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bluectl is the official command line interface (CLI) for Alphaus services. It uses the same API that powers our Ripple/Wave(Pro)/Aqua UI consoles.


You can install bluectl using Homebrew (MacOS, Linux, and Windows through WSL/2). Run the command below in a terminal:

$ brew install alphauslabs/tap/bluectl


bluectl uses API client credentials for authentication. You can generate your API credentials either from Ripple under "Tools > API Access Tokens", or Wave(Pro) under "Settings > API Access Tokens".

To validate your credentials with bluectl, run the command below (replace the {client-*} part with your actual client id and client secret values):

$ bluectl whoami --client-id {client-id} --client-secret {client-secret}

If successful, it will output some information about the authenticated user.

Environment variables

You can also store your credentials as environment variables instead of typing them everytime you run a command. Check out the "Environment setup" section here.

With environment variables set, you should now be able to run any bluectl commands without the --client-id and --client-secret flags.

$ bluectl whoami

Configuration file

bluectl also supports authentication using a configuration file located in $HOME/.config/alphaus/config.toml.

client-id = 'sample-id'
client-secret = 'sample-secret'

client-id = 'sample-id'
client-secret = 'sample-secret'
auth-url = ''

You can select a profile using the --profile flag. For example:

$ bluectl whoami --profile beta

If the configuration file exists and the [default] profile is set, bluectl will use that credentials. In this case, the --profile default flag can be omitted. If both environment variables and the [default] profile are present, bluectl will use the [default] profile.

# This usage...
$ bluectl whoami --profile default

# is the same as...
$ bluectl whoami


Finally, you can explore some of bluectl's available supported commands by running:

# Check out the main commands:
$ bluectl -h

# More information on a specific subcommand:
$ bluectl {subcommand} -h