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Cost API

Cost API allows you to query your vendor-related usage costs and adjustment costs. This is the same data that Ripple/Wave uses to create invoices, graphs, and reports, aggregated at daily level.

Cloud vendor: AWS

To use the AWS-specific APIs, you need to first register your AWS management (or billing, or payer) account to Ripple. We will be releasing an API for this registration process in the near future so stay tuned. In the meantime, you can contact us here.

Once registered, and the correct permissions are setup, our calculation engines will start downloading your CUR files from your S3 bucket everytime your CUR files are updated by AWS. These checks are done periodically, several times a day. After downloading, calculations will be done based on your billing group settings, whether it will be AWS unblended or Alphaus trueunblended values.

Typically, you will download both usage-based costs and fee-based costs from this API to get the whole spending data. To demontrate, let's use the bluectl tool. Here are some example usage scenarios.

Download current month's usage costs and save as CSV file:

# Here, 'all' could mean MSP-level or billing group level.
$ bluectl awscost get --type all --out /tmp/out.csv

Download current month's adjustment costs and save as CSV file:

# Here, 'all' could mean MSP-level or billing group level.
$ bluectl awscost get-adjustments --type all --out /tmp/out.csv

You can also provide the --start yyyymmdd and --end yyyymmdd flags for date ranges.

Download current month's usage costs for a specific account and save as CSV file:

$ bluectl awscost get --id 1234567890 --type account --out /tmp/out.csv

Download current month's adjustment costs for a specific billing group and save as CSV file:

# Here, 'bill001' is your billing group id.
$ bluectl awscost get-adjustments \
  --id bill001 \
  --type billinggroup \
  --out /tmp/out.csv

You can also provide the --include-tags and/or --include-costcategories flag(s) to include the tags and/or cost category information in the streaming data. At the moment, only the usage-based data supports tags and cost categories.

Although these APIs are designed to be streamed due to potentially large amounts of data, you can still use the JSON/REST API like so:

# Output is a newline-delimited rows of JSON data.
$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(bluectl access-token)" \ \
  -d '{"accountId":"1234567890"}'