave.Adjustment stream | Reads the adjustment details involved in invoicing of an organization billing group (Wave). |
ReadAdjustmentEntries | ReadAdjustmentEntriesRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.AdjustmentEntry stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Reads the adjustment entries. Only available in Ripple. |
GetAdjustmentEntry | GetAdjustmentEntryRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.v1.AdjustmentEntry | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets the adjustment entry. Only available in Ripple. |
ApplyAdjustmentEntry | ApplyAdjustmentEntryRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Applies the adjustment entry item. Only available in Ripple. |
RestoreAdjustmentEntry | RestoreAdjustmentEntryRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Restores the adjustment entry item. Only available in Ripple. |
SplitAdjustmentEntry | SplitAdjustmentEntryRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Splits the adjustment entry item. Only available in Ripple. |
AllocateAdjustmentEntry | AllocateAdjustmentEntryRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Allocates the adjustment entry item. Only available in Ripple. |
ListAccountResources | ListAccountResourcesRequest | ResourceAccount stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Returns all registered accounts that are not associated to any billing groups and accounts found in CUR for the specified month. For Ripple only |
GetAdjustmentConfig | GetAdjustmentConfigRequest | .blueapi.api.AdjustmentConfig | Gets adjustment config |
CreateAdjustmentConfig | CreateAdjustmentConfigRequest | .blueapi.api.AdjustmentConfig | Creates adjustment config [ERRORS] - InvalidArgument: - the AdjustmentConfig is already exists. - NotFound: - the AdjustmentConfig is not found. |
UpdateAdjustmentConfig | UpdateAdjustmentConfigRequest | .blueapi.api.AdjustmentConfig | Updates adjustment config |
DeleteAdjustmentConfig | DeleteAdjustmentConfigRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes adjustment config |
ReadUntaggedGroups | ReadUntaggedGroupsRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.UntaggedGroup stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Reads the untagged group. Only available in Ripple. |
ReadCustomizedBillingServices | ReadCustomizedBillingServicesRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService stream | Reads the customized billing service. Only available in Ripple. |
GetCustomizedBillingService | GetCustomizedBillingServiceRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService | Gets the customized billing service. Only available in Ripple. |
CreateCustomizedBillingService | CreateCustomizedBillingServiceRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService | Creates the customized billing service. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateCustomizedBillingService | UpdateCustomizedBillingServiceRequest | .blueapi.api.ripple.CustomizedBillingService | Updates the customized billing service by updating the fields specified in the update mask. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteCustomizedBillingService | DeleteCustomizedBillingServiceRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the customized billing service. Only available in Ripple. |
GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroupRequest | GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroupResponse stream | Gets the customized billing service in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
SetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | SetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Sets the customized billing service in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
DeleteCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | DeleteCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the customized billing service in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
GetTags | GetTagsRequest | TagData stream | Returns the customer details and its tags. Port for: m/ripple/tags/vendor/{vendor}?type={type} |
CreateCustomField | CreateCustomFieldRequest | CustomField | Creates new customfield |
ListCustomField | ListCustomFieldRequest | CustomField stream | Returns all registered customfields |
AddBillingGroupCustomField | AddBillingGroupCustomFieldRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Add a custom field into a billing group |
ListBillingGroupCustomField | ListBillingGroupCustomFieldRequest | ListBillingGroupCustomFieldResponse stream | Show all the billing groups custom fields |
AddTagsToBillingGroup | AddTagsToBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Add Tags to the billing group |
UpdateNonTagGroupToBillingGroup | UpdateNonTagGroupToBillingGroupRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Sets non-tag group settings for a billing group. |
DeleteBillingGroupCustomField | DeleteBillingGroupCustomFieldRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Remove a custom field from a billing group |
UpdateCustomField | UpdateCustomFieldRequest | CustomField | Update the `customField` specified id, modifying its key and description |
DeleteCustomField | DeleteCustomFieldRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes the customfield |
CreateFreeFormat | CreateFreeFormatRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Creates new billing group free format item (miscellaneous) |
DeleteFreeFormat | DeleteFreeFormatRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete billing group free format item (miscellaneous) |
GetFreeFormat | GetFreeFormatRequest | GetFreeFormatResponse stream | Get billing group free format item (miscellaneous) |
GetTagsAddingSetting | GetTagsAddingSettingRequest | TagsAddingSetting stream | |
UpdateTagsAddingSetting | UpdateTagsAddingSettingRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | |
ExportBillingGroupCsv | ExportBillingGroupCsvRequest | ExportBillingGroupCsvResponse | Export the billing groups into csv format |
ExportInvoiceSettingCsv | ExportInvoiceSettingCsvRequest | ExportInvoiceSettingCsvResponse | Exports the invoice settings into csv format |
UpdateBillingGroupBasicInformation | UpdateBillingGroupBasicInformationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update billing group basic information |
UpdateBillingGroupCustomFields | UpdateBillingGroupCustomFieldsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update billing group basic information |
GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlanRequest | GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlanResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets the account support plan in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
UpdateBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | UpdateBillingGroupAccountSupportPlanRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates the account support plan in billing group. Only available in Ripple. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
ListBillingGroups | GET | /v1/billinggroups | |
CreateBillingGroup | POST | /v1/billinggroups | * |
CreateBillingGroupMerged | POST | /v1/billinggroups/merged | * |
DeleteBillinGroup | DELETE | /v1/billinggroup/{id} | |
AddAccountToBillingGroup | POST | /v1/billinggroup/account | * |
GetBillingGroup | GET | /v1/billinggroups/{billingInternalId} | |
GetAccessGroup | GET | /v1/accessgroups/{accessGroupId} | |
ListAwsDailyRunHistory | POST | /v1/aws/dailyrunhistory:read | * |
ListUsageCostsDrift | POST | /v1/{vendor}/usagecostsdrift:read | * |
CreateInvoice | POST | /v1/invoice/{date}:create | * |
CreateInvoiceWithSettings | POST | /v1/invoice/{date}:create&savesettings | * |
SaveInvoiceSettings | POST | /v1/invoice/{date}:savesettings | * |
GetInvoiceStatus | GET | /v1/invoice/status/{id} | |
ListInvoiceStatus | POST | /v1/invoice/status/{date}:read | * |
GetInvoice | POST | /v1/invoice/{date}:read | * |
ListInvoice | POST | /v1/invoice:read | * |
UpdateInvoicePreviews | PUT | /v1/invoice/{date}:preview | * |
ExportInvoiceFile | POST | /v1/invoice/{date}:export | * |
ListInvoiceTemplate | GET | /v1/invoice/template | |
UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceTemplate | POST | /v1/billinggroups/{id}/invoicetemplate | * |
ReadServiceDiscountsServices | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/{vendor}/services:read | * |
CreateInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts | * |
UpdateInvoiceServiceDiscounts | PUT | /v1/servicediscounts/{id} | * |
DeleteInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DELETE | /v1/servicediscounts/{id} | |
ListInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts:read | * |
GetInvoiceServiceDiscounts | GET | /v1/servicediscounts/{id} | |
ExportServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts:export | * |
CreateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/billinggroup | * |
UpdateBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | PUT | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/billinggroup | * |
DeleteBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DELETE | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/billinggroup | |
ListAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/account:read | * |
CreateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/account | * |
UpdateAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | PUT | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/account | * |
RemoveAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | PUT | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/account:remove | * |
DeleteAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | DELETE | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/account | |
ExportAccountInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/account:export | * |
ExportBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | POST | /v1/servicediscounts/billinggroup:export | * |
GetBillingGroupInvoiceServiceDiscounts | GET | /v1/servicediscounts/{groupId}/billinggroup | |
CreateReseller | POST | /v1/resellers | * |
ListResellers | GET | /v1/resellers | |
GetReseller | GET | /v1/resellers/{id} | |
UpdateReseller | PUT | /v1/resellers/{id} | * |
DeleteReseller | DELETE | /v1/resellers/{id} | |
GetBillingSetting | GET | /v1/settings | |
ListExchangeRates | GET | /v1/{vendor}/exchangerate/{month} | |
ListAccessGroups | GET | /v1/accessgroups | |
CreateAccessGroup | POST | /v1/accessgroups | * |
UpdateAccessGroup | PUT | /v1/accessgroups/{id} | * |
DeleteAccessGroup | DELETE | /v1/accessgroups/{id} | |
ListAbcBillingGroups | GET | /v1/billinggroups/billingconductor/{id} | |
ListAbcBillingGroupAccounts | GET | /v1/billinggroups/billingconductor/{payerId}/accounts | |
ReadInvoiceAdjustments | POST | /v1/{vendor}/invoiceadjustments:read | * |
ReadAdjustmentEntries | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries:read | * |
GetAdjustmentEntry | GET | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries/{id} | |
ApplyAdjustmentEntry | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries:apply | * |
RestoreAdjustmentEntry | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries:restore | * |
SplitAdjustmentEntry | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries/{id}/split | * |
AllocateAdjustmentEntry | POST | /v1/{vendor}/adjustmententries/{id}/allocate | * |
ListAccountResources | GET | /v1/resources/accounts/{vendor} | |
GetAdjustmentConfig | GET | /v1/adjustmentconfig/{vendor} | |
CreateAdjustmentConfig | POST | /v1/adjustmentconfig/{vendor} | * |
UpdateAdjustmentConfig | PUT | /v1/adjustmentconfig/{vendor} | * |
DeleteAdjustmentConfig | DELETE | /v1/adjustmentconfig/{vendor} | |
ReadUntaggedGroups | POST | /v1/{vendor}/untaggedgroups:read | * |
ReadCustomizedBillingServices | POST | /v1/customizedbillingservices:read | * |
GetCustomizedBillingService | GET | /v1/customizedbillingservices/{id} | |
CreateCustomizedBillingService | POST | /v1/customizedbillingservices | * |
UpdateCustomizedBillingService | PUT | /v1/customizedbillingservices/{id} | * |
DeleteCustomizedBillingService | DELETE | /v1/customizedbillingservices/{id} | |
GetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | GET | /v1/customizedbillingservices/billinggroup/{groupId}/{vendor} | |
SetCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | POST | /v1/customizedbillingservices/billinggroup/{groupId}/{vendor} | * |
DeleteCustomizedBillingServiceBillingGroup | DELETE | /v1/customizedbillingservices/billinggroup/{groupId}/{vendor} | |
GetTags | GET | /v1/tags | |
CreateCustomField | POST | /v1/customfield | * |
ListCustomField | POST | /v1/customfield:read | * |
AddBillingGroupCustomField | POST | /v1/billinggroup/customfield | * |
ListBillingGroupCustomField | POST | /v1/billinggroup/customfield:read | * |
AddTagsToBillingGroup | POST | /v1/billinggroup/tags | * |
UpdateNonTagGroupToBillingGroup | POST | /v1/billinggroup/{id}/{vendor}/untaggedgroups | * |
DeleteBillingGroupCustomField | DELETE | /v1/billinggroup/customfield/{groupId}/{customFieldId} | |
UpdateCustomField | PUT | /v1/customfield/{id} | * |
DeleteCustomField | DELETE | /v1/customfield/{id} | |
CreateFreeFormat | POST | /v1/freeformat | * |
DeleteFreeFormat | DELETE | /v1/freeformat/{groupId} | |
GetFreeFormat | GET | /v1/freeformat/{groupId} | |
GetTagsAddingSetting | GET | /v1/{vendor}/tagsaddingsetting/{groupId} | |
UpdateTagsAddingSetting | PUT | /v1/{vendor}/tagsaddingsetting/{groupId} | * |
ExportBillingGroupCsv | GET | /v1/exportcsv/billing-group | |
ExportInvoiceSettingCsv | GET | /v1/exportcsv/invoice-setting | |
UpdateBillingGroupBasicInformation | PUT | /v1/billinggroup/{id}:basinInfo | * |
UpdateBillingGroupCustomFields | PUT | /v1/billinggroup/{id}:customFields | * |
GetBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | GET | /v1/billinggroup/{id}/{vendor}/supportplan | |
UpdateBillingGroupAccountSupportPlan | PUT | /v1/billinggroup/{id}/{vendor}/supportplan | * |
Request message for the Operations.CancelOperation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the operation resource to be cancelled. |
Request message for the Operations.DeleteOperation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the operation resource to be deleted. |
Request message for the Operations.GetOperation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the operation resource. |
Request message for the Operations.ListOperations rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
parent | string | Optional. The name of the operation's parent resource. Not used at the moment. |
asOf | string | Optional. List operations on and after this date. Format is yyyymmdd. For example, if you want to list all operations starting from June 01, 2021, set to `20210601`. If not set, defaults to the first day of the current UTC month. |
includeDone | bool | Optional. If true, include all operations that are marked as done. Exclude by default. |
The request message for the Operations.WaitOperation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the operation resource to wait on. |
timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | The maximum duration to wait before timing out. If left blank, the wait will be at most the time permitted by the underlying HTTP/RPC protocol. If RPC context deadline is also specified, the shorter one will be used. |
Manages long-running operations with an API service.
When an API method normally takes long time to complete, it can be designed
to return [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] to the client, and the client can use this
interface to receive the real response asynchronously by polling the
operation resource, or pass the operation resource to another API (such as
Google Cloud Pub/Sub API) to receive the response. Any API service that
returns long-running operations should implement the `Operations` interface
so developers can have a consistent client experience.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListOperations | ListOperationsRequest | .protos.Operation stream | Lists long-running operations. |
GetOperation | GetOperationRequest | .protos.Operation | Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. You can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals. |
DeleteOperation | DeleteOperationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation. |
CancelOperation | CancelOperationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with a value of [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`. |
WaitOperation | WaitOperationRequest | .protos.Operation | Waits for the specified long-running operation until it is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning, even an immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done. At the moment, Blue's default RPC timeout is around one hour. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
ListOperations | GET | /ops/v1 | |
GetOperation | GET | /ops/v1/{name} | |
DeleteOperation | DELETE | /ops/v1/{name} | |
CancelOperation | POST | /ops/v1/{name}:cancel | * |
Response message for GetAccountAccess, CreateAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | The queried target account. |
accountName | string | The account name |
accountType | string | The account type. Payer or linked account. |
payerId | string | The payer account of the account. |
roleArn | string | The role ARN that provides the cross-account access permissions. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. |
stackId | string | The id of the CloudFormation stack deployed in the target account. |
stackRegion | string | The region where the stack is deployed. |
templateUrl | string | The latest template used to deploy the stack. |
bucketName | string | The s3 bucket name |
prefix | string | Report path prefix |
reportName | string | The report name |
registrationStatus | blueapi.api.cover.RegistrationStatus | The status of registration for CUR export, API access and Cloudwatch streaming |
status | string | This can be `latest`, `outdated`, or some error information. |
lastUpdated | string | The last updated timestamp, RFC3339 UTC. |
Response message for SimulateAccountCostAllocator rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
orgId | string |
vendor | string |
account | string |
date | string |
productCode | string |
serviceCode | string |
region | string |
zone | string |
usageType | string |
instanceType | string |
operation | string |
invoiceId | string |
description | string |
resourceId | string |
tags | string |
costCategories | string |
usageAmount | double |
trueUnblendedCost | double |
unblendedCost | double |
effectiveCost | double |
amortizedCost | double |
publicOnDemandCost | double |
unusedAmortizedCost | double |
lastUpdate | string |
splitStatus | string |
isAllocated | bool |
isApplied | bool |
source | string |
Request message for ActivateUser
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string |
previousPassword | string |
password | string |
name | string |
locale | string |
string | Email. For auth0 email validation. |
isAuth0 | bool |
auth0UserId | string | Auth0 user Id. For updating of user metadata. |
Response message for ActivateUser
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for AddFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
Response message for AddFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
customerIdentifier | string |
Request message for AddMpnSetting
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mpnId | string | Partner Id / MPN Id |
Request message for AddPartnerCenterCredentials
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string | The account Id |
applicationId | string | Application Id |
secretKey | string | Secret Key |
Request message for AddSideMenuFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
menuItemId | string |
Response message for AddSideMenuFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Response message wrapper for cost group allocations.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
month | string |
product | string |
account | string |
type | string |
cost | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Required. The type where the adjustments are to be applied. This can support `account`, `costGroup` and `payer`. |
value | string | Required. The value for the specified attribute. `accountId` for account, `costGroupId` for cost group, `payerId` for payer and account name regex for account name. |
formula | string | Required. The formula to use to compute the value of the allocation on an attribute. If left blank, allocation is based on usage. |
months | int64 | Optional. The number of months the adjustment is to be applied. If set, it will divide the cost equally to the number of months. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
orgId | string |
name | string |
alertEnabled | bool |
frequency | string |
costGroupId | blueapi.api.cover.AlertCostGroup |
channels | blueapi.api.cover.AlertChannels |
Message response for anomaly detection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
account | string |
costGroupId | string |
vendor | string |
product | string |
date | string |
totalCost | float |
isAnomaly | bool | The value will be true if there is an anomaly for a specific account and product |
lowerLimit | float | Lower bound. If the total cost is lesser than the lowerlimit it is considered as anomaly |
upperLimit | float | Upper bound. If the total cost is greater than the upperlimit it is considered as anomaly |
anomalyCost | float | The difference of the total cost and the upperlimit or lowerlimit if it is anomamly, if not anomaly then anomaly cost is 0 |
anomalyProbability | float | How many percentage does the data is considered anomaly |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Format is `yyyy-mm` |
vendor | string | Only `aws` is supported for now. |
totalResources | int64 | Total number of resources |
totalCost | double | Total Cost incurred for the resources on specified month. |
Request message for AssignCostGroupMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
userId | string | Required. User Id. |
Response message for AssignCostGroupMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
userId | string |
Request message for AssignPayer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
accountId | string | Required. Account Id. |
payerId | string | Required. The Payer Id. |
Response message for AssignPayer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string |
payerId | string |
Request message for AddBillingAccount
Field | Type | Label | Description |
billingId | string | Required. The billing account id. |
datasetId | string | Name of dataset you created. |
datasetRegion | string | In creating dataset, It requires you to select a region. |
projectId | string | Project Id where the datasetId of BQ can be found. |
billingName | string | Optional. Billing Name, this can be set by the users in Octo UI. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
category | string |
expiration | int64 |
startMonth | string | Optional. The starting month of the allocator to be effective. |
defaultAccount | string | Optional. The default account for remaining costs. If not set, will allocate the cost to the original account. |
criteria | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations | Required. Criteria for the adjustment to be applied. |
allocator | Allocator | repeated |
createTime | string |
updateTime | string |
name | string |
description | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
category | string |
expiration | int64 |
startMonth | string | Optional. The starting month of the allocator to be effective. |
defaultAccount | string | Optional. The default account for remaining costs. If not set, will allocate the cost to the original account. |
criteria | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations | Required. Criteria for the adjustment to be applied. |
allocator | Allocator | repeated |
name | string |
description | string |
Response message wrapper for cloud costs.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | `aws`, `azure`, `azureea` or `gcp` |
date | string |
product | string |
account | string | AWS account, GCP projectId, AzureCSP accountId |
cost | double |
details | string | Could be AWS, Azure or GCP Cost |
forecast | blueapi.api.cover.AwsCostForecast | Cost Forecast |
region | string |
billingAccount | string | AWS payer acount, GCP billing account, Azure Payer account |
tagValue | string | Tag Value. Contains tag value of the input tag key. Only used if groupBy is set to tag |
lastUpdate | string |
unit | string | Contains the list of unit items. Used only when groupBy is set to the selected unit type (e.g., "Product", "Environment", "Customer"). Example: If groupBy is set to "Environment", this field might include values like "dev", "next", or "prod". |
category | string | Category. Contains the category to which a service belongs. Only used if groupBy is set to category. |
tagged | bool | Indicates whether the item is tagged (true) or not (false). |
Request message for the CreateAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to validate. |
fromTerraform | bool | Optional. Set to true if deployment is done through terraform |
Request message for the CreateAccountAccessStackset rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The AWS payer account to validate. |
region | string | Required. The region of the stack deployment. |
Request message for CreateAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. |
fixedAmount | float | At least one in either fixedAmount or percentage. |
percentage | float |
granularity | string | Optional. daily or monthly. Only 'daily' is supported for now. |
costGroups | string | repeated | Required. Cost group IDs. |
channels | string | repeated | Required. Channel IDs. |
Response message for CreateAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alertData | blueapi.api.cover.AlertData |
Request message for the CreateAllocator rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
category | string | Optional. The category where the allocator is to be applied. Applicable values are `fee`, `account`, or `savings`. Default value is `fee`. |
expiration | int64 |
startMonth | string | Optional. The starting month of the allocator to be effective. |
defaultAccount | string | Optional. The default account for remaining costs. If not set, will allocate the cost to the original account. |
criteria | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations | Required. Criteria for the adjustment to be applied. |
allocator | Allocator | repeated |
name | string |
description | string |
Rquest message for CreateAnomalyAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. Name of the Anomaly Alert |
alertEnabled | bool | Required. Toggle disable and enable status of the alert |
frequency | string | Required. How often the user wants to receive alerts. Daily or Weekly |
costGroupId | string | Requried. The Id of the cost group you want to monitor if there is an anomaly |
notificationChannels | string | repeated | Required. The Channels where you want to send the alerts. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Request message for CreateChannel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. Either actual email address or slack/msteams channel name |
type | string | Required. email, slack, or msteams. |
webhookUrl | string | Optional. Only needed for slack and msteams type. |
Response message for CreateChannel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channelData | blueapi.api.cover.ChannelData |
Request message for CreateCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
description | string |
image | string |
icon | string |
colorTheme | string |
combinations | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations |
Response message for CreateCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupData | blueapi.api.cover.CostGroupData |
Request message for CreateDiscountExpirationAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frequencies | int64 | repeated | Required if the alertEnabled is set to true Supported values are the following: [0, 7, 30, 60, 90] |
costGroups | string | repeated | Required. Cost Group Id |
alertEnabled | bool | required. Switch in enabling alert. |
channels | string | repeated | required. Array of notificationChannel Ids from DynamoDB. Existing in ripple. |
name | string | required. Name of alert |
Request message for CreateMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string |
password | string |
name | string |
costgroups | string | repeated |
Response message for CreateMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
role | string |
usage | string |
intention | string |
companyName | string |
emailAddress | string |
linkSource | string |
hasSubscribedUpdates | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sharedResourceName | string |
sharedResourcesCombinations | blueapi.api.cover.ResourcesCombinations |
distribution | CreateSharedResourcesRequest.DistributionEntry | repeated | List the unit items and their corresponding percentages. |
allocated | double |
unallocated | double |
description | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
metricName | string |
aggregationMethod | string |
dataSource | string |
description | string |
costgroupId | string |
csvInfo | blueapi.api.cover.CsvInfo |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitMetric | blueapi.api.cover.UnitMetric |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitName | string |
unitItems | blueapi.api.cover.UnitItem | repeated |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination | repeated |
description | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitCostData | blueapi.api.cover.UnitCostData |
Request message for CreateView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
description | string |
isPrivate | bool |
isEditable | bool |
icon | string |
reportType | string |
colorTheme | string |
reportPeriod | string |
currency | string |
Response message for CreateView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewData | blueapi.api.cover.ViewData |
A map of "key:value" attribute filters. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
and | Criteria.AndEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Message Response for GetDataAccess. For Azure and GCP
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Billing Id for GCP, Account Id for Azure |
orgId | string | Org Id |
gcpOptions | blueapi.api.cover.GcpOptions | GCP Options |
azureOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AzureOptions | Azure Options |
awsOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AwsOptions |
accountType | string | Account type, linked or payer |
lastUpdate | string | Last Update |
createTime | string | Time Created |
vendor | string |
Request message for the DeleteAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to delete. |
vendor | string |
Response message for the DeleteAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
targetId | string |
Request message for DeleteAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Alert ID. |
Response message for DeleteAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for the DeleteAllocator rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The id of the allocator to delete. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Budget ID. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for DeleteChannel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Channel ID. |
Response message for DeleteChannel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for DeleteCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
Response message for DeleteCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
Request message for DeleteMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string | Required. UserId. |
Response message for DeleteMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Shared Resource Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Metric Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Type Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
Request message for DeleteView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
Response message for DeleteView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
orgId | string |
alertEnabled | bool |
frequencies | int64 | repeated |
costGroups | blueapi.api.cover.AlertCostGroup | repeated |
details | string |
channels | blueapi.api.cover.AlertChannels |
name | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string |
exchangeRate | float |
date | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
recommendationId | string |
type | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
awsOption | ExecuteOptimizationResponse.AWSOption |
gcpOption | ExecuteOptimizationResponse.GCPOption |
azureCspOption | ExecuteOptimizationResponse.AzureCSPOption |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
approveTemplateUrl | string |
recommendationId | string |
currentStatus | string |
Response message for GetFeeDetails, CreateFeeReallocation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
orgId | string |
vendor | string |
account | string |
month | string |
lineType | string |
feeType | string |
productCode | string |
description | string |
started | string |
timeInterval | string |
productName | string |
currency | string |
splitStatus | string |
isAllocated | bool |
isApplied | bool |
unblendedCost | double |
sourceFee | string |
lastUpdate | string |
Response message wrapper for cost group fees.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
month | string |
product | string |
account | string |
type | string |
cost | double |
Request message for the GetAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to query. |
Request message for the GetAccountAccessTemplateUrlRequest rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | All templates are publicly available from the reponse link (`templateUrl`) if you want to audit the included permissions. |
Response message for the GetAccountAccessTemplateUrlResponse rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
launchUrl | string | The CloudFormation launch url. Open it in your browser. |
templateUrl | string | The latest CloudFormation template. The version is included in the filename. |
stackName | string | The default stack name used. Can be modified. |
principal | string | The AWS account that will receive the access. Do not change. |
externalId | string | The external id for this role. Do not change. |
Request message for GetAccounts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
costGroupId | string |
Response message for GetAccounts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accounts | string | repeated |
Request message for GetAlertDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Alert ID. |
Response message for GetAlertDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alertData | blueapi.api.cover.AlertData |
Request message for GetAlerts
Response message for GetAlerts
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alertData | blueapi.api.cover.AlertData |
Request message for the GetAllocationAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
category | string |
Response message for the GetAllocationAttributes rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
attribute | GetAllocationAttributesResponse.AllocationAttribute | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
service | string | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. (Billing ID for GCP / Account ID for Azure) |
vendor | string | Vendor (GCP/Azure) |
accountType | string | In the context of fetching account details, specifying the account type is necessary. This is because the target alone might not uniquely identify an account and could result in multiple data points. |
Request message for getting anomaly
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
startDate | string | Start date for detecting anomalies. Valid format: YYYYMMDD |
endDate | string | End date for detection anomalies. Valid format: YYYYMMDD |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startMonth | string | Optional. If not set, current month will be used. Format: `yyyymm`. |
endMonth | string | Optional. If not set, current month will be used. Format: `yyyymm`. |
combineDates | bool | Optional. If true, return the assets summary for the requested period. Else, summary per month is returned. |
awsOptions | ListAssetsFilters | repeated | Optional. For AWS-specific filter options. |
awsPropertiesOptions | ListAssetsFilters | repeated | Optional. For AWS-specific properties filter options. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
summary | AssetsSummary | repeated |
recommendationSummary | string | Format: JSON String |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Budget ID. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
category | blueapi.api.cover.Category | repeated |
Request message for GetChannelDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Channel ID. |
Response message for GetChannelDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channelData | blueapi.api.cover.ChannelData |
Request message for GetChannels
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Optional. Use email, slack, or msteams to filter the type of channels Otherwise, it returns all channels |
Response message for GetChannels
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channelData | blueapi.api.cover.ChannelData |
Request message for the GetCostGroupAllocation rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
category | string | Required. The category to display on the cost group. Supports `fee` or `savings`. |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startDate | string |
endDate | string |
Request message for GetCostGroupAttribute
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string |
attributeType | string |
costGroupId | string |
existingCombinations | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations | repeated | Optional, This is for Unit Cost. When present, the api will return all attributes except the combination in this item. |
currentCombination | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations | Optional, This is for Unit Cost. When present, the currentCombination field represents a combination that is not yet finalized. This field is used to compare with existingCombinations to analyze both sets and determine the appropriate attributes to return. |
Response message for GetCostGroupAttribute
Field | Type | Label | Description |
result | blueapi.api.cover.Result | repeated |
tagData | blueapi.api.cover.TagData | repeated |
Request message for GetCostGroupDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
Response message for GetCostGroupDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupData | blueapi.api.cover.CostGroupData |
Request message for the GetCostGroupFee rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startTime | string |
endTime | string |
Request message for GetCostGroups
Response message for GetCostGroups
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupData | blueapi.api.cover.CostGroupData | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startTime | string | Optional. If not set, the first day of the current month will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
endTime | string | Optional. If not set, current date will be used. Format: `yyyymmdd`. |
groupByMonth | bool | Optional. If set to true, return data grouped by month within the date range. If you want data that is grouped per account per month, set this to `true`, then set `groupByColumns` to `none`. You can also use `groupByColumns` while setting this to true. |
limit | int64 | Optional. If set, returns only the services or accounts with the highest cost or usage Default value is 0. |
category | string | Optional. Valid values are `cost` and `usage`. Default value is `cost`. Used only when limit is not 0. |
groupBy | string | Optional. Valid values are `service` and `account`. Only `service` is supported for now Default value is `service`. Used only when limit is not 0. |
includeZeroCost | bool | Optional. If set to true, return all available data including the data with zero cost. Default value is `false` which means that only data with non-zero cost are returned. |
awsOptions | GetCostUsageRequestAwsOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `aws` vendor. AWS-specific options. |
azureOptions | GetCostUsageRequestAzureOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `azure` vendor. Azure-specific options. |
gcpOptions | GetCostUsageRequestGcpOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `gcp` vendor. gcp-specific options. |
azurecspOptions | GetCostUsageRequestAzureCspOptions | Optional. Valid only for the `azurecsp` vendor. AzureCsp-specific options. |
customOptions | GetCostUsageRequestCustomOptions | Optional. For custom selection when creating cost groups. This field allows custom options for specifying criteria for cost group creation. |
includeForecast | bool | Optional. If set to true, include cost forecast |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `productCode`, `serviceCode`, `region`, `zone`, `usageType`, `instanceType`, `operation`, `invoiceId`, `description`, and `resourceId`. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and region data, you can set this field to `productCode,region`. Your input sequence doesn't matter (although the sequence above is recommended) as the actual sequence is already fixed in the return data (see the definition in, which is generic to specific, top to bottom. Invalid values are discarded. Excluded columns will be empty. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input accounts into one. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. Discarded when `groupByColumns` field is set or if `groupByMonth` is true. |
tagKey | string | Optional. Tag key, only used when groupBy is set to `tag`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and location data, you can set this field to `serviceName,location`. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input projects into one. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagKey | string | Optional. Tag key, only used when groupBy is set to `tag`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. Valid values are `accountId`, `serviceName`, `serviceTier`, `location`, `product`, `partNumber`, `resourceGuid`, `offerId`, `consumedService`, `departmentId`, `departmentName`, `resourceGroup`, `enrollment`, `additionalInfo` A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and location data, you can set this field to `serviceName,location`. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input subscription into one. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and location data, you can set this field to `serviceName,location`. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input projects into one. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
labelFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated |
projectLabelFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated |
tagKey | string | Optional. Tag key, only used when groupBy is set to `tag`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
groupByColumns | string | Optional. A comma-separated list of columns to aggregate the data into. A special value of `none` is also supported, which means query by date or month per account only. For example, if you only want the services and location data, you can set this field to `serviceName,location`. |
groupAccounts | bool | Optional. If set to true, group all input projects into one. |
filters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options. See [ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters] for more information on each filter item. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
tagFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated | Optional. A list of filtering options specific for tags. Multiple filter items will use the logical 'or' operator, e.g. filter1 || filter2 || filter3, etc. |
labelFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated |
projectLabelFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters | repeated |
tagKey | string | Optional. Tag key, only used when groupBy is set to `tag`. |
Request message for GetCurrentView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
Response message for GetCurrentView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewData | blueapi.api.cover.ViewData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dateRegistered | string |
subscriptionExpiry | string |
daysLeft | int32 |
isSubscribed | bool |
isExpired | bool |
plan | string |
amount | string |
paymentOption | string |
paymentMethod | string |
credit | double |
Request message for GetDiscountRecomemendations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. |
awsInputs | blueapi.api.cover.AwsInputs | AWS Inputs |
azureInputs | blueapi.api.cover.AzureInputs | NOT SUPPORTED YET |
gcpInputs | blueapi.api.cover.GcpInputs | NOT SUPPORTED YET |
Response message for GetDiscountRecommendations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
awsRecommendations | blueapi.api.cover.AwsDiscountRecommendations |
azureRecommendations | blueapi.api.cover.AzureDiscountRecommendations |
gcpRecommendations | blueapi.api.cover.GcpDiscountRecommendations |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
recommendationId | string |
status | string |
message | string |
Request message for GetFavoriteViews
Response message for GetFavoriteViews
Field | Type | Label | Description |
favorites | blueapi.api.cover.Favorites | repeated |
Request message for GetMemberCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string | Required. UserId. |
Response message for GetMemberCostGroup
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroups | blueapi.api.cover.MemberCostGroup | repeated |
Request message for GetMemberDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string | Required. UserId. |
Response message for GetMemberDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for GetMembers
Response message for GetMembers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fiscalMonth | string |
dateRegistered | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
updateCurrency | int64 |
lastUpdate | string |
Request message for GetPayers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
Response message for GetPayers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
payers | string | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
costGroupId | string |
periodOption | string | Valid inputs are: "30days", "60days". and "90days". Default is "30days". |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
recommendationData | blueapi.api.cover.AWSRecommendations |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
costGroupId | string |
periodOption | string |
currency | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | blueapi.api.cover.recommendation.RecommendationData |
Request message for GetRegions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
costGroupId | string |
Response message for GetRegions
Field | Type | Label | Description |
regions | string | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startDate | string | Required. Start date Format: "YYYYMMDD" |
endDate | string | Required. End date Format: "YYYYMMDD" |
reportType | string | Required. Report Type. Valid inputs are: "quarterly", "yearly" |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
startDate | string |
endDate | string |
executiveSummary | blueapi.api.cover.ExecutiveSummary |
optimizationRecommendationSummary | blueapi.api.cover.OptimizationRecommendationSummary |
savingsSummary | blueapi.api.cover.SavingsSummary |
Request message for GetRightSizingRecommendation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
Response message for GetRightSizingRecommendation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resource | blueapi.api.cover.ResourceData | repeated |
Request message for GetServices
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
costGroupId | string |
Response message for GetServices
Field | Type | Label | Description |
services | string | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Shared Resource Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination |
Request message for GetTags
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
costGroupId | string |
Response message for GetTags
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tagData | blueapi.api.cover.TagData | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Metric Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitMetric | blueapi.api.cover.UnitMetric |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Type Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitCostData | blueapi.api.cover.UnitCostData |
Request message for GetUserDetails
Response message for GetUserDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for GetUserProfile
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | required email |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hasCreatedProfile | bool |
name | string |
role | string |
usage | string |
intention | string |
companyName | string |
emailAddress | string |
linkSource | string |
hasSubscribedUpdates | bool |
Request message for GetViews
Response message for GetViews
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewList | blueapi.api.cover.ViewList | repeated |
Request message for InviteMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | repeated |
isResend | bool |
inviteAsAdmin | bool |
Response message for InviteMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | repeated |
Request message for the ListAccountAccess rpc.
Request message for the RestoreAccountUsage rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
startDate | string |
endDate | string |
Request message for the ListAllocators rpc.
Request message for ListAnomalyAlert
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ListAssetsFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the Asset.ListResources rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
startMonth | string | Optional. If not set, current month will be used. Format: `yyyymm`. |
endMonth | string | Optional. If not set, current month will be used. Format: `yyyymm`. |
withRecommendation | bool | Optional. If true, returns only all assets with recommendation |
awsOptions | ListAssetsFilters | repeated | Optional. For AWS-specific filter options. |
awsPropertiesOptions | ListAssetsFilters | repeated | Optional. For AWS-specific properties filter options. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
includeSpendAndForecast | bool | Optional. Set to true to include monthly spending and forecast within the budget period |
costGroup | string | Optional. Cost group ID. Return budgets under this specific cost group. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Request message for ListDataAccess
Request message for ListDiscountExpirationAlert
Request message for ListExchangeRates
Field | Type | Label | Description |
startDate | string | Required. Start date Format: "YYYYMMDD" |
endDate | string | Required. End date Format: "YYYYMMDD" |
Response message for ListExchangeRates
Field | Type | Label | Description |
orgId | string |
exchangeRates | ExchangeRates | repeated |
Request message for the ListFees rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
month | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costgroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
dateRangeStart | string | Required. Start date of retrieved data. If not set, the default would be today. |
dateRangeEnd | string | Required. End date of retrieved data. If not set, the default would be today. |
vendor | string | Valid inputs are: "all", "aws", "gcp", and "azure". Default is "all". |
source | string | Valid inputs are: "all", "trustedadvisor", "costexplorer", and "costoptimizationhub". Default is "all". |
optimizationStatus | string | Valid inputs are: "in-progress", "error", "open","done" and "all" |
type | string | Valid inputs are: "rate", "usage", and "all". If not set, default is "all". |
spType | string |
rateModel | string |
paymentOption | string |
term | string |
service | string |
offeringClass | string |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
recommendationId | string |
recommendation | string |
service | string |
estimatedMonthlySaving | double |
estimatedMonthlyCost | double |
scoring | string |
vendor | string |
category | string |
optimizationStatus | string |
errorMessage | string |
accountId | string |
accountName | string |
instanceName | string |
instanceId | string |
instanceType | string |
region | string |
commitment | double |
spType | string |
numberToPurchase | int64 |
riType | string |
type | string |
source | string |
dateRecommended | string |
recommendationGroup | string |
lastUpdatedAt | string |
purchaseOption | ListRecommendationResponse.PurchaseOption |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spType | string |
offeringClass | string |
commitment | double |
numberToPurchase | int64 |
paymentOption | string |
term | string |
currentGeneration | bool |
serviceType | string |
upfrontCost | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costgroupId | string |
dateRangeStart | string |
dateRangeEnd | string |
rateSettings | ListRecommendationV2Request.RateSettings |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spType | string |
rateModel | string |
paymentOption | string |
term | string |
service | string |
offeringClass | string |
vendor | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
suggestedUnits | blueapi.api.cover.SuggestedUnit | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
aggregationMethod | string | Optional. Filter by aggregation method. |
dataSource | string | Optional. Filter by data source. |
status | string | Optional. Filter by status. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitMetrics | blueapi.api.cover.UnitMetric | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitCostData | blueapi.api.cover.UnitCostData | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | required. Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | required. Id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | repeated |
Request message for ModifyResourceType
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
accountId | string | Required. Account Id. |
resourceId | string | Required. The resource Id. |
resourceType | string | Required. The recommended resource type. |
region | string | Required. Resource region. |
Response message for ModifyResourceType
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string |
resourceId | string |
resourceType | string |
region | string |
Request message for OnboardOrg
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string |
password | string |
name | string |
orgId | string |
Response message for OnboardOrg
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costgroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
dateRangeStart | string | Required. Start date of retrieved data. If not set, default is three months past. |
dateRangeEnd | string | Required. End date of retrieved data. |
vendor | string | Required. Valid inputs are: "all", "aws", "gcp", and "azure". |
source | string | Valid inputs are: "all", "trusted-advisor", "cost-explorer", and "cost-optimization-hub". Default is "All". |
periodOption | string | Valid inputs are: "daily", "monthly". and "yearly". Default is "monthly". |
currency | string | Optional. If not set, default value is `USD`. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
executedRecommendationDetails | blueapi.api.cover.ExecutedRecommendationDetails | repeated |
Request message for AddUserFromAuth0asRoot rpc
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | string |
customerId | string |
string |
subuserId | string |
Response message wrapper for adding user from Auth0 as root
Field | Type | Label | Description |
isAuthorized | bool |
Request message for the ProxyCreateCompletion rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
params | google.protobuf.Struct |
Response message for the ProxyCreateCompletion rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
line | string |
Request message for PublishView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
Response message for PublishView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string |
A map of "key:value" column filters. Dependent on `groupByColumns` and/or `groupByMonth`. The key indicates the column name while the value is the filter value prefixed by either "eq:" (equal), "re:" (regular expressions based on, or "!re:" (reverse "re:"). No prefix is the same as "eq:". Multiple map items will use the logical 'and' operator, e.g. mapfilter1 && mapfilter2 && mapfilter3, etc.
For example, if you like to filter `productCode` to return only `AmazonEC2`, set to `{"productCode":"eq:AmazonEC2"}` or `{"productCode":"AmazonEC2"}`. You can also use a regular expression like `{"productCode":"re:AmazonEC2|AmazonRDS"}`, which means return all AmazonEC2 or AmazonRDS lineitems. Or reverse regexp, such as `{"productCode":"!re:^AmazonEC2$"}`, which means return all items except `AmazonEC2`.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
andFilters | ReadCostsRequestOptionsFilters.AndFiltersEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Request message for the RegisterAccount rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
accountId | string | Required. The AWS account Id. |
accountName | string | The account name |
Request message for Register Data Access. For azure and gcp.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Vendor (Azure/GCP) |
target | string | Billing Id for GCP, Account Id for Azure |
accountType | string | Account type (payer/linked) |
gcpOptions | blueapi.api.cover.GcpOptions | GCP Options. Specific for GCP |
azureOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AzureOptions | Azure Options. Specific for Azure |
awsOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AwsOptions | Aws Options. Specific for Aws |
Request message for RegisterNewUser
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | required email |
password | string | required password |
name | string | required user Name |
company | string | required company name |
role | string | required company role |
amount | string | optional company monthly cloud usage |
intention | string | optional intention |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
isAuthorized | bool |
Request message for RemoveCostGroupMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
userId | string | Required. User Id. |
Response message for RemoveCostGroupMember
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
userId | string |
Request message for RemoveFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
Response message for RemoveFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Request message for RemoveSideMenuFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
menuItemId | string |
Response message for RemoveSideMenuFavorite
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Request message for ResetPassword
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string | Required. UserId. |
Response message for ResetPassword
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string |
Request message for ResetUserPassword
Field | Type | Label | Description |
previousPassword | string |
newPassword | string |
Response message for ResetUserPassword
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
registrationToken | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
isAllowedToOnboard | bool |
customerId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
accounts | blueapi.api.cover.Account | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
date | string | Format is `yyyy-mm` |
orgId | string | Organization ID |
vendor | string | Only `aws` is supported for now. |
account | string | Resource owner account |
service | string | Only `AmazonEC2` is supported for now. |
resourceId | string | Resource unique identifier |
resourceType | string | Only `AWS::EC2::Instance` is supported for now |
cost | double | Cost incurred for the resource on specified month. |
properties | string | Format: JSON String |
recommendation | string | Format: JSON String |
Request message for the RestoreAccountUsage rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
allocationId | string | Required. The account usage to restore. |
Request message for the RestoreFee rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
feeId | string | Required. The fee to restore. |
Request message for the RestoreSavings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The item to restore. |
Response message for ListSavings, RestoreSavings, SimulateSavings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string |
orgId | string |
vendor | string |
account | string |
month | string |
type | string |
arn | string |
productCode | string |
offerClass | string |
ondemand | double |
effectiveCost | double |
savings | double |
splitStatus | string |
isAllocated | bool |
isApplied | bool |
source | string |
lastUpdate | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
threshold | float | Required |
isPercentage | bool | Required. When set to true, the threshold is a percentage to the actual cost. Otherwise, it is a fixed amount. |
pastDataInMonths | int64 | Optional. The number of past months to be used in training the model. Note: This will affect the results of anomaly detection. Default and max is 9 while min is 1. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
anomalyOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AnomalyOptions |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
anomaly | bool | Required. Only anomaly is supported as of now |
visualBuilder | bool | Optional. Temporary storage of cost group creation UI preference |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string |
eventIndicator | blueapi.api.cover.EventIndicator |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fiscalMonth | string | Required. Fiscal month. Valid inputs are: "01 - 12" |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fiscalMonth | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
updateCurrency | int64 | Required. Day of the month. Valid inputs are: "1 - 31" |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
updateCurrency | int64 |
Request message for TerminateResource
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor. |
accountId | string | Required. Account Id. |
resourceId | string | Required. The resource Id. |
region | string | Required. Resource region. |
Response message for TerminateResource
Field | Type | Label | Description |
accountId | string |
resourceId | string |
region | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target account to be transferred. |
region | string | Required. The region of the target account. |
payer | string | Optional. Alphaus payer account to be used for the transfer. |
orgId | string | Optional. The org id of the payer account. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | repeated |
Request message for the UpdateAccountAccess rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Required. The target AWS account to update. |
Request message for UpdateAlertDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Alert ID. |
name | string | If optional fields are not supplied, no changes occur. Optional. |
fixedAmount | float | Both are optional. |
percentage | float |
granularity | string | Optional. daily or monthly. Only 'daily' is supported for now. |
costGroups | string | repeated | Optional. Cost group IDs. |
channels | string | repeated | Optional. Channel IDs. |
Response message for UpdateAlertDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alertData | blueapi.api.cover.AlertData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | required. Id |
name | string | required. alert name |
alertEnabled | bool | required. |
notificationChannels | string | repeated | required. Notification Channel Ids. |
frequency | string | required. Frequency. |
costGroupId | string | required. cost group id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Budget ID. |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
budgetData | blueapi.api.cover.BudgetData |
Request message for UpdateChannelDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Channel ID. |
name | string | If optional fields are not supplied, no changes occur. Optional. Either actual email address or slack/msteams channel name |
type | string | Optional. email, slack, or msteams. |
webhookUrl | string | Optional. Only needed for slack and msteams type. |
Response message for UpdateChannelDetails
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channelData | blueapi.api.cover.ChannelData |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
colorTheme | string | Required. Color Theme. |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
colorTheme | string |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupCombinations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
combinations | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupCombinations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
combinations | blueapi.api.cover.Combinations |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
useNewCostGroupCreationUI | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupDescription
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
description | string | Required. Description. |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupDescription
Field | Type | Label | Description |
description | string |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupIcon
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
icon | string | Required. Icon. |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupIcon
Field | Type | Label | Description |
icon | string |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupImage
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
image | string | Required. Image. |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupImage
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image | string |
Request message for UpdateCostGroupName
Field | Type | Label | Description |
costGroupId | string | Required. Cost Group Id. |
name | string | Required. Name. |
Response message for UpdateCostGroupName
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
Request message for UpdateDataAccess (GCP/Azure)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target | string | Billing Id for GCP, Account Id for Azure |
vendor | string | GCP or Azure |
gcpOptions | blueapi.api.cover.GcpOptions | GCP Options |
azureOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AzureOptions | Azure Options |
awsOptions | blueapi.api.cover.AwsOptions | AWS Options |
accountType | string | Account Type |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | required. Id |
alertEnabled | bool | required. |
channels | string | repeated | required. Notification Channel Ids. |
frequencies | int64 | repeated | required. Frequencies. |
costGroups | string | repeated | Required. Cost Group Ids |
name | string | required. Name |
Request message for UpdateMemberPermission
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userId | string | Required. UserId. |
isAdmin | bool | Required. IsAdmin. |
Response message for UpdateMemberPermission
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Shared Resource Id |
sharedResourceName | string | Optional |
sharedResourcesCombinations | blueapi.api.cover.ResourcesCombinations | Optional |
distribution | UpdateSharedResourcesRequest.DistributionEntry | repeated | Optional |
allocated | double | Optional |
unallocated | double | Optional |
description | string | Optional |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination |
Request message for UpdateSideMenuState
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
sidemenustate | blueapi.api.cover.SideMenuState | repeated |
Response message for UpdateSideMenuState
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Metric Id |
metricName | string | Optional |
aggregationMethod | string | Optional |
dataSource | string | Optional |
description | string | Optional |
costgroupId | string | Optional |
csvInfo | blueapi.api.cover.CsvInfo | Optional |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitMetric | blueapi.api.cover.UnitMetric |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. Unit Type Id |
unitName | string | Optional |
unitItems | blueapi.api.cover.UnitItem | repeated | Optional |
sharedResources | blueapi.api.cover.SharedResourcesCombination | repeated | Optional |
description | string | Optional |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unitCostData | blueapi.api.cover.UnitCostData |
Request message for UpdateUserAppTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
appTheme | string |
Response message for UpdateUserAppTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserAttributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
attributes | string | repeated |
Response message for UpdateUserAttributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserAvatar
Field | Type | Label | Description |
avatar | string |
Response message for UpdateUserAvatar
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
colorTheme | string |
Response message for UpdateUserColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserEmail
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string |
Response message for UpdateUserEmail
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserIcon
Field | Type | Label | Description |
icon | string |
Response message for UpdateUserIcon
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserLocale
Field | Type | Label | Description |
locale | string |
Response message for UpdateUserLocale
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserMainView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Response message for UpdateUserMainView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserName
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
Response message for UpdateUserName
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateUserProfile
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | required email |
name | string |
role | string |
usage | string |
intention | string |
companyName | string |
linkSource | string |
hasSubscribedUpdates | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string |
name | string |
role | string |
usage | string |
intention | string |
companyName | string |
linkSource | string |
hasSubscribedUpdates | bool |
Request message for UpdateUserTimezone
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timeZone | string |
autoTimeZone | bool |
Response message for UpdateUserTimezone
Field | Type | Label | Description |
userData | blueapi.api.cover.UserData |
Request message for UpdateViewColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
colorTheme | string |
Response message for UpdateViewColorTheme
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewData | blueapi.api.cover.ViewData |
Request message for UpdateViewCurrency
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
currency | string |
Response message for UpdateViewCurrency
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewData | blueapi.api.cover.ViewData |
Request message for UpdateViewLayout
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
layout | blueapi.api.cover.WidgetData | repeated |
Response message for UpdateViewLayout
Field | Type | Label | Description |
layout | blueapi.api.cover.ViewLayout | repeated |
Request message for UpdateView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
name | string |
description | string |
icon | string |
isPrivate | bool |
isEditable | bool |
colorTheme | string |
Response message for UpdateView
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string |
Request message for UpdateViewWidget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
viewId | string | Required. View Id. |
widgetId | string | Required. Widget Id. |
options | google.protobuf.Struct |
requests | blueapi.api.cover.LayoutRequests | repeated |
Response message for UpdateViewWidget
Field | Type | Label | Description |
widgetId | string |
widgetData | blueapi.api.cover.WidgetData |
(WIP): Request message for Upload Charge Code
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Required. File name file name |
type | string | Required. File type file type |
file | bytes | Required. Convert file into bytes to transfer file file in bytes |
(WIP): Response message for Upload Charge Code
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | File name |
status | Status | Status |
Only supports gcp for now.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required: gcp |
target | string | Required: projectId |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
result | bool |
Status of upload file
Name | Number | Description |
PENDING | 0 | |
SUCCESS | 2 | |
FAILED | 3 |
Cover service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
OnboardOrg | OnboardOrgRequest | OnboardOrgResponse | Onboard an organization with an admin account and default cost group |
InviteMember | InviteMemberRequest | InviteMemberResponse | Invite members to the system |
ActivateUser | ActivateUserRequest | ActivateUserResponse | Activate the added user |
CreateMember | CreateMemberRequest | CreateMemberResponse | Create a member |
GetMembers | GetMembersRequest | GetMembersResponse | Get all the members/subusers of the company |
GetMemberDetails | GetMemberDetailsRequest | GetMemberDetailsResponse | Get the details of the user |
GetMemberCostGroup | GetMemberCostGroupRequest | GetMemberCostGroupResponse | Get the cost group to which the member is attached |
UpdateMemberPermission | UpdateMemberPermissionRequest | UpdateMemberPermissionResponse | Modify member's permission |
GetUserDetails | GetUserDetailsRequest | GetUserDetailsResponse | Get the details of the logged-in user |
UpdateUserAvatar | UpdateUserAvatarRequest | UpdateUserAvatarResponse | Modify user's avatar |
UpdateUserIcon | UpdateUserIconRequest | UpdateUserIconResponse | Modify user's icon |
UpdateUserColorTheme | UpdateUserColorThemeRequest | UpdateUserColorThemeResponse | Modify user's color theme |
UpdateUserName | UpdateUserNameRequest | UpdateUserNameResponse | Modify user's name |
UpdateUserEmail | UpdateUserEmailRequest | UpdateUserEmailResponse | Modify user's email |
UpdateUserMainView | UpdateUserMainViewRequest | UpdateUserMainViewResponse | Modify user's main view |
ResetUserPassword | ResetUserPasswordRequest | ResetUserPasswordResponse | Reset user's password |
UpdateUserLocale | UpdateUserLocaleRequest | UpdateUserLocaleResponse | Modify user's locale |
UpdateUserAppTheme | UpdateUserAppThemeRequest | UpdateUserAppThemeResponse | Modify user's app theme |
UpdateUserTimezone | UpdateUserTimezoneRequest | UpdateUserTimezoneResponse | Modify user's timezone |
UpdateUserAttributes | UpdateUserAttributesRequest | UpdateUserAttributesResponse | Modify attributes |
DeleteMember | DeleteMemberRequest | DeleteMemberResponse | Deletes a user |
ResetPassword | ResetPasswordRequest | ResetPasswordResponse | Reset member's password |
CreateView | CreateViewRequest | CreateViewResponse | Create a view |
GetViews | GetViewsRequest | GetViewsResponse | Get all the views |
GetCurrentView | GetCurrentViewRequest | GetCurrentViewResponse | Get the details of the current view |
GetFavoriteViews | GetFavoriteViewsRequest | GetFavoriteViewsResponse | Get favorite views |
PublishView | PublishViewRequest | PublishViewResponse | Publish current view |
AddFavorite | AddFavoriteRequest | AddFavoriteResponse | Add to favorites |
RemoveFavorite | RemoveFavoriteRequest | RemoveFavoriteResponse | Remove from favorites |
UpdateView | UpdateViewRequest | UpdateViewResponse | Updates the view details |
UpdateViewLayout | UpdateViewLayoutRequest | UpdateViewLayoutResponse | Updates the view's layout |
UpdateViewWidget | UpdateViewWidgetRequest | UpdateViewWidgetResponse | Updates the view's widget |
UpdateViewColorTheme | UpdateViewColorThemeRequest | UpdateViewColorThemeResponse | Update view's color theme |
UpdateViewCurrency | UpdateViewCurrencyRequest | UpdateViewCurrencyResponse | Update report's currency settings |
SetOrgUpdateCurrency | SetOrgUpdateCurrencyRequest | SetOrgUpdateCurrencyResponse | Sets Org's reference of currency exchange rate |
GetOrgUpdateCurrency | GetOrgUpdateCurrencyRequest | GetOrgUpdateCurrencyResponse | Get Org's reference of currency exchange rate |
ListExchangeRates | ListExchangeRatesRequest | ListExchangeRatesResponse | Get list of exchange rates for a fixed report |
DeleteView | DeleteViewRequest | DeleteViewResponse | Deletes a view |
UpdateSideMenuState | UpdateSideMenuStateRequest | UpdateSideMenuStateResponse | Updates the side menu state |
AddSideMenuFavorite | AddSideMenuFavoriteRequest | AddSideMenuFavoriteResponse | Add as side menu favorite |
RemoveSideMenuFavorite | RemoveSideMenuFavoriteRequest | RemoveSideMenuFavoriteResponse | Remove from side menu favorite |
CreateCostGroup | CreateCostGroupRequest | CreateCostGroupResponse | Create a cost group |
GetCostGroups | GetCostGroupsRequest | GetCostGroupsResponse | Get all the cost groups |
GetCategories | GetCategoriesRequest | GetCategoriesResponse | Retrieve the categories to be utilized in the creation of the cost group. |
GetCostGroupDetails | GetCostGroupDetailsRequest | GetCostGroupDetailsResponse | Get the details of the cost group |
UpdateCostGroupName | UpdateCostGroupNameRequest | UpdateCostGroupNameResponse | Update cost group's name |
UpdateCostGroupDescription | UpdateCostGroupDescriptionRequest | UpdateCostGroupDescriptionResponse | Update cost group's description |
UpdateCostGroupImage | UpdateCostGroupImageRequest | UpdateCostGroupImageResponse | Update cost group's image |
UpdateCostGroupIcon | UpdateCostGroupIconRequest | UpdateCostGroupIconResponse | Update cost group's icon |
UpdateCostGroupColorTheme | UpdateCostGroupColorThemeRequest | UpdateCostGroupColorThemeResponse | Update cost group's color theme |
UpdateCostGroupCombinations | UpdateCostGroupCombinationsRequest | UpdateCostGroupCombinationsResponse | Update cost group's combinations |
ResolveCostGroupCombinations | ResolveCostGroupCombinationsRequest | ResolveCostGroupCombinationsResponse | |
AssignCostGroupMember | AssignCostGroupMemberRequest | AssignCostGroupMemberResponse | Assign a member to a cost group |
RemoveCostGroupMember | RemoveCostGroupMemberRequest | RemoveCostGroupMemberResponse | Remove a member from a cost group |
DeleteCostGroup | DeleteCostGroupRequest | DeleteCostGroupResponse | Deletes a cost group |
GetAccountAccessTemplateUrl | GetAccountAccessTemplateUrlRequest | GetAccountAccessTemplateUrlResponse | Gets a CloudFormation launch URL for enabling the account access. |
ListAccountAccess | ListAccountAccessRequest | AccountAccess stream | Lists the account access role(s) attached to accounts under caller. |
GetAccountAccess | GetAccountAccessRequest | AccountAccess | Gets the current account role attached to the input target. |
GetDataAccess | GetAndDeleteDataAccessRequest | DataAccess | Gets the current account. For GCP and Azure. |
DeleteDataAccess | GetAndDeleteDataAccessRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Deletes GCP or Azure accounts based on the provided request. |
CreateAccountAccess | CreateAccountAccessRequest | AccountAccess | Starts validation of the account access stack deployment. If successful, the IAM role created from the CloudFormation stack will be registered to the target. |
CreateAccountAccessStackset | CreateAccountAccessStacksetRequest | AccountAccess | Starts validation of the account access stackset deployment. If successful, the IAM role created from the CloudFormation stackset will be registered to the linked accounts. |
CreateAccountAccessCur | CreateAccountAccessRequest | AccountAccess | Starts validation of the account access cur stack deployment. If successful, the IAM role created from the CloudFormation stack will be registered to the target. |
UpdateAccountAccess | UpdateAccountAccessRequest | .protos.Operation | Starts an update to an existing account access CloudFormation stack for template changes, if any. Only call this API if the status of your account access is 'outdated'. |
DeleteAccountAccess | DeleteAccountAccessRequest | DeleteAccountAccessResponse | Deletes the current account access role attached to this target account. This does not delete the CloudFormation deployment in your account. |
RegisterAccount | RegisterAccountRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Registers an account |
RegisterDataAccess | RegisterDataAccessRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Registers GCP/Azure account. |
AddBillingAccount | BillingAccountRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Add Billing Account ID for GCP. |
ListDataAccess | ListDataAccessRequest | DataAccess stream | Lists Azure and GCP accounts. |
UpdateDataAccess | UpdateDataAccessRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update GCP/Azure account info |
ListAssets | ListAssetsRequest | Resource stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists assets for costgroup |
GetAssetsSummary | GetAssetsSummaryRequest | GetAssetsSummaryResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Assets summary for costgroup |
GetCostUsage | GetCostUsageRequest | CostItem stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get usage and usage-based costs for the specified costgroup |
GetRightSizingRecommendation | GetRightSizingRecommendationRequest | GetRightSizingRecommendationResponse | Gets the right sizing recommendation of all the accounts in the costgroup |
ModifyResourceType | ModifyResourceTypeRequest | ModifyResourceTypeResponse | Modify resource type from right sizing recommendation |
TerminateResource | TerminateResourceRequest | TerminateResourceResponse | Terminate a resource from right sizing recommendation |
UploadChargeCode | UploadChargeCodeRequest stream | UploadChargeCodeResponse | Upload charge code |
AssignPayer | AssignPayerRequest | AssignPayerResponse | Assign payer to a linked account |
GetPayers | GetPayersRequest | GetPayersResponse | Get list of all payers |
GetAccounts | GetAccountsRequest | GetAccountsResponse | Get list of registered accounts |
GetServices | GetServicesRequest | GetServicesResponse | Get list of supported services |
GetRegions | GetRegionsRequest | GetRegionsResponse | Get list of available regions |
GetTags | GetTagsRequest | GetTagsResponse | Get list of available tags |
ListFees | ListFeesRequest | FeeDetails stream | Lists the fees |
RestoreFee | RestoreFeeRequest | FeeDetails stream | Restore distributed fees |
GetCostGroupFee | GetCostGroupFeeRequest | FeeItem stream | Get all available fees for the specified cost group |
ListAllocators | ListAllocatorsRequest | CostAllocatorDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists all the allocators |
CreateAllocator | CreateAllocatorRequest | CostAllocatorDetails | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Creates cost allocator item |
GetAllocationAttributes | GetAllocationAttributesRequest | GetAllocationAttributesResponse | Get all available attributes for the charges |
UpdateAllocator | CostAllocatorRequest | CostAllocatorDetails | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Updates a cost allocator item |
DeleteAllocator | DeleteAllocatorRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Deletes a cost allocator |
ProxyCreateCompletion | ProxyCreateCompletionRequest | ProxyCreateCompletionResponse stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Do not use. |
SimulateFeeAllocator | CreateAllocatorRequest | FeeDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Simulate fee allocator |
ListAccountUsage | ListAccountUsageRequest | AccountUsageDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists the allocated account usages |
RestoreAccountUsage | RestoreAccountUsageRequest | AccountUsageDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Restore the allocated account usages |
SimulateAccountUsage | CreateAllocatorRequest | AccountUsageDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Simulate the output of the account usage allocation |
ListSavings | ListFeesRequest | SavingsDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Lists the allocated ri and sp savings |
RestoreSavings | RestoreSavingsRequest | SavingsDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Restore the allocated ri and sp savings |
SimulateSavings | CreateAllocatorRequest | SavingsDetails stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Simulate the output of the ri and sp savings allocation |
GetCostGroupAllocation | GetCostGroupAllocationRequest | AllocationItem stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get all available allocation items for the specified cost group |
ProcessAuth0User | ProcessAuth0UserRequest | ProcessAuth0UserResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Add or read user from Auth0 |
AddPartnerCenterCredentials | AddPartnerCenterCredentialsRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: PartnerCenterCredentials for Azure |
AddMpnSetting | AddMpnSettingRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Adding MpnSetting for Azure |
GetCostGroupAttribute | GetCostGroupAttributeRequest | GetCostGroupAttributeResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get Cost Group by Attribute Type |
GetAlerts | GetAlertsRequest | GetAlertsResponse stream | Get Alerts under organization |
CreateAlert | CreateAlertRequest | CreateAlertResponse | Create Alerts under organization |
GetAlertDetails | GetAlertDetailsRequest | GetAlertDetailsResponse | Get Specific Alert under organization |
DeleteAlert | DeleteAlertRequest | DeleteAlertResponse | Delete Specific Alert under organization |
UpdateAlertDetails | UpdateAlertDetailsRequest | UpdateAlertDetailsResponse | Update Specific Alert under organization |
GetChannels | GetChannelsRequest | GetChannelsResponse stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get Channels under organization |
CreateChannel | CreateChannelRequest | CreateChannelResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Create Channel under organization |
GetChannelDetails | GetChannelDetailsRequest | GetChannelDetailsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get Specific Channel under organization |
DeleteChannel | DeleteChannelRequest | DeleteChannelResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Delete Specific Channel under organization |
UpdateChannelDetails | UpdateChannelDetailsRequest | UpdateChannelDetailsResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Update Specific Channel under organization |
GetDiscountRecommendations | GetDiscountRecommendationsRequest | GetDiscountRecommendationsResponse | Get the discount recommendations for every account in a cost group |
GetAnomalyinCostGroup | GetAnomalyinCostGroupRequest | AnomalyData stream | Get the data of a cost group containing anomaly values |
CreateDiscountExpirationAlert | CreateDiscountExpirationAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create discount Expiration Alert. |
UpdateDiscountExpirationAlert | UpdateDiscountExpirationAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update discount Expiration Alert |
GetDiscountExpirationAlert | ManipulateDiscountExpirationAlertRequest | DiscountExpiryAlertData | Get discount Expiration Alert Data |
ListDiscountExpirationAlert | ListDiscountExpirationAlertRequest | DiscountExpiryAlertData stream | List all discount Expiration Alert Data |
DeleteDiscountExpirationAlert | ManipulateDiscountExpirationAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete selected discount Expiration Alert Data |
CreateAnomalyAlert | CreateAnomalyAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create Anomaly Alert |
DeleteAnomalyAlert | ManipulateAnomalyAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete Anomaly Alert |
ListAnomalyAlert | ListAnomalyAlertRequest | AnomalyAlertData stream | List all the Anomaly Alert Data |
GetAnomalyAlert | ManipulateAnomalyAlertRequest | AnomalyAlertData | Get Anomaly Alert Data |
UpdateAnomalyAlert | UpdateAnomalyAlertRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update Anomaly Alert |
RegisterNewUser | RegisterNewUserRequest | RegisterNewUserResponse | Octo new user registration |
GetUserProfile | GetUserProfileRequest | GetUserProfileResponse | Octo getting user profile |
UpdateUserProfile | UpdateUserProfileRequest | UpdateUserProfileResponse | Update user profile |
ListBudgets | ListBudgetsRequest | ListBudgetsResponse stream | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: List all Budgets in an organization or Budgets under specific cost group |
GetBudget | GetBudgetRequest | GetBudgetResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get specific Budget data for a cost group in an organization |
CreateBudget | CreateBudgetRequest | CreateBudgetResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Create Budget for specific cost group in an organization |
DeleteBudget | DeleteBudgetRequest | DeleteBudgetResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Delete Budget for specific cost group in an organization |
UpdateBudget | UpdateBudgetRequest | UpdateBudgetResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Update Budget for specific cost group in an organization |
ResolveAWSMarketplaceTokenForOnboarding | ResolveAWSMarketplaceTokenForOnboardingRequest | ResolveAWSMarketplaceTokenForOnboardingResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS:Resolve user for aws marketplace subscription integration |
GetCustomerSubscriptionStatus | GetCustomerSubscriptionStatusRequest | GetCustomerSubscriptionStatusResponse | Get the Customer Subscription status from marketplace |
CreateProfiling | CreateProfilingRequest | CreateProfilingResponse | Profiling for new users. |
AddInfotoMarketplace | AddInfotoMarketplaceRequest | AddInfotoMarketplaceResponse | Adding orgId to marketplace customers |
GetReportSummary | GetReportSummaryRequest | GetReportSummaryResponse | Get data for insights reports summary |
ListRecommendations | ListRecommendationRequest | ListRecommendationResponse stream | Lists recommendations based on specified criteria. |
ListRecommendationsV2 | ListRecommendationV2Request | ListRecommendationResponse stream | Lists recommendations based on specified criteria. |
GetRecommendation | GetRecommendationRequest | GetRecommendationResponse | Retrieves a specific recommendation by its ID. |
GetRecommendationV2 | GetRecommendationV2Request | GetRecommendationV2Response | Retrieves a specific recommendation by its ID. (Version 2) |
ExecuteOptimization | ExecuteOptimizationRequest | ExecuteOptimizationResponse | Executes optimization based on a recommendation. |
GetExecutionStatus | GetExecutionStatusRequest | GetExecutionStatusResponse stream | Get Execution status of a recommendation. |
MarkAsExecuted | MarkAsExecutedRequest | MarkAsExecutedResponse | Mark a recommendation executed. |
UndoExecutedRecommendation | UndoExecutedRecommendationRequest | UndoExecutedRecommendationResponse | Undo a executed recommendation (For recommendation). |
OptimizationHistory | OptimizationHistoryRequest | OptimizationHistoryResponse | Lists recommendations based on specified criteria. |
SetCostGroupEventIndicator | SetCostGroupEventIndicatorRequest | SetCostGroupEventIndicatorResponse | Sets Cost group's event indicator |
SetCostGroupAnomalyOptions | SetCostGroupAnomalyOptionsRequest | SetCostGroupAnomalyOptionsResponse | Sets Cost group's anomaly options |
SetOrgFiscalMonth | SetOrgFiscalMonthRequest | SetOrgFiscalMonthResponse | Sets Org's starting month/ fiscal month |
GetOrgFiscalMonth | GetOrgFiscalMonthRequest | GetOrgFiscalMonthResponse | Get Org's starting month/ fiscal month |
TransferOrganization | TransferOrganizationRequest | TransferOrganizationResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Transfer the account from the original organization to Alphaus payer account |
UpdateCostGroupCreationUI | UpdateCostGroupCreationUIRequest | UpdateCostGroupCreationUIResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Set user preference in cost group creation UI |
ListUnitTypes | ListUnitTypesRequest | ListUnitTypesResponse | Lists Unit Types |
CreateUnitType | CreateUnitTypeRequest | CreateUnitTypeResponse | Create Unit Type |
GetUnitType | GetUnitTypeRequest | GetUnitTypeResponse | Get Specific Unit Type |
UpdateUnitType | UpdateUnitTypeRequest | UpdateUnitTypeResponse | Update Specific Unit Type |
DeleteUnitType | DeleteUnitTypeRequest | DeleteUnitTypeResponse | Delete Specific Unit Type |
ListSuggestedUnits | ListSuggestedUnitsRequest | ListSuggestedUnitsResponse | List Suggested Unit Types |
ListSharedResources | ListSharedResourcesRequest | ListSharedResourcesResponse | List all Shared Resources |
CreateSharedResource | CreateSharedResourcesRequest | CreateSharedResourcesResponse | Create Shared Resource |
GetSharedResource | GetSharedResourcesRequest | GetSharedResourcesResponse | Get Specific Shared Resource |
UpdateSharedResource | UpdateSharedResourcesRequest | UpdateSharedResourcesResponse | Update Specific Shared Resource |
DeleteSharedResource | DeleteSharedResourcesRequest | DeleteSharedResourcesResponse | Delete Specific Shared Resource |
ListUnitMetrics | ListUnitMetricsRequest | ListUnitMetricsResponse | List all Unit Metrics |
CreateUnitMetric | CreateUnitMetricRequest | CreateUnitMetricResponse | Create Unit Metric |
GetUnitMetric | GetUnitMetricRequest | GetUnitMetricResponse | Get Specific Unit Metric |
UpdateUnitMetric | UpdateUnitMetricRequest | UpdateUnitMetricResponse | Update Specific Unit Metric |
DeleteUnitMetric | DeleteUnitMetricRequest | DeleteUnitMetricResponse | Delete Specific Unit Metric |
VerifyAPIAccess | VerifyAPIAccessRequest | VerifyAPIAccessResponse |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
OnboardOrg | POST | /v1/members/onboard | * |
InviteMember | POST | /v1/members/invite | * |
ActivateUser | POST | /v1/members/activate | * |
CreateMember | POST | /v1/members | * |
GetMembers | GET | /v1/members | |
GetMemberDetails | GET | /v1/members/{userId} | |
GetMemberCostGroup | GET | /v1/members/{userId}/costgroup | |
UpdateMemberPermission | PUT | /v1/members/{userId}/isadmin | * |
GetUserDetails | GET | /v1/me | |
UpdateUserAvatar | PUT | /v1/me/avatar | * |
UpdateUserIcon | PUT | /v1/me/icon | * |
UpdateUserColorTheme | PUT | /v1/me/colortheme | * |
UpdateUserName | PUT | /v1/me/name | * |
UpdateUserEmail | PUT | /v1/me/email | * |
UpdateUserMainView | PUT | /v1/me/mainview | * |
ResetUserPassword | POST | /v1/me/password | * |
UpdateUserLocale | PUT | /v1/me/locale | * |
UpdateUserAppTheme | PUT | /v1/me/apptheme | * |
UpdateUserTimezone | PUT | /v1/me/timezone | * |
UpdateUserAttributes | PUT | /v1/me/attributes | * |
DeleteMember | DELETE | /v1/members/{userId} | |
ResetPassword | POST | /v1/members/resetpassword | * |
CreateView | POST | /v1/views | * |
GetViews | GET | /v1/views | |
GetCurrentView | GET | /v1/views/{viewId} | |
GetFavoriteViews | GET | /v1/views/favorites | |
PublishView | POST | /v1/views/publish | * |
AddFavorite | PUT | /v1/views/favorite/add | * |
RemoveFavorite | PUT | /v1/views/favorite/remove | * |
UpdateView | PUT | /v1/views/{viewId} | * |
UpdateViewLayout | PUT | /v1/views/layout/{viewId} | * |
UpdateViewWidget | PUT | /v1/views/layout/{viewId}/{widgetId} | * |
UpdateViewColorTheme | PUT | /v1/views/{viewId}/colortheme | * |
UpdateViewCurrency | PUT | /v1/views/{viewId}/currency | * |
SetOrgUpdateCurrency | POST | /v1/organizations/currency | * |
GetOrgUpdateCurrency | GET | /v1/organizations/currency | |
ListExchangeRates | GET | /v1/organizations/rates | |
DeleteView | DELETE | /v1/views/{viewId} | |
UpdateSideMenuState | PUT | /v1/views/{viewId}/sidemenustate | * |
AddSideMenuFavorite | POST | /v1/views/{viewId}/sidemenufavorite | * |
RemoveSideMenuFavorite | POST | /v1/views/{viewId}/sidemenuunfavorite | * |
CreateCostGroup | POST | /v1/costgroups | * |
GetCostGroups | GET | /v1/costgroups | |
GetCategories | GET | /v1/categories | |
GetCostGroupDetails | GET | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId} | |
UpdateCostGroupName | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/name | * |
UpdateCostGroupDescription | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/description | * |
UpdateCostGroupImage | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/image | * |
UpdateCostGroupIcon | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/icon | * |
UpdateCostGroupColorTheme | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/colortheme | * |
UpdateCostGroupCombinations | PUT | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/combinations | * |
ResolveCostGroupCombinations | GET | /v1/costgroups/resolve/{costGroupId} | |
AssignCostGroupMember | POST | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/member/add | * |
RemoveCostGroupMember | POST | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/member/remove | * |
DeleteCostGroup | DELETE | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId} | |
GetAccountAccessTemplateUrl | GET | /v1/aws/acctaccess | |
ListAccountAccess | POST | /v1/aws/acctaccess/all:read | * |
GetAccountAccess | GET | /v1/aws/acctaccess/{target} | |
GetDataAccess | GET | /v1/account/{target} | |
DeleteDataAccess | DELETE | /v1/account/{target} | |
CreateAccountAccess | POST | /v1/aws/acctaccess | * |
CreateAccountAccessStackset | POST | /v1/aws/acctaccess/stackset | * |
CreateAccountAccessCur | POST | /v1/aws/acctaccess/cur | * |
UpdateAccountAccess | PUT | /v1/aws/acctaccess/{target} | |
DeleteAccountAccess | DELETE | /v1/acctaccess/{target} | |
RegisterAccount | POST | /v1/{vendor}/account | * |
RegisterDataAccess | POST | /v1/account | * |
AddBillingAccount | POST | /v1/billingacct | * |
ListDataAccess | POST | /v1/account/all:read | |
UpdateDataAccess | PUT | /v1/account/{target} | * |
ListAssets | POST | /v1/assets:read | * |
GetAssetsSummary | GET | /v1/assets/summary/{costGroupId} | |
GetCostUsage | POST | /v1/costusage:read | * |
GetRightSizingRecommendation | GET | /v1/rightsizingrecommendation/{costGroupId} | |
ModifyResourceType | POST | /v1/{vendor}/resource/modify | * |
TerminateResource | POST | /v1/{vendor}/resource/terminate | * |
UploadChargeCode | POST | /v1/chargecode/upload | * |
AssignPayer | POST | /v1/{vendor}/payers | * |
GetPayers | GET | /v1/{vendor}/payers | |
GetAccounts | GET | /v1/{vendor}/accounts/{costGroupId} | |
GetServices | GET | /v1/{vendor}/services/{costGroupId} | |
GetRegions | GET | /v1/{vendor}/regions/{costGroupId} | |
GetTags | GET | /v1/{vendor}/tags/{costGroupId} | |
ListFees | POST | /v1/allocations/fees/all:read | * |
RestoreFee | POST | /v1/allocations/fees/restore | * |
GetCostGroupFee | POST | /v1/allocations/fees:read | * |
ListAllocators | GET | /v1/allocators | |
CreateAllocator | POST | /v1/allocators | * |
GetAllocationAttributes | GET | /v1/allocators/attribute | |
UpdateAllocator | PUT | /v1/allocators/{id} | * |
DeleteAllocator | DELETE | /v1/allocators/{id} | |
ProxyCreateCompletion | POST | /v1/x/pcc | * |
SimulateFeeAllocator | POST | /v1/allocations/fees/simulate | * |
ListAccountUsage | POST | /v1/allocations/accountusage/all:read | * |
RestoreAccountUsage | POST | /v1/allocations/accountusage/restore | * |
SimulateAccountUsage | POST | /v1/allocations/accountusage/simulate | * |
ListSavings | POST | /v1/allocations/savings/all:read | * |
RestoreSavings | POST | /v1/allocations/savings/restore | * |
SimulateSavings | POST | /v1/allocations/savings/simulate | * |
GetCostGroupAllocation | POST | /v1/allocations:read | * |
ProcessAuth0User | POST | /v1/members/auth0 | * |
AddPartnerCenterCredentials | POST | /v1/azure/credentials/partnercenter | * |
AddMpnSetting | POST | /v1/azure/credentials/mpn | * |
GetCostGroupAttribute | POST | /v1/attributes | * |
GetAlerts | GET | /v1/alerts/cost | |
CreateAlert | POST | /v1/alerts/cost | * |
GetAlertDetails | GET | /v1/alerts/cost/{id} | |
DeleteAlert | DELETE | /v1/alerts/cost/{id} | |
UpdateAlertDetails | PUT | /v1/alerts/cost/{id} | * |
GetChannels | POST | /v1/channels:read | * |
CreateChannel | POST | /v1/channels | * |
GetChannelDetails | GET | /v1/channels/{id} | |
DeleteChannel | DELETE | /v1/channels/{id} | |
UpdateChannelDetails | PUT | /v1/channels/{id} | * |
GetDiscountRecommendations | POST | /v1/discount | * |
GetAnomalyinCostGroup | POST | /v1/anomaly | * |
CreateDiscountExpirationAlert | POST | /v1/alerts/expire/discount | * |
UpdateDiscountExpirationAlert | PUT | /v1/alerts/expire/discount/{id} | * |
GetDiscountExpirationAlert | GET | /v1/alerts/expire/discount/{id} | |
ListDiscountExpirationAlert | POST | /v1/alerts/expire/discount/all:read | |
DeleteDiscountExpirationAlert | DELETE | /v1/alerts/expire/discount/{id} | |
CreateAnomalyAlert | POST | /v1/alerts/anomaly | * |
DeleteAnomalyAlert | DELETE | /v1/alerts/anomaly/{id} | |
ListAnomalyAlert | POST | /v1/alerts/anomaly/all:read | |
GetAnomalyAlert | GET | /v1/alerts/anomaly/{id} | |
UpdateAnomalyAlert | PUT | /v1/alerts/anomaly/{id} | * |
RegisterNewUser | POST | /v1/members/register | * |
GetUserProfile | GET | /v1/members/profile/{email} | |
UpdateUserProfile | PUT | /v1/members/profile/{email} | * |
ListBudgets | POST | /v1/budget:read | * |
GetBudget | GET | /v1/budget/{id} | |
CreateBudget | POST | /v1/budget | * |
DeleteBudget | DELETE | /v1/budget/{id} | |
UpdateBudget | PUT | /v1/budget/{id} | * |
ResolveAWSMarketplaceTokenForOnboarding | POST | /v1/members/aws/subscription | * |
GetCustomerSubscriptionStatus | GET | /v1/billing/status | |
CreateProfiling | POST | /v1/members/profile | * |
AddInfotoMarketplace | POST | /v1/marketplace/info | * |
GetReportSummary | GET | /v1/reports/insight/summary/{costGroupId} | |
ListRecommendations | GET | /v1/recommendations/optimization | |
ListRecommendationsV2 | POST | /v1/recommendations/all:read | * |
GetRecommendation | GET | /v1/recommendations/optimization/{id} | |
GetRecommendationV2 | GET | /v1/recommendations/details/{id} | |
ExecuteOptimization | POST | /v1/recommendations/execute | * |
GetExecutionStatus | GET | /v1/recommendations/execute/status | |
MarkAsExecuted | POST | /v1/recommendations/optimization/executed | * |
UndoExecutedRecommendation | POST | /v1/recommendations/optimization/undo | * |
OptimizationHistory | GET | /v1/recommendations/optimization/history | |
SetCostGroupEventIndicator | POST | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/eventIndicator | * |
SetCostGroupAnomalyOptions | POST | /v1/costgroups/{costGroupId}/anomaly | * |
SetOrgFiscalMonth | POST | /v1/reports/fiscalmonth | * |
GetOrgFiscalMonth | GET | /v1/reports/fiscalmonth | |
TransferOrganization | GET | /v1/organizations/transfer/{target} | |
UpdateCostGroupCreationUI | PUT | /v1/me/costgroupcreation | * |
ListUnitTypes | GET | /v1/unitcost | |
CreateUnitType | POST | /v1/unitcost | * |
GetUnitType | GET | /v1/unitcost/{id} | |
UpdateUnitType | PUT | /v1/unitcost/{id} | * |
DeleteUnitType | DELETE | /v1/unitcost/{id} | |
ListSuggestedUnits | GET | /v1/unitcost/autosuggest | |
ListSharedResources | GET | /v1/unitcost/sharedresources | |
CreateSharedResource | POST | /v1/unitcost/sharedresources | * |
GetSharedResource | GET | /v1/unitcost/sharedresources/{id} | |
UpdateSharedResource | PUT | /v1/unitcost/sharedresources/{id} | * |
DeleteSharedResource | DELETE | /v1/unitcost/sharedresources/{id} | |
ListUnitMetrics | GET | /v1/unitcost/metrics | |
CreateUnitMetric | POST | /v1/unitcost/metrics | * |
GetUnitMetric | GET | /v1/unitcost/metrics/{id} | |
UpdateUnitMetric | PUT | /v1/unitcost/metrics/{id} | * |
DeleteUnitMetric | DELETE | /v1/unitcost/metrics/{id} | |
VerifyAPIAccess | GET | /v1/apiaccess/verify |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | Filter key. |
values | string | repeated | Array of filter values. |
Request message for the Pricing.GetInfo rpc.
Response message for the Pricing.GetInfo rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
response | string |
Request message for Pricing.GetPricing rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor, only `aws` and `azure` are currently supported. |
service | string | Required. Cloud vendor service. Supported services can be listed using `/{vendor}/services` endpoint. For usage information visit |
region | string | Required. Region code. Supported regions can be listed using `/{vendor}/services` endpoint. For usage information visit View all available AWS services by region at View all available Azure services by region at |
token | string | Optional. Supply token that is included in the latest response to continue fetching the remaining chunks of data. No further data can be retrieved once the token returned is empty. |
filters | GetPricingRequest.FiltersEntry | repeated | Optional. Filters to apply to the pricing data. This is a map of column names and values to filter pricing items. Each key-value pair in the map represents a filter condition. Supported filter key-value pairs can be listed using `/{vendor}/services` endpoint. For usage information visit For example, if you want to return AWS EC2 items that has All Upfront purchase option, add `"purchaseOption": "All Upfront"` to the filters. Multiple key-value pairs are supported but keys should not be duplicated. For example, for AWS EC2, the following is valid, ``` "filters": { "purchaseOption": "All Upfront", "operatingSystem": "Windows" } ``` but not the following, ``` "filters": { "purchaseOption": "All Upfront", "purchaseOption": "Partial Upfront" } ``` |
columns | string | repeated | Optional. Only specified columns will be returned, if provided. All columns will be returned if this array is empty. Supported columns can be listed using `/{vendor}/services` endpoint. For usage information visit |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Response message for Pricing.GetPricing rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string | Use token to retrieve next set of pricing items. An empty string means there are no more items to retrieve. |
pricingData | blueapi.api.pricing.PricingData | repeated | Array of pricing items details. Maximum number of items returned per call is 1000. |
Request message for Pricing.GetSupportedServices rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vendor | string | Required. Cloud vendor, only `aws` and `azure` are currently supported. |
Response message for Pricing.GetSupportedServices rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
supportedServices | SupportedService | repeated | Suported services, regions, and attributes that can be used to specify which pricing data to retrieve from `/{vendor}/pricing`. For usage information, visit |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service | string | AWS or Azure services only as of now. |
regions | string | repeated | Array of regions supported for the specific service. |
attributes | Attribute | repeated | Array of attributes that can be used as key-value pairs for filtering. |
columns | string | repeated | Array of column names that can be used to specify what columns should `/{vendor}/pricing` return. For usage information, visit |
Pricing service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetInfo | GetInfoRequest | GetInfoResponse | Test endpoint only. |
GetPricing | GetPricingRequest | GetPricingResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get cloud pricing information |
GetSupportedServices | GetSupportedServicesRequest | GetSupportedServicesResponse | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Get list of supported services, regions, attributes, and columns for filtering |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
GetInfo | GET | /v0/info | |
GetPricing | POST | /v0/{vendor}/pricing | * |
GetSupportedServices | GET | /v0/{vendor}/services |
Request message for the Flow.CreateSettings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Required. The id of the payer. |
accountScope | string | Required. Account scope determines if the account is payer or linked account. Valid values are `payer` or `linked`. |
customization | string | Required. Customization setting for SP. Valid values are `COMPUTE_SP` or `EC2_INSTANCE_SP`. |
planTerm | string | Required. Term of the SP. Valid values are `ONE_YEAR` or `THREE_YEARS`. |
paymentOption | string | Required. Payment option for the SP. Valid values are `ALL_UPFRONT`, `PARTIAL_UPFRONT`, or `NO_UPFRONT`. |
lookBackPeriod | string | Required. Lookback period for recommendation. Valid values are `SEVEN_DAYS`, `THIRTY_DAYS`, or `SIXTY_DAYS`. |
instanceFamily | string | Optional. If EC2 Instance SP is selected in Customization, request will include list of instance family |
annualBudget | double | Optional. Annual budget input for SP. |
approval | bool | Optional. Purchase approval from the payer for the SP. Default value is `false`. |
Response message for the Flow.CreateSettings rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
response | string |
Request message for the Flow.GetInfo rpc.
Response message for the Flow.GetInfo rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
response | string |
Flow service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetInfo | GetInfoRequest | GetInfoResponse | For Testing Purposes Only. |
CreateSettings | CreateSettingsRequest | CreateSettingsResponse | Creates a new settings configuration for the user. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
GetInfo | GET | /v1/info | |
CreateSettings | POST | /v1/settings | * |
Request message for the Preferences.GetPreferences rpc.
Preferences service definition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetPreferences | GetPreferencesRequest | Preference | WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Gets current preferences. |
Method Name | Method | Pattern | Body |
GetPreferences | GET | /prefs/v1 |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ | Java | Python | Go | C# | PHP | Ruby |
double | double | double | float | float64 | double | float | Float | |
float | float | float | float | float32 | float | float | Float | |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
bool | bool | boolean | boolean | bool | bool | boolean | TrueClass/FalseClass | |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode | string | string | string | String (UTF-8) |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str | []byte | ByteString | string | String (ASCII-8BIT) |