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Setup BigQuery to register GCP billing account in Octo

Export Billing Data to BigQuery

In order for Octo to help you with managing your Google Cloud Platform bills, you need to first export your billing data to BigQuery. This lets Octo see all the details of your cloud spending, so it can give you the best advice on how to save money and manage costs effectively.

If you have already exported your data to BigQuery, you can skip this step and proceed to the next one. If not, you can follow the instructions below.

  1. Choose the Project ID you want to save the dataset to the BigQuery.

    Export-Billing-1 It is recommended to create a project for hosting Cloud Billing exports, as this facilitates efficient management and organization of billing data.

  2. Go to BigQuery, click the three vertical dots then Create Dataset.

    Billing-Export-2 Billing-Export-3

  3. Go to Billing and Select Billing Export


  4. Select the BIGQUERY EXPORT tab and click EDIT SETTINGS under the Standard Usage Cost section.


  5. In the Projects input, select the Project ID where the dataset is saved. For the "Dataset" input, choose the dataset that you've created, and then click SAVE.


Add BigQuery Permission

  1. After completing the previous step, return to BigQuery and locate the dataset created. Click the three vertical dots next to the dataset name, then click Share


  2. Click Add Principal and use the Alphaus service account provided below and assign the "BigQuery Data Viewer" role to it, then click "Save."
    BigQuery-Permission-2 BigQuery-Permission-3