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CUR and S3 Bucket Setup for Payer Accounts

To pull your AWS data to Octo, there is a need to setup the CUR and S3 bucket for payer accounts.

Two deployment ways when setting up the CUR and S3 bucket:

Setup CloudFormation using default configuration.

The CUR export settings and the target S3 bucket will be deployed to us-east-1 region.

  1. Select Default configuration.

  2. Click Open AWS Create Stack Page.

  3. Clicking the link above will take you to your CloudFormation console.

  4. Please make sure that it is deployed on the default us-east-1 region.

  5. Once done, come back to Octo and click Check and Confirm to start the verification process.

Setup target S3 bucket in a different region.

S3 bucket is setup on a desired region aside from us-east-1 region.

  1. Select Target S3 bucket in a different region.

  2. Under S3 Bucket, click Open AWS Create Stack Page.

  3. Clicking the link above will take you to your CloudFormation console.

  4. Under CUR, click Open AWS Create Stack Page.

  5. Clicking the link above will take you to your CloudFormation console.

  6. Set the CurS3BucketOption parameter to USE_EXISTING, then set your CurS3BucketName and CurS3BucketRegion accordingly.

  7. Please make sure that it is deployed on the us-east-1 region.

  8. Once done, come back to this page and click Check and Confirm to start the verification process.